2023年5月10日(水)13:30 - 15:00 (JST)
  • 内野 瞬 (日本原子力研究開発機構 先端基礎科学センター 研究員)
Hidetoshi Taya

Quantum transport occurring through a mesoscopic conduction region allows us to extract interesting quantum many-body phenomena. For decades, solid-state systems have been the playground of such transport and revealed nontrivial outcomes such as the conductance quantization in a quantum point contact system and the fractional charge measurement in a fractional quantum Hall system. More recently, cold atoms trapped in the vacuum have served as the complementary system to study the quantum transport phenomena.

In this seminar, I wish to discuss the recent progresses of quantum transport with cold atoms. The great advantages of those systems are that one can control quantum statistics, inter-particle interactions, dissipation, and dimensions. I try to show that such controllability enables to explore a regime of quantum transport that has yet to be reached with solid-state materials, including transport of bosons, dissipation effect in transport, and transport with synthetic dimensions.

