How to define a Majorana fermion?
- 日時
- 2025年2月20日(木)13:00 - 14:30 (JST)
- 講演者
- 藤川 和男 (東京大学 名誉教授)
- 会場
- セミナー室 (359号室) 3階 359号室 (メイン会場)
- via Zoom
- 言語
- 英語
- ホスト
- Tsukasa Tada
It is fundamental in particle physics if the neutrino is a Dirac fermion or a Majorana fermion, and the seesaw model gives naturally a Majorana
neutrino in an extension of the Standard Model. However, the commonly used chirality changing \(pseudo-C symmetry \) \(\nu^{\tilde C}_L=C\overline{\nu_L}^T\)
of a chiral fermion is not defined in Lagrangian field theory. Precisely speaking, the neutrinoless double beta decay is not described by the pseudo-C symmetry. The Majorana neutrino obtained after a Bogoliubov-type canonical transformation, which is the one originally defined by Majorana using a Dirac-type fermion, describes
consistently all the properties expected for the Majorana neutrino. Physical implication of this fact is briefly discussed.
- K. Fujikawa and A. Tunearu, Two classes of Majorana neutrinos in the seesaw model, Physics Letters, B858, 139064 (2024), doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2405.18702, arXiv: 2405.18702