2024年7月4日(木)14:00 - 15:00 (JST)
  • 富樫 甫 (大阪大学 核物理研究センター 特任助教)
Akira Dohi

The presence of hyperons in the neutron star interior have been investigated by many researchers using both phenomenological and microscopic approaches for the equation of state (EOS) of neutron star matter with hyperons. However, hyperon fractions in nuclear matter are still far from being understood, since there are relatively large uncertainties in hyperon interactions due to the small amount of the experimental data. Furthermore, recently observed masses of massive pulsars impose severe constraints on the hyperon EOS.
In this seminar, I will review the recent results of microscopic nuclear EOS including hyperons and its applications to astrophysical compact objects to discuss the possible signatures of the presence of hyperons in compact star interiors. In particular, I will discuss the effect of three-body forces including hyperons on the structure and particle composition of (proto) neutron stars.

