Statistical mechanics of tissue homeostasis
- 日時
- 2018年1月22日(月)14:00 - 15:00 (JST)
- 講演者
- 川口 喬吾 (東京大学)
- 言語
- 英語
Adult tissues undergo rapid turnover as mature cells are continuously lost and new cells arise through cell division. The balance between the gain and loss of cells must be finely orchestrated to maintain tissues, but how this balance is achieved remains largely unknown. Previous works [1] have used universal scaling laws to claim that the fate choice of stem cells (division or differentiation) are made strictly cell-autonomously. However, we recently recorded every stem cell fate choice within the mouse skin epidermal regions over one week and found that, far from being cell-autonomous, stem cell loss by differentiation is compensated by direct neighboring division [2].
In this talk, I will describe a model of tissue homeostasis using a macroscopic nonequilibrium setup, and explain how the coarse-graining of this model will lead to the effective dynamics of the voter model (DP2). I will show how we can use the property of dynamical crossover in the model -from the cell-autonomous regime (critical birth-death model) to the fate-coordinated regime (voter model)- to measure the length and time scales of stem cell coordination. I will then explain the pitfall in two-dimensions of using scaling relations for the clonal fate trace of cells, and present the workaround we used in the data analysis to definitively show the existence of cell-to-cell fate correlation.
- E. Clayton et al., Nature 446, 185 (2007)
- K. Mesa, K. Kawaguchi et al., bioRxiv:155408 (2017)