November 21 (Wed) at 12:00 - November 22 (Thu) at 13:00, 2018 (JST)


Nov.21 (Wed)
13:00-13:05: T. Hatsuda (RIKEN) Introduction
13:05-13:50: T. Doi (RIKEN) Lattice QCD and Baryon Interactions
13:50-14:20: T. Hirakida (Kyushu) Persistent homology and confinement-deconfinement transition
14:20-14:50: H. Takaura(Kyushu)Strong coupling constant from inter-quark potential - OPE calculation without renormalon ambiguity -
14:50-15:20: Y. Yamaguchi (RIKEN) Short range pi J/psi-DDbar* potential
15:20-15:35: Coffee Break
15:35-16:20: Y. Hidaka (RIKEN) Nambu-Goldstone theorem and spontaneous symmetry breaking
16:20-16:50: T.M. Doi(RIKEN) PMS condition of optimized perturbation theory and anti-Stokes line
16:50-17:20: O. Morikawa(Kyushu)Numerical study of the N=2 Landau-Ginzburg model
17:20-17:50: M. Hongo (RIKEN) Effective field theory for dissipative systems
18:00-20:00: Banquet

Nov.22 (Thur)
9:30-10:15: H. Togashi (RIKEN) Equation of state for dense matter and astrophysical phenomena at high baryon density
10:15-10:45: S. Ogawa (Kyushu) Microscopic optical potentials with projectile breakup
10:45-11:00: Coffee Break
11:00-11:30: S. Furusawa (RIKEN) Supernovae and neutrinos
11:30-12:00: K. Takami (KCCT) Simulations of neutron-star mergers

Co-hosted by 
Graduate School of Science, Kyushu Univ.

Organized by
Emiko Hiyama (Kyushu Univ. /RIKEN)
Hiroshi Suzuki (Kyushu Univ.)
Tetsuo Hatsuda (RIKEN iTHEMS)

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