84 events
Workshop to bring together experts on High Energy Astrophysics from Japan and Israel
July 18 (Thu) - 23 (Tue), 2019
This workshop is co-organized by iTHEMS. 1st week (July 18-19th) Place: Okochi Hall, RIKEN, Wako, Saitama, Japan 2nd week (July 22-23th) Place: Integrated Innovation Building (IIB), RIKEN, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan
Venue: Okochi Hall / Integrated Innovation Building (IIB)
Event Official Language: English
SOKENDAI-iTHEMS Joint Workshop "Genetics meets Mathematics"
July 7 (Sun) - 8 (Mon), 2019
Jeffrey Fawcett (Senior Research Scientist, iTHEMS)
7月7,8日に総研大葉山キャンパス近くの研修施設レクトーレ葉山にて遺伝・進化の研究者と数学・物理の研究者の交流を深めることを目的としたインフォーマルなワークショップを開催します。 生物の知識が全くない(主に数学・物理の)研究者を対象とした、生命の分子レベルでの多様性を説明しうる集団遺伝や分子進化の理論などに関するレクチャーを行います。また、今後の相互作用の可能性がありそうなテーマに取り組む数学・物理の研究者にも講演していただきます。 参加費・宿泊費は無料(懇親会費を頂く場合があります)で、前日の7/6と7/7に会場の宿泊施設に泊まることが可能です。プログラムの詳細は今後変更する場合があります。 登録締切:6/24 (宿泊者数に限りがあるため早めに締め切る場合があります) Organizers: Jeffrey Fawcett (RIKEN iTHEMS), Tetsuo Hatsuda (RIKEN iTHEMS), Shohei Takuno (SOKENDAI), Hideki Innan (SOKENDAI)
Venue: LecTore Hayama
Event Official Language: Japanese
RIKEN-OIST mini Workshop 2019 "Mathematical Condensed Matter Physics"
July 5 (Fri) - 6 (Sat), 2019
Topics: Boson-Fermion duality, Operator product expansion, Random matrix Lecturers: Takuya Furusawa (TIT/RIKEN) Yuta Sekino (RIKEN) Shinobu Hikami (OIST) Organizers: Masahiro Nozaki (RIKEN) Chair person Masaru Hongo (Keio Univ./RIKEN) Kanato Goto (RIKEN) Hidehiko Shimada (OIST)
Venue: Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST)
Event Official Language: English
1-day Workshop on Quantum Gravity
July 4 (Thu) at 9:30 - 18:00, 2019
In order to construct a quantum theory of gravity, it is currently required to study freely from various viewpoints. In this small workshop, we will discuss various different topics such as field theory, string theory, quantum black hole, quantum universe and so on, and will consider future directions to quantum gravity casually but deeply. Let's enjoy exciting discussions!
Venue: Seminar Room #132
Event Official Language: English
iTHEMS Science Outreach Workshop 2019
May 31 (Fri) - June 3 (Mon), 2019
This is a workshop in which researchers in natural and mathematical sciences and the science journalists get together and discuss outreach activities. iTHEMS started to support this annual workshop as well as the journalist in residence program from last year to establish better science communication. Contact: Takashi Tsuboi (iTHEMS Deputy Director)
Venue: Tambara Institute of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Event Official Language: Japanese
International Molecule-type Workshop "Frontiers in Lattice QCD and related topics"
April 15 (Mon) - 26 (Fri), 2019
International Molecule-type Workshop "Frontiers in Lattice QCD and related topics" will be held in Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP) on April 15 - 26, 2019 under the support of iTHEMS and YITP. Lattice quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is a systematic method to investigate strong interaction of hadrons with numerical simulations. In this workshop, frontiers of lattice QCD will be discussed under relaxed atmosphere in Kyoto. Organizers: Sinya Aoki (YITP), Yasumichi Aoki (RIKEN, CCS), Hidenori Fukaya (Osaka U.), Shoji Hashimoto (KEK), Tetsuo Hatsuda (RIKEN, iTHEMS), Takumi Doi (RIKEN, Nishina Center), Atsushi Watanabe (YITP)
Venue: Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
Event Official Language: English
iTHEMS-AIMR Joint Workshop "Medicine meets Mathematics"
March 29 (Fri) at 10:00 - 17:00, 2019
Speakers: Takuya Ueda (Tohoku Univ. Hospital) Noriaki Ogawa (RIKEN iTHEMS) Takayuki Sakajo (Math. Dep., Kyoto Univ.) Yoshiki Sugitani (AIMR, Tohoku Univ.) Jun Seita (RIKEN MIH) Tetsuro Sekine (Nippon Medical School Hospital) Masato Taki (RIKEN iTHEMS) Kenji Takizawa (Faculty of Sci. and Eng., Waseda U.) Hosted by SUURI-COOL Sendai(iTHEMS-AIMR Mathematical Science Cooperative Lab.) Co-hosted by iTHEMS, AIMR Sponsored by CREST "New Challenges for Mathematical Modeling in Clinical Medicine" Organizers: Hiroshi Suito (AIMR), Tetsuo Hatsuda (iTHEMS)
Venue: 3rd floor Lecture Theater, Katahira Campus, Tohoku University
Event Official Language: Japanese
Value distribution of zeta and L-functions and related topics
March 22 (Fri) - 27 (Wed), 2019
March 22–26, 2019 Main Conference (invited talks, posters and a limited number of short contributed talks) Welcome Reception: March 22, 2019 (18:00~20:00) Conference Dinner: March 25, 2019 (18:30~21:00) March 27, 2019 (9:30~17:00) One-day Workshop (a series of short contributed talks by young researchers to facilitate active discussions) ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Ade Irma Suriajaya (RIKEN) Yoshinosuke Hirakawa (Keio University) Masataka Ono (Kyushu University) Shin-ichiro Seki (Tohoku University) Keiju Sono (Ehime University) Shingo Sugiyama (Nihon University) Yuta Suzuki (Nagoya University) ADVISORY COMMITTEE Tetsuo Hatsuda (RIKEN iTHEMS) Kenichi Bannai (Keio University, RIKEN AIP Center)
Venue: Okochi Hall / Large Meeting Room, 2F Welfare and Conference Building (Cafeteria)
Event Official Language: English
The 2nd International Workshop on Quantum Many-Body Problems in Particle, Nuclear, and Atomic Physics
March 7 (Thu) - 11 (Mon), 2019
Venue: University of Khanh Hoa, Nha Trang City, Vietnam
Event Official Language: English
Workshop of Nuclear-Astrophysics by UKAKUREN/Japan Forum of Nuclear Astrophysics (JaFNA): Nuclear data & Heavy Element Nucleosynthesis
March 6 (Wed) - 8 (Fri), 2019
We are pleased to announce that we will have a meeting on Nuclear-Astrophysics at Hokkaido Univ. Especially this time we will focus on the impact of nuclear data & nucleosynthesis of heavy elements. Gravitational wave is another keyword. This workshop is held by UKAKUREN (JaFNA), together with Nuclear Reaction Data Centre, Hokkaido University (JCPRG). This workshop is supported by iTHEMS, CNS, RCNP, NAOJ, KEK, and WNSC. You are welcomed to join us. For registration, please fill in the attached form (in Japanese) and send it to: by 30th November 2018. We are looking forward to seeing you at Hokkaido U. Organizers T. Kajino (Chair), T. Kawabata (Osaka), H. Utsunomiya (Konan), S. Nishimura (RIKEN), H. Yamaguchi (CNS), T.Hayakawa (QST), T.Motobayashi (RIKEN), K.Terada(Osaka), S.Nagataki(RIKEN), S.Chiba(TIT), T.Tamagawa(RIKEN), W.Aoki(NAOJ), S.Wanajo(AEI), S.Kubono(RIKEN), T.Shima(RCNP)
Venue: Hokkaido University Conference Hall
Event Official Language: Japanese
RIKEN-Berkeley WS on Quantum Information Science (RB19)
January 25 (Fri) - 29 (Tue), 2019
Initiated by the RIKEN Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences (iTHEMS) program at Berkeley, this workshop will focus on the development of quantum computing techniques, quantum materials, and quantum sensing, as well as their corresponding applications to physical sciences, with an emphasis to galvanize the participants into future collaboration. Organizing Committee: Chia Cheng Chang (RIKEN iTHEMS/UCB/LBNL NSD) Takumi Doi (RIKEN iTHEMS) Tetsuo Hatsuda (RIKEN iTHEMS) Wick Haxton (UCB/LBNL NSD/RIKEN iTHEMS) Alan Poon (LBNL NSD/BQ) Advisory Committee: Jonathan Carter (LBNL CRD/BQ) Yasunobu Nakamura (RIKEN CEMS/Tokyo) Franco Nori (RIKEN/Michigan) Thomas Schenkel (LBNL AT-AP/BQ) Irfan Siddiqi (UCB/BQ) Seigo Tarucha (RIKEN CEMS/Tokyo) Co-hosted by RIKEN iTHREMS RIKEN CEMS Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL) Univ. of California at Berkeley (UCB) Supported by Berkeley Quantum (bq) US Dept. of Energy (DOE)
Venue: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley, California)
Event Official Language: English
Workshop on Recent Developments of Chiral Matter and Topology
December 6 (Thu) - 9 (Sun), 2018
The aim of this workshop is to gather researchers of high-energy and condensed-matter physics working on chiral Matter and Topology, to exchange ideas and establish collaborations to tackle unsolved issues and carry out future extensions. The workshop expects to welcome 40-60 participants who are interested in the aforementioned topics. Organizers: Tomoki Ozawa, Tetsuo Hatsuda (RIKEN iTHEMS) Di-Lun Yang (RIKEN Nishina Center; YITP, Kyoto) Chang-Tse Hsieh (Kavli IPMU / ISSP, the Univ. of Tokyo) Jiunn-Wei Chen, Guang-Yu Guo (National Taiwan Univ.) Hsiang-Nan Li (Academia Sinica)
Venue: National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Event Official Language: English
iTHEMS-Kyushu WS - from particles and nuclei to cosmos -
November 21 (Wed) - 22 (Thu), 2018
Program: Nov.21 (Wed) 13:00-13:05: T. Hatsuda (RIKEN) Introduction 13:05-13:50: T. Doi (RIKEN) Lattice QCD and Baryon Interactions 13:50-14:20: T. Hirakida (Kyushu) Persistent homology and confinement-deconfinement transition 14:20-14:50: H. Takaura(Kyushu)Strong coupling constant from inter-quark potential - OPE calculation without renormalon ambiguity - 14:50-15:20: Y. Yamaguchi (RIKEN) Short range pi J/psi-DDbar* potential 15:20-15:35: Coffee Break 15:35-16:20: Y. Hidaka (RIKEN) Nambu-Goldstone theorem and spontaneous symmetry breaking 16:20-16:50: T.M. Doi(RIKEN) PMS condition of optimized perturbation theory and anti-Stokes line 16:50-17:20: O. Morikawa(Kyushu)Numerical study of the N=2 Landau-Ginzburg model 17:20-17:50: M. Hongo (RIKEN) Effective field theory for dissipative systems 18:00-20:00: Banquet Nov.22 (Thur) 9:30-10:15: H. Togashi (RIKEN) Equation of state for dense matter and astrophysical phenomena at high baryon density 10:15-10:45: S. Ogawa (Kyushu) Microscopic optical potentials with projectile breakup 10:45-11:00: Coffee Break 11:00-11:30: S. Furusawa (RIKEN) Supernovae and neutrinos 11:30-12:00: K. Takami (KCCT) Simulations of neutron-star mergers Co-hosted by Graduate School of Science, Kyushu Univ. RIKEN iTHEMS Organized by Emiko Hiyama (Kyushu Univ. /RIKEN) Hiroshi Suzuki (Kyushu Univ.) Tetsuo Hatsuda (RIKEN iTHEMS)
Venue: Integrated Innovation Building (IIB)
Event Official Language: Japanese
Spintronics: from electrons to quarks (iTHEMS-CEMS Joint Meeting)
November 7 (Wed) at 10:00 - 17:30, 2018
Program: 10:00-10:15 T. Hatsuda (RIKEN) “Opening” 10:15-10:45 S. Maekawa (RIKEN) “Introduction to Spintronics”. 10:45-11:45 M. Matsuo (KITS, Beijing) “Spintronics phenomena in non-inertial frames” (Review) 13:30-14:30 M. Hongo (Riken) “Introduction to chiral transport phenomena” (Review) 14:30-15:00 Y. Hidaka (RIKEN) “Non-Equilibrium Quantum Transport of Chiral Fluids” 15:30-16:00 Y. Tsutsumi (RIKEN) “Spin-Vorticity Coupling in Liquid He”. 16:00-16:30 T. Takiwaki (NAOJ) “Chiral magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in core-collapse supernovae” 16:30-17:30 Discussion (and Closing by T. Hatsuda)
Venue: Seminar Room #160
Event Official Language: Japanese
The 9th RIKEN-Kyoto University Joint Data Assimilation Workshop
July 17 (Tue) at 13:30 - 17:30, 2018
If you plan to attend the workshop, please register by July 13. Hosted by Data Assimilation Research Team, RIKEN and Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University Co-hosted by iTHEMS, RIKEN
Venue: #809 Graduate School of Science Bldg. No 6, Kyoto University
Event Official Language: Japanese
iCeMS-iTHEMS Joint Workshop on Interdisciplinary Biology
July 4 (Wed) at 10:00 - 16:30, 2018
This is the first joint workshop between iCeMS (Kyoto Univ.) and iTHEMS (RIKEN). The WS is co-hosted by KUIAS (Kyoto Univ.), iTHEMS (RIKEN) and MACS Program (Kyoto Univ.). By exploring the forefront of experimental and mathematical biology, this workshop aims to stimulate novel research directions in these areas and strengthen the connection between Kyoto Univ. and RIKEN. Those who plan to attend the "get-together", please register before June 22 (Fri.) noon. Co-hosted by Kyoto University Institute for Advanced Study (KUIAS), Kyoto Univ. Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences (iTHEMS), RIKEN MACS Program (MACS), Kyoto Univ.
Venue: #201, Maskawa Building for Education and Research
Event Official Language: English
iTHEMS Science Outreach Workshop 2018
June 1 (Fri) - 4 (Mon), 2018
This is a workshop in which researchers in natural and mathematical sciences and the science journalists get together and discuss outreach activities. iTHEMS started to support this annual workshop as well as the journalist in residence program from last year to establish better science communication. Contact: Takashi Tsuboi (iTHEMS Deputy Director)
Venue: Tambara Institute of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Event Official Language: Japanese
Frontiers of nonequilibrium physics - Particle physics, cosmology, and condensed matter -
December 6 (Wed) - 8 (Fri), 2017
RIKEN Symposium・iTHES/iTHEMS Workshop
Venue: Suzuki Umetaro Hall
Event Official Language: Japanese
Recent Developments in QCD and Quantum Field Theories
November 9 (Thu) - 12 (Sun), 2017
This workshop covers a broad range of recent developments in QCD and quantum field theories involving perturbative QCD (with applications in the nucleon structure and heavy ion collisions), AdS/CFT correspondence and non-perturbative physics, lattice QCD, nucleon and nuclear structures and reactions, quantum field theory at finite temperature/density, the theory of cold atoms, and anomalous effects such as chiral magnetic/vortical effects rooted in quantum anomalies and topology. The primary goal of the workshop is to gather researchers in the relevant fields to exchange ideas and establish future collaborations. RIKEN - Taiwan Workshop
Event Official Language: English
84 events
- iTHEMS Colloquium
- MACS Colloquium
- iTHEMS Seminar
- iTHEMS Math Seminar
- DMWG Seminar
- iTHEMS Biology Seminar
- iTHEMS Theoretical Physics Seminar
- Information Theory SG Seminar
- Quantum Matter Seminar
- ABBL-iTHEMS Joint Astro Seminar
- Math-Phys Seminar
- Quantum Gravity Gatherings
- RIKEN Quantum Seminar
- Quantum Computation SG Seminar
- Asymptotics in Astrophysics SG Seminar
- GW-EOS WG Seminar
- DEEP-IN Seminar
- NEW WG Seminar
- Lab-Theory Standing Talks
- QFT-core Seminar
- STAMP Seminar
- QuCoIn Seminar
- Number Theory Seminar
- Academic-Industrial Innovation Lecture
- Berkeley-iTHEMS Seminar
- iTHEMS-RNC Meson Science Lab. Joint Seminar
- RIKEN Quantum Lecture
- Theory of Operator Algebras
- iTHEMS Intensive Course-Evolution of Cooperation
- Introduction to Public-Key Cryptography
- Knot Theory
- iTHES Theoretical Science Colloquium
- SUURI-COOL Seminar
- iTHES Seminar