2024年2月6日(火)13:30 - 15:00 (JST)
  • ジャンルカ・コロ  (Professor, Department of Physics, University of Milan, Italy / Professor, Sezione di Milano, INFN, Italy)
Tomoya Naito

In this contribution, I will give an overall (and, of course, biased) view of the general status of DFT. I will stress that, in contrast to ab initio methods, DFT is the only framework that allows the study of excited states, including those lying at relatively high energy. Accordingly, I will focus on the nuclear response.

After a reminder on the nuclear Giant Resonances and the link with the nuclear equation of state, I will discuss the projection methods to restore symmetries in the calculations of deformed systems. While symmetry-restored calculations are nowadays of common use in the study of ground-state properties and low-lying excitations, similar realistic investigations for the nuclear response are essentially missing in the literature. Recently, we have implemented an exact Angular Momentum Projection (AMP) on top of Skyrme-Random Phase Approximation (RPA) calculations in a projection after variation (PAV) scheme, for the first time. The results will be critically analysed in the case of the monopole response, also taking into account the experimental investigations that can be envisioned for well-deformed systems.

If time allows, the nuclear response will be also discussed as a way to improve the current density functionals and ground them on ab initio nuclear theory.

This seminar is co-hosted by Nuclear Many-body Theory Laboratory and Few-body Systems in Physics Laboratory, RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science.

