Workshop of Nuclear-Astrophysics by UKAKUREN/Japan Forum of Nuclear Astrophysics (JaFNA): Nuclear data & Heavy Element Nucleosynthesis
- Date
- March 6 (Wed) at 9:00 - March 8 (Fri) at 12:35, 2019 (JST)
- Language
- Japanese
We are pleased to announce that we will have a meeting on Nuclear-Astrophysics at Hokkaido Univ. Especially this time we will focus on the impact of nuclear data & nucleosynthesis of heavy elements. Gravitational wave is another keyword.
This workshop is held by UKAKUREN (JaFNA), together with Nuclear Reaction Data Centre, Hokkaido University (JCPRG). This workshop is supported by iTHEMS, CNS, RCNP, NAOJ, KEK, and WNSC.
You are welcomed to join us. For registration, please fill in the attached form (in Japanese) and send it to: by 30th November 2018.
We are looking forward to seeing you at Hokkaido U.
T. Kajino (Chair), T. Kawabata (Osaka), H. Utsunomiya (Konan), S. Nishimura (RIKEN), H. Yamaguchi (CNS), T.Hayakawa (QST), T.Motobayashi (RIKEN),
K.Terada(Osaka), S.Nagataki(RIKEN), S.Chiba(TIT), T.Tamagawa(RIKEN), W.Aoki(NAOJ), S.Wanajo(AEI), S.Kubono(RIKEN), T.Shima(RCNP)