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All text, photographs, diagrams, and other materials on this website are copyrighted by RIKEN unless explicitly specified otherwise on the website. It is prohibited to use, reproduce, or modify any of the material without RIKEN's permission.


Links that might mislead users about the sources of information are not permitted. Please clearly indicate it is a link to a RIKEN iTHEMS webpage. Links from the following types of websites are strictly forbidden:

  • commercial websites or websites for soliciting customers that have no relation to RIKEN;
  • websites that contain contents intended to libel, defame, or damage the reputation of RIKEN or other persons or organizations;
  • websites that infringe or might infringe upon the intellectual property rights, property, privacy, or other rights of RIKEN or other persons or organizations; and
  • other websites that RIKEN judges unsuitable, for example websites that violate laws or public order and morals, and websites that might hinder the operation of the RIKEN website.


Currently, due to a focus on remote work, we have suspended phone inquiries. Please use the inquiry form to contact us. In addition, for questions from elementary, middle, and high school students, please send them through your school teacher or guardian. In such cases, our researchers will respond to the best of their abilities.

Conditions of Use

We are not responsible for any direct or indirect damages caused by the use or browsing of this website. We also assume no responsibility for the content of external sites linked to from this website. All or part of the information on this website may be changed, deleted, or suspended without prior notice.