135件のニュース / 2024年
ホットトピックFarewell message from Keita Mikami
Our colleague Keita Mikami will move on to a new career as an assistant professor at University of Hyogo as of Oct. 1, 2024. We all will miss him and wish him the best of luck in his latest endeavor. Here is a message from Keita Mikami: My five and a half years at iTHEMS have been truly outstanding. The environment here has been exceptional, significantly enriching my research in many different ways. One of the key highlights has been the stimulating and insightful discussions with researchers from diverse fields. Furthermore, my experiences working on MACS, organizing math seminars, and coordinating other events such as SSP have been invaluable. My research visit to UCB was also an incredible experience. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all the researchers and assistants at iTHEMS. I am especially grateful to the director, Hatsuda-san, for his unwavering support.As I move forward, I hope to continue interacting with the iTHEMS community, albeit in a new capacity. Once again, thank you for these five wonderful years.
リサーチニュースRIKEN Research: More magic in twisted layers of graphene
Magnetic fields can engineer flat bands in twisted graphene layers to create a new playground for exotic physics, RIKEN physicists have shown. The exotic properties of graphene—a single layer of carbon atoms in a hexagonal lattice—are now well established. Electrons effectively move through graphene as if they have no mass. This is an exciting prospect for creating electronic devices with functionalities beyond those of silicon. But things get even weirder when two or more layers of graphene are combined. To read more, please visit the related link.
今週の論文Week 2, September 2024
Title: Understanding the puzzle of angular momentum conservation in beta decay and related processes Author: Gordon Baym, Jen-Chieh Peng, C. J. Pethick arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2405.15011v2 Title: Variational Monte Carlo with Neural Network Quantum States for Yang-Mills Matrix Model Author: Norbert Bodendorfer, Onur Oktay, Vaibhav Gautam, Masanori Hanada, Enrico Rinaldi arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2409.00398v1 Title: Waveform distortion for temperature compensation and synchronization in circadian rhythms: An approach based on the renormalization group method Author: Shingo Gibo, Teiji Kunihiro, Tetsuo Hatsuda, Gen Kurosawa arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2409.02526v1
リサーチニュースRIKEN Research: The link between fuzzy images and quantum fields
Mathematical solutions to thorny quantum problems can be found more quickly by exploiting the correspondence between the statistical methods used in deep learning and techniques for implementing quantum simulations, a team led by a RIKEN researcher has shown. One of the most successful theories in modern physics, quantum field theory is physicists’ attempt to combine three theories—classical field physics, Einstein’s special relativity and quantum mechanics—into a single mathematical model. It has been successful in solving problems in particle physics and condensed-matter physics, but these calculations are computationally intensive and require a lot of computer power. To read more, please visit the related link.
今週の論文Week 5, August 2024
Title: On the elastoplastic behavior in collisional compression of spherical dust aggregates Author: Sota Arakawa, Hidekazu Tanaka, Eiichiro Kokubo, Satoshi Okuzumi, Misako Tatsuuma, Daisuke Nishiura, Mikito Furuichi arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2408.15573v1 Title: Constraints on the parameter space in dark matter admixed neutron stars Author: Ankit Kumar, Hajime Sotani arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2408.15312v1 Title: Polaronic neutron in dilute alpha matter: A $p$-wave Bose polaron Author: Hiroyuki Tajima, Hajime Moriya, Tomoya Naito, Wataru Horiuchi, Eiji Nakano, Kei Iida arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2408.15043v1 Title: The hardest-hit home run? Author: Donald C. Warren arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2408.14529v1 Title: Selection changes productivity over time Author: William Godsoe, Ryosuke Iritani, Elena Moltchanova, Rua Murray, Philipp Wacker Journal Reference: Authorea doi: https://doi.org/10.22541/au.172463311.10031706/v1 Title: Construction of weaving and polycatenane motifs from periodic tilings of the plane Author: Mizuki Fukuda, Motoko Kotani, Sonia Mahmoudi arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.12168v3
ホットトピックFarewell message from Takeru Yokota
Our colleague Takeru Yokota will move to RIKEN Quantum Computer Center (RQC) starting from September 1, 2024, and will then be posted to a University as a faculty member as of April 1, 2025. We all will miss him and wish him the best of luck in his latest endeavor. Here is a message from Takeru Yokota: I am grateful for having spent the past three and a half years in an environment where I could focus on research at iTHEMS. Engaging in discussions with researchers from various fields of mathematical sciences has been a valuable experience. I would like to express my deep appreciation to the director, Hatsuda-san, the staff, and the assistants who created such a wonderful environment, as well as to the members who engaged in these valuable discussions. I look forward to continuing my interactions with the members of iTHEMS in the future.
今週の論文Week 4, August 2024
Title: Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis on a bubble universe nucleated in Kerr-AdS$_5$ Black Hole Author: Akira Dohi, Issei Koga, Kazushige Ueda arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10315v1 Title: Floquet prethermalization of ${\bf Z}_2$ lattice gauge theory on superconducting qubits Author: Tomoya Hayata, Kazuhiro Seki, Arata Yamamoto arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2408.10079v1 Title: A possible case of adaptive radiation in cycads. A commentary on ‘Transcriptome sequencing data provide a solid base to understand the phylogenetic relationships, biogeography and reticulated evolution of the genus Zamia L. (Cycadales: Zamiaceae)’ Author: José Said Gutiérrez-Ortega, Juan Carlos Villarreal A. Journal Reference: Annals of Botany, mcae110 (2024) doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/aob/mcae110
セミナーレポートiTHEMS Biology Seminar by Kojima Shohei on June 20, 2024
In this time, I invited Dr. Shohei Kojima (IMS, RIKEN) to talk about his research on the relationship between genetic variations and diseases. The seminar was very lively, with not only biologists but also physicists and mathematicians in attendance. Since he began with the basics of the research field, participants were able to ask questions as they arose, making it easy to follow and understand. The seminar was highly informative, especially regarding the challenges of evaluating disease risk based on genetic background in diseases heavily influenced by environmental factors. He also discussed the prospect of addressing these challenges through stratification rather than individualization, which was particularly enlightening. Reported by Daiki Kumakura
今週の論文Week 3, August 2024
Title: Entanglement dynamics in 2d HCFTs on the curved background: the case of q-Möbius Hamiltonian Author: Chen Bai, Akihiro Miyata, Masahiro Nozaki arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2408.06594v1 Title: New Field Theories with Foliation Structure and Subdimensional Particles from Godbillon-Vey Invariant Author: Hiromi Ebisu, Masazumi Honda, Taiichi Nakanishi, Soichiro Shimamori arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2408.05048v1 Title: Piecewise constant profiles minimizing total variation energies of Kobayashi-Warren-Carter type with fidelity Author: Yoshikazu Giga, Ayato Kubo, Hirotoshi Kuroda, Jun Okamoto, Koya Sakakibara arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2408.04228v1
今週の論文Week 2, August 2024
Title: Well-conditioned dipole-type method of fundamental solutions: derivation and its mathematical analysis Author: Koya Sakakibara arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2408.00212v1
今週の論文Week 1, August 2024
Title: The Bulk Densities of Small Solar System Bodies as a Probe of Planetesimal Formation Author: Misako Tatsuuma, Akimasa Kataoka, Hidekazu Tanaka, Tristan Guillot arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2407.21386v1 Title: Combinatorial and Algebraic Mutations of Toric Fano 3-folds and Mass Deformations of 2d (0,2) Quiver Gauge Theories Author: Dongwook Ghim, Minsung Kho, Rak-Kyeong Seong arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2407.19924v1 Title: On iterated circumcenter sequences Author: Shuho Kanda, Junnosuke Koizumi arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2407.19767v1 Title: Fermi-surface diagnosis for $s$-wave-like topological superconductivity Author: Zhongyi Zhang, Ken Shiozaki, Chen Fang, Seishiro Ono arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2407.20231v1 Title: Osterwalder-Schrader axioms for unitary full vertex operator algebras Author: Maria Stella Adamo, Yuto Moriwaki, Yoh Tanimoto arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2407.18222v1
ホットトピックSLMath Summer Graduate School "h-principle" on July 1, 2024
The SLMath Summer Graduate School "h-principle" Sendai 2024 was held from July 1 to July 12, 2024 at TOKYO ELECTRON House of Creativity (Chi no Yakata) in Katahira Campus of Tohoku University. This two weeks lomg summer graduate school was organized by Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (SLMath) and RIKEN iTHEMS, and coorganized by Mathematical Science Center for Co-creative Society (MathCCS) and Tohoku Forum for Creativity (TFC) of Tohoku University. There were 18 graduate students from the supporting institutions of SLMath and 12 graduate students from Japanese universities. There were four courses consisting of five 90 mintes lectures given by Emmy Murphy (Toront University), Dominik Inauen (Leipzig University) and Takashi Tsuboi (RIKEN iTHEMS / Tohoku University). The titles of lectures were "h-principles in smooth topology" by Emmy Murphy and "Riemannian geometry and applications to fluid dynamics" by Dominik Inauen in the first week, and "Contact and symplectic flexibility" by Emmy Murphy and "Foliation theory and diffeomorphism groups" by Takashi Tsuboi in the second week. We took video of the lectures and it can be seen later from the website of SLMath. There were 4 teaching assistants, Toru Yoshiyasu (Kyoto University of Education), Noboru Ogawa (Tokai University), Masato Ogawa (Tohoku University) and Sonia Mahmoudi (SUURI-COOL Sendai, Tohoku University) who took care of the 30 graduate students. Some details can be seen at SLMath website. The staffs of RIKEN iTHEMS, SUURI-COOL Sendai and MathCCS supported this summer graduate school for all the time, and all the participants are realy grateful for their help. TOKYO ELECTRON House of Creativity is really a nice place for the discussions in front of blackboards, and the house was filled with the discussions among the participants for 9:00 - 17:30 and some of the discussions continued in the meeting room in the hotel. The welcome party and the farewell party of Summer Graduate School were held jointy with the participants of G-RIPS Sendai 2024 which went on at MathCCS and which iTHEMS is cohosting. Reported by Takashi Tsuboi
今週の論文Week 4, July 2024
Title: Restricted Boltzmann Machines Propagators for Auxiliary Field Diffusion Monte Carlo Author: Jordan M. R. Fox, Alessandro Lovato, Alessandro Roggero, Ermal Rrapaj arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2407.14632v1
プレスリリースタンパク質凝集のコード解読 -アミノ酸配列からタンパク質分子の集まりやすさを予測する-
理化学研究所(理研)生命機能科学研究センター 生体非平衡物理学理研白眉研究チームの足立 景亮 研究員(数理創造プログラム 研究員)、川口 喬吾 理研白眉研究チームリーダー(開拓研究本部 川口生体非平衡物理学理研白眉研究チーム 理研白眉研究チームリーダー、東京大学 大学院理学系研究科附属 知の物理学研究センター 准教授)の研究チームは、タンパク質分子の集まりやすさやタンパク質凝集体の混ざりやすさを、アミノ酸配列に基づいて予測する理論を提案しました。 本研究成果は、膜を持たない細胞小器官の形成機構の解明に貢献し、将来的には、タンパク質のアミノ酸変異が細胞機能に与える影響を予測する理論に発展していくと期待されます。 詳細は、関連リンクをご覧下さい。
リサーチニュース文部科学省ポスター「一家に1枚」 20周年を迎え特集号が完成
文部科学省が毎年4月の科学技術週間に発行する「一家に1枚」ポスターが今年、20周年を迎えたのを記念し、サイエンスウィンドウ「一家に1枚 20周年特集号」が6月にPDF版が公開されました。1枚目の「元素周期表」から20枚目の「数理」までの全ページと、元素周期表・ヒトゲノムマップ・数理の3テーマではコラムが読めます。秋には印刷冊子が完成する見込みということです。
今週の論文Week 3, July 2024
Title: DMRG study of the theta-dependent mass spectrum in the 2-flavor Schwinger model Author: Etsuko Itou, Akira Matsumoto, Yuya Tanizaki arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2407.11391v1 Title: Quantum-inspired information entropy in multi-field turbulence Author: Go Yatomi, Motoki Nakata arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2407.09098v1 Title: Toric degenerations of Calabi--Yau complete intersections and metric SYZ conjecture Author: Keita Goto, Yuto Yamamoto arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2407.09133v1 Title: Neutron-quark stars: Discerning viable alternatives for the higher-density part of the equation of state of compact stars Author: Sudipta Hensh, Yong-Jia Huang, Toru Kojo, Luca Baiotti, Kentaro Takami, Shigehiro Nagataki, Hajime Sotani arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2407.09446v1
今週の論文Week 2, July 2024
Title: Krylov fractality and complexity in generic random matrix ensembles Author: Budhaditya Bhattacharjee, Pratik Nandy arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2407.07399v1
プレスリリースデータと数学で迫る冬眠の謎 -冬眠の仕組みの一端を数理モデルで解明-
冬眠中の小型哺乳類の体温は、環境温度近くまで低下しますが、この低温状態が冬眠中ずっと継続するわけではなく、環境温度に近い低温と通常の体温の間を何度も変動します。この大きな体温変動は冬眠の重要な部分なのですが、その生理学的な意味は十分に理解されていません。 儀保伸吾(iTHEMS特別研究員)と黒澤元(iTHEMS専任研究員)を含む国際共同研究グループは、高精度の実験データと数学を用いて、冬眠の仕組みの一端を解明しようとしました。そして、複数の種の冬眠中の実験データを再現する数理モデルを見つけました。本研究は、山口良文(北海道大学教授)、イリーナ・グラシェヴァ(エール大学教授)、スビアトスラフ・バクリアンツェフ(エール大学教授)、徳田功(立命館大学教授)との共同研究です。論文は、Nature Portfolioが新しく発行する雑誌「npj Biological Timing and Sleep」オンライン版に掲載されました。 詳細は、関連リンクからプレスリリース記事をご覧ください。
今週の論文Week 1, July 2024
Title: Bispectrum from inflation/bouncing Universe in VCDM Author: Alexander Ganz, Paul Martens, Shinji Mukohyama, Ryo Namba arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2407.02882v1 Title: Reconstruction of ringdown with excitation factors Author: Naritaka Oshita, Vitor Cardoso arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2407.02563v1 Title: Pushforward measures on homogeneous spaces of non-unimodular groups and properties of modular functions Author: Takashi Satomi arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2407.00670v1 Title: Groupoid homology and K-theory for algebraic actions from number theory Author: Chris Bruce, Yosuke Kubota, Takuya Takeishi arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2407.01952v1 Title: 4D Chern-Simons theory with auxiliary fields Author: Osamu Fukushima, Kentaroh Yoshida arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2407.02204v1 Title: Optimal version of the fundamental theorem of chronogeometry Author: Michiya Mori, Peter Šemrl arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2406.18874v1
セミナーレポートDEEP-IN Seminar by Chen Xiaowen on June 27, 2024
The latest DEEP-IN seminar, also a joint iTHEMS Biology seminar series, was held on June 27. The seminar featured an impressive talk by Dr. Chen Xiaowen, a postdoctoral researcher at LPENS, CNRS, France. Conducted virtually, the seminar attracted a broad audience interested in understanding collective behavior from a physics perspective. Chen Xiaowen's talk, "Inferring Collective Behavior from Social Interactions to Population Coding," focused on the ubiquitous nature of collective behavior, from social animals to neural networks. These behaviors, encoded in interactions between individuals or cells, play critical roles in diverse biological systems. While recent advances in statistical physics have provided new insights, much of the traditional research has overlooked the temporal aspect, focusing instead on static, steady-state distributions. Xiaowen introduced two significant advancements that address this gap by incorporating the temporal dynamics of collective behavior. The first study examined the co-localization patterns of social mice. By developing a novel inference method called generalized Glauber dynamics (GGD), the research team could capture both static and dynamic features of the data. The GGD dynamics not only explained these features effectively but also provided insights into the sociability of different mice strains through the inferred interactions. The second part of the seminar focused on neuronal interactions in the larval zebrafish hindbrain. Although many details were left out in this part due to time constraints, Xiaowen provided a comprehensive overview of how dynamic analyses can fill the gap left by traditional static approaches and improve our understanding of neuronal interactions. Stay tuned for more seminars and updates from the DEEP-IN events! Reported by Lingxiao Wang
今週の論文Week 5, June 2024
Title: Scale setting and hadronic properties in light quark sector with $(2+1)$-flavor Wilson fermions at the physical point Author: Tatsumi Aoyama, Takahiro M. Doi, Takumi Doi, Etsuko Itou, Yan Lyu, Kotaro Murakami, Takuya Sugiura arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2406.16665v1 Title: Couplings of torsional and shear oscillations in a neutron star crust Author: Hajime Sotani, Arthur G. Suvorov, Kostas D. Kokkotas arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2406.17195v1
ホットトピック先生、「空間」は何次元ですか!? ── 理論物理学者・野村泰紀に訊く素粒子〜宇宙スケールで捉える「空間」の正体
雑誌『WIRED』日本版VOL.53では総力を挙げて「空間」×「コンピューティング」の可能性を掘り下げているが、肝心の「空間」自体は、どう定義すればいいのだろう。生半可な掘り下げでは、生焼けになることは目に見えている。ここはぜひ、当代屈指の理論物理学者の叡智に与りたい。というわけで、米国・カリフォルニア大学バークレー校(UC Berkeley)物理学部棟の4階にある、野村泰紀のオフィスを訪れた。野村先生、「空間」とは一体、何なのでしょうか? 空間とは何か ──。 この問いは、現代物理学の進展に直接関係してきた命題です。現代物理学は「空間と時間を理解する学問」であったと言ってもいいくらいです。ですので、わたしの専門である量子重力理論の観点から話を進める前に、まずは物理学と空間の関係性をダイジェストでお伝えしたいと思います。 続きは関連リンクからWIREDのサイトをご覧下さい。
今週の論文Week 4, June 2024
Title: Probing quantum chaos through singular-value correlations in sparse non-Hermitian SYK model Author: Pratik Nandy, Tanay Pathak, Masaki Tezuka arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2406.11969v1 Title: On localizing groups of exotic diffeomorphisms of 4-manifolds Author: Hokuto Konno, Abhishek Mallick arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2406.11773v1
今週の論文Week 3, June 2024
Title: Geometry of Carrollian Stretched Horizons Author: Laurent Freidel, Puttarak Jai-akson arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2406.06709v1 Title: Learning QM/MM potential using equivariant multiscale model Author: Yao-Kun Lei, Kiyoshi Yagi, Yuji Sugita Journal Reference: J. Chem. Phys. 160, 214109 (2024) doi: https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0205123 Title: Power-law correlation in the homogeneous disordered state of anisotropically self-propelled systems Author: Kyosuke Adachi, Hiroyoshi Nakano arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2406.06138v1 Title: Hawking-Page and entanglement phase transition in 2d CFT on curved backgrounds Author: Akihiro Miyata, Masahiro Nozaki, Kotaro Tamaoka, Masataka Watanabe arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2406.06121v1 Title: Anomaly inflow for dipole symmetry and higher form foliated field theories Author: Hiromi Ebisu, Masazumi Honda, Taiichi Nakanishi arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2406.04919v1 Title: (In)stability of the black hole greybody factors and ringdowns against a small-bump correction Author: Naritaka Oshita, Kazufumi Takahashi, Shinji Mukohyama arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2406.04525v1 Title: $_Ξ^{5}H $ hypernuclei by folding the state-of-the-art $ ΞN $ interactions Author: Faisal Etminan arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2406.03572v1
ホットトピックFaculty of Science 2023 Year in Review: Catherine Beauchemin
Catherine Beauchemin(Deputy Program Director, iTHEMS) was interviewed by the Toronto Metropolitan University about her interdisciplinary research and its impact. For a physics professor, Catherine Beauchemin certainly gets involved in biology research more than you might expect. Her embrace of interdisciplinarity has taken her to many places, currently to Japan, where she is serving as Deputy Program Director of the Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences (iTHEMS) programme at RIKEN, Japan's largest research institute. One of the best aspects? “My position allows me to host TMU trainees in Japan and expand their research and life horizons.” Please see the related links for more details.
今週の論文Week 2, June 2024
Title: Lattice study on finite density QC$_2$D towards zero temperature Author: Kei Iida, Etsuko Itou, Kotaro Murakami, Daiki Suenaga arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2405.20566v1
株式会社リコー(社長執行役員:大山 晃)と、理化学研究所 数理創造プログラム(iTHEMS:Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program/青山 秀明 客員主管研究員、相馬 亘 客員研究員)はこのたび、過去に開発したアルゴリズムを応用し、特許と論文に共通して出現するキーワードを多重解析するアルゴリズムを開発しました。
今週の論文Week 5, May 2024
Title: Two classes of Majorana neutrinos in the seesaw model Author: Kazuo Fujikawa, Anca Tureanu arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2405.18702v1 Title: Actions of tensor categories on Kirchberg algebras Author: Kan Kitamura arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2405.18429v1 Title: Complementarity for a Dynamical Black Hole Author: Benjamin Concepcion, Yasunori Nomura, Kyle Ritchie, Samuel Weiss arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2405.15849v1
ホットトピックEvent report: OIST x iTHEMS Workshop Series 1
Renowned globally for its eminent scientists and cutting-edge infrastructures, RIKEN is the largest Japanese research organization in basic natural sciences. This distinction renders RIKEN a very attractive partner for OIST, a burgeoning research-oriented university. Cementing their collaborative endeavorsm, both institutes signed bilateral agreements including a MoU in 2020-2021, triggering and facilitating ambitious projects and fostering new collaborations. Among these, RIKEN Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program (iTHEMS) has emerged as a dynamic hub for active collaboration with OIST. The workshop “OIST x iTHEMS Exploring the Mysteries of the Universe and Life - Series 1 | Cosmic ray and Life project” held at OIST on March 4-6 may be one best example of the type of brainstorming needed for addressing the most challenging questions. To read more, please visit the related link.
今週の論文Week 4, May 2024
Title: Scalar Quasi-Normal Modes of a Loop Quantum Black Hole Author: Etera R. Livine, Clara Montagnon, Naritaka Oshita, Hugo Roussille arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2405.12671v1 Title: $ {}^{164} \mathrm{Pb} $: A possible heaviest $ N = Z $ doubly-magic nucleus Author: Tomoya Naito, Masaaki Kimura, Masaki Sasano arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2405.12095v1 Title: Magnetar QPOs and neutron star crust elasticity Author: Hajime Sotani arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2405.11858v1 Title: Tidal Love Numbers from EFT of Black Hole Perturbations with Timelike Scalar Profile Author: Chams Gharib Ali Barura, Hajime Kobayashi, Shinji Mukohyama, Naritaka Oshita, Kazufumi Takahashi, Vicharit Yingcharoenrat arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2405.10813v1 Title: Building imaginary-time thermal filed theory with artificial neural networks Author: Tian Xu, Lingxiao Wang, Lianyi He, Kai Zhou, Yin Jiang arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2405.10493v1 Title: Quantum Dynamics in Krylov Space: Methods and Applications Author: Pratik Nandy, Apollonas S. Matsoukas-Roubeas, Pablo Martínez-Azcona, Anatoly Dymarsky, Adolfo del Campo arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2405.09628v1
プレスリリース新たな種類のエニオンを系統的に作る方法を発見 ―量子コンピュータへの新たな応用の可能性―
液体・固体・気体など物質は状況に応じて異なる状態(相)を持つことがあり、相を理解することは物理学で重要な課題です。現代的な相の分類においては、エニオンと呼ばれる分数電荷を持つ準粒子が重要であり、量子コンピュータへの応用の観点からも研究されています。 京都大学 基礎物理学研究所(基研)の戎 弘実 研究員・理化学研究所 数理創造プログラムの本多 正純 上級研究員・基研の中西 泰一 博士後期課程学生(理研大学院生リサーチ・アソシエイト兼任)の共同研究グループは、動き方に制限がかかる新しい種類のエニオンを系統的に記述する理論的枠組みを発見しました。 詳細は関連リンクから京都大学のプレスリリース記事をご覧下さい。
今週の論文Week 3, May 2024
Title: Cables of the figure-eight knot via real Frøyshov invariants Author: Sungkyung Kang, JungHwan Park, Masaki Taniguchi arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2405.09295v1 Title: Universality in supernova gravitational waves with proto-neutron star properties Author: Hajime Sotani, Bernhard Müller, Tomoya Takiwaki arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2405.09030v1 Title: Simulating Floquet scrambling circuits on trapped-ion quantum computers Author: Kazuhiro Seki, Yuta Kikuchi, Tomoya Hayata, Seiji Yunoki arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2405.07613v1 Title: Diffusion Models as Stochastic Quantization in Lattice Field Theory Author: Lingxiao Wang, Gert Aarts, Kai Zhou doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/JHEP05(2024)060 arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2309.17082v2
今週の論文Week 2, May 2024
Title: Neutrinos and gamma rays from beta decays in an active galactic nucleus NGC 1068 jet Author: Koichiro Yasuda, Yoshiyuki Inoue, Alexander Kusenko arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2405.05247v1 Title: Remark on neutrino oscillations Author: Kazuo Fujikawa arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2405.03940v1 Title: CloudDiff: Super-resolution ensemble retrieval of cloud properties for all day using the generative diffusion model Author: Haixia Xiao, Feng Zhang, Lingxiao Wang, Wenwen Li, Bin Guo, Jun Li arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2405.04483v1 Title: Extracting macroscopic quantities in crowd behaviour with deep learning Author: Shuaiqi Zhou, Rongrong Shi, and Lingxiao Wang Journal Reference: Phys. Scr. 99 065213 doi: https://doi.org/10.1088/1402-4896/ad423e
今週の論文Week 1, May 2024
Title: Arbitrage impact on the relationship between XRP price and correlation tensor spectra of transaction networks Author: Abhijit Chakraborty, Yuichi Ikeda arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2405.00051v1
2024年4月24日にアメリカ芸術科学アカデミーは250名の会員(25名の外国人名誉会員)の選出を発表し、理化学研究所数理創造プログラム(iTHEMS)の初田哲男プログラムディレクターが外国人名誉会員に選出されました。米国芸術科学アカデミーは1780年に設立された米国最古のアカデミーであり、アカデミーのミッションは以下のように述べられています。"1780年に設立されたアメリカ芸術科学アカデミーは、卓越性を称え、人類のあらゆる分野のリーダーを招集し、新しいアイデアを検討し、国家と世界にとって重要な問題に取り組み、「自由で独立した有徳な国民の利益、名誉、尊厳、幸福を増進する傾向にあるあらゆる芸術と科学を育成する」ために協力している。" アカデミー会長のデビッド・オクストビー氏は以下のように語っています。「私たちは、芸術家、学者、科学者、公共、非営利、民間部門のリーダーたちの功績と、新たな高みに到達するために必要な好奇心、創造性、勇気を讃えます。私たちはこれらの傑出した人々に、深刻な課題に対処し、共通利益を促進するためのアカデミーの活動に参加するよう招待します。」 理化学研究所から、 これまで有馬朗人氏(元理化学研究所理事長)、 野依良治氏(元理化学研究所理事長)、竹市雅俊氏(元発生・再生科学総合研究センター長)、横山茂之氏(元生命分子システム基盤研究領域長)らが選出されています。今回は、日本から初田哲男(理研数理創造プログラムディレクター)と熊倉功夫氏(国立民俗学博物館名誉教授)の2名が選ばれています。任命式は、9月21日にマサチューセッツ州ケンブリッジで行われる予定です。 初田哲男プログラムディレクターからのコメント 「今回アカデミーの外国人名誉会員に任命して頂き大変名誉に感じます。さまざまな分野の諸先輩方と協力して、人類の幸福と科学の発展に貢献できればと思います。」
ホットトピック「理研DAY:研究者と話そう!」で学習資料「一家に1枚 世界とつながる”数理”」を紹介
理化学研究所広報室が毎月開催している「理研DAY:研究者と話そう!」に学習資料「一家に1枚 世界とつながる”数理”」制作チームを代表して、永井智哉 コーディネーター、熊倉大騎 大学院生リサーチ・アソシエイトがフリーアナウンサー/数学コミュニケーターの篠崎菜穂子とともに出演し、ポスターやそれぞれの普段している仕事および研究の内容についてお話をしました。ZOOM最大78名、YouTube最大同時接続数66と計144名の方に参加いただき、ZOOM参加者は小中学生と一般50代以上がそれぞれ37%をしめるような構成でした。小学生からの「世界の全てが数理で表せるのですか」といった鋭い質問など多くの質問が寄せられ、大変楽しく進行することができました。
今週の論文Week 4, April 2024
Title: Digital Quantum Simulation for Spectroscopy of Schwinger Model Author: Dongwook Ghim, Masazumi Honda arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2404.14788v1 Title: A mathematical model of thermoplastic elastomers for analysing the topology of microstructures and mechanical properties during elongation Author: Hiroki Kodama, Hiroshi Morita, Motoko Kotani Journal Reference: Proc. R. Soc. A 480:2286 (2024) doi: https://doi.org/10.1098/rspa.2023.0389
セミナーレポートDEEP-IN Working Group Kick-Off Meeting
The DEEP-IN Working Group commenced its kick-off meeting on April 23, 2024, with a hybrid gathering of more than 40 participants including 19 members. The session began with opening remarks from Lingxiao Wang, self-introductions from each member, and a concise introduction to the applications of deep learning for solving inverse problems in sciences. Notable speakers included Akinori Tanaka from RIKEN-AIP/iTHEMS, who gave a vivid introduction to machine learning and his current work, and Gert Aarts from Swansea University, who explored lattice field theories with deep learning, which could also benefit deep learning. Márcio Ferreira introduced the conditional variational auto-encoder(cVAE) for building dense matter equation of states from neutron star observations. Andreas Ipp gave a brief introduction to his work on exploring the early stages of heavy ion collisions and training L-CNNs for lattice gauge theories. The last speaker was Akira Harada, who presented his current work on the application of machine learning to the simulation of supernovae. During the discussion, members actively brainstormed potential projects and discussed methodologies, emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration. The meeting concluded with Tetsuo Hatsuda's optimistic closing remarks about the group's potential to innovate at the intersection of deep learning and physics. There will be more activities from the DEEP-IN Working Group in the near future. Reported by Lingxiao Wang
今週の論文Week 3, April 2024
Title: Black holes, multiple propagation speeds and energy extraction Author: Vitor Cardoso, Shinji Mukohyama, Naritaka Oshita, Kazufumi Takahashi arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2404.05790v1 Title: Linear stability of vector Horndeski black holes Author: Che-Yu Chen, Antonio De Felice, Shinji Tsujikawa arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2404.09377v1 Title: Towards a spatial cat state of a massive pendulum Author: Satoshi Iso, Jinyang Li, Nobuyuki Matsumoto, Katsuta Sakai arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2404.08435v1 Title: Upper Limit of Sound Speed in Nuclear Matter: A Harmonious Interplay of Transport Calculation and Perturbative QCD Constraint Author: Shao-Peng Tang, Yong-Jia Huang, Ming-Zhe Han, Yi-Zhong Fan arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2404.09563v1 Title: Search for synchrotron emission from secondary electrons of proton-proton interaction in Galactic PeVatron candidate HESS J1641$-$463 Author: Naomi Tsuji, Takaaki Tanaka, Samar Safi-Harb, Felix Aharonian, Sabrina Casanova, Roland Kothes, Emmanuel Moulin, Hiroyuki Uchida, Yasunobu Uchiyama arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2404.11012v1 Title: Observational features of reflection asymmetric black holes Author: Che-Yu Chen, Hung-Yi Pu arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2404.07055v1 Title: Involutive Khovanov homology and equivariant knots Author: Taketo Sano arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2404.08568v2 Title: Non-archimedean SYZ fibrations via tropical contractions Author: Yuto Yamamoto arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2404.04972v1 Title: Directional Invariants of Doubly Periodic Tangles Author: Ioannis Diamantis, Sofia Lambropoulou, Sonia Mahmoudi arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2404.05092v1 Title: Deciphering Radio Emissions from Accretion Disk Winds in Radio-Quiet Active Galactic Nuclei Author: Tomoya Yamada, Nobuyuki Sakai, Yoshiyuki Inoue, Tomonari Michiyama arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2404.04632v1 Title: Genomic view of heavy-ion induced deletions associated with distribution of essential genes in Arabidopsis thaliana Author: Kotaro Ishii, Yusuke Kazama, Tomonari Hirano, Jeffrey A Fawcett, Muneo Sato, Masami Yokota Hirai, Fujiko Sakai, Yuki Shirakawa, Sumie Ohbu, Tomoko Abe Journal Reference: Front. Plant Sci. 15:1352564. (2024) doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2024.1352564
自由民主党本部で4月11日に開催されました「科学技術週間」記念講演会に、学習資料「一家に1枚 世界とつながる”数理”」を企画・監修した数理創造プログラム(iTHEMS)が招かれ、「一家に1枚 世界とつながる”数理”」の制作報告とiTHEMS若手研究者の関連研究紹介をしました。 講演会の司会進行は、山田 賢司 文部科学部会長が務められ、冒頭、渡海紀三朗 政務調査会長、大野敬太郎 科学技術・イノベーション戦略調査会長、今枝宗一郎 文部科学副大臣からご挨拶をいただきました。 講演会には、自民党学生部の皆様も参加いただきました。 プログラム: 報告:学習資料「一家に1枚 世界とつながる“数理”」について 仲 真紀子 理化学研究所理事 永井 智哉「一家に1枚“数理”」制作チーム代表、iTHEMSコーディネーター 記念講演:理研iTHEMS若手研究者の関連研究紹介 (コーディネーター)初田 哲男 数理創造プログラムディレクター 「量子の世界を解き明かす:観測とAIによるアプローチ」松浦 俊司 上級研究員 「生物多様性の数理」入谷 亮介 上級研究員 「X線で観る宇宙」辻 直美 客員研究員 「細菌性疾患のデジタル健康地図作成における数理基盤」熊倉 大騎 大学院生リサーチ・アソシエイト
セミナーレポートiTHEMS Biology Seminar by Haruka Kitayama on April 4, 2024
This time, I invited Mr. Haruka Kitayama from Hokkaido University to give a seminar on fieldwork and genomics of African monkeys. First, there was a description of mixed-species groups of two types of monkeys living in the forests of Uganda. Next, there was an explanation of the impact this mixing has on the genetics of the two species of monkeys. In particular, the topic of genetic penetration seemed relevant to microbiology. Finally, the discussion touched not only on genetic penetration of individuals, but also on the penetration of gut bacteria in individuals, which was very interesting. Reported by Daiki Kumakura
小澤知己 客員研究員が第27回 丸文研究奨励賞を受賞
小澤知己(数理創造プログラム客員研究員)が「第27回 丸文研究奨励賞」を「人工次元の提案などトポロジカルフォトニクスへの理論的貢献」の研究業績により受賞しました。贈呈式は3月15日に行われました。 おめでとうございます。
ホットトピックKyoto University SACRA-RIKEN iTHEMS Special Lecture by Prof. Tadashi Tokieda by Tadashi Tokieda on March 28, 2024
2024年3月28日、東京駅前の京都大学東京オフィスにて、時枝正氏(スタンフォード大学数学科教授)による公開講演会「逆撫での力学」が開催されました。 これは京都大学SACRA(サイエンス連携探索センター)と理研iTHEMSの共催による特別講演会です。 講演会には、孫正義財団生をはじめ、学術機関、企業の方々など50名以上の多様な参加者があり、時枝氏による、数々のデモンストレーションを交えた散逸や非線形性を持つ力学の興味深い世界への導入と、講演後の活き活きとした質疑を楽しみました。 2024年2月9日にプリンストン高等研究所で行われた時枝氏による同じ講演が下記の関連リンクよりご覧いただけます。 SACRA-iTHEMS Lectureを見逃した方はこちらからご覧ください。
ホットトピックTadaFest 2024: Toward understanding of the Origin of Spacetime by Dr. Tsukasa Tada on April 2, 2024
On April 2, 2024, TadaFest2024: Toward Understanding of the Origin of Spacetime, was held at the Okochi Hall. Following an inspiring keynote lecture by Tsukasa Tada (iTHEMS deputy program director) on the past and future research into the emergence of spacetime, four frontline researchers gave special talks on the holographic principle, the uncertainty principle, the spintronics, and the matrix model for spacetime. The meeting was well attended face-to-face and led to a lively discussion on the fundamental principles of physics.
ホットトピックiTHEMS Starter Meeting for FY 2024 on April 5, 2024
On April 5, 2024, the annual iTHEMS Starter Meeting was held in the iTHEMS Common Room. More than 80 people attended, including face-to-face and via Zoom. iTHEMS Programme Director Hatsuda gave an overview of iTHEMS, followed by self-introductions by new and current members. As the new academic year begins, we are looking forward to further interactions across disciplines and the development of great science.
今週の注目人物Self-introduction: Sonia Mahmoudi
Bridging the worlds of mathematics and materials science, I am interested in exploring the fascinating interactions between the topology of entangled structures and their mechanical properties. With an interdisciplinary and international background spanning mathematics, design, and engineering, I have explored various industries before transitioning to an academic career. My doctoral journey at Tohoku University focused on low-dimensional topology in woven structures, laying the foundation for my current work with SUURI-COOL Sendai. My research primarily focuses on the topological classification of periodic entangled structures from the viewpoint of knot theory and is oriented toward potential applications in academia and industry. These structures, found in a wide range of materials from textiles to molecular assemblies, exhibit remarkable properties such as elasticity, auxetic behavior, and self-folding capabilities, which are predominantly dictated by their entanglement complexity rather than the constituent materials themselves. I believe that mathematics is the key to unveiling these structure-function relations. As part of the iTHEMS community, I hope to collaborate, innovate, and contribute to the creation of new mathematical theories that could eventually support the design of sustainable and innovative materials and systems. I look forward to discussing new scientific discoveries in entangled structures with many of you.
セミナーレポートiTHEMS Seminar by Tianyin Li on April 3, 2024
The seminar on "Quantum Simulation of QCD Matter: from Hadronic Scattering to Gauge Field Qubit Encoding" delivered by Tianyin Li, a Ph.D. candidate at the Institute of Quantum Matter, South China Normal University, offered profound insights into the burgeoning field of quantum computing (QC) and its application in high-energy physics. His talk commenced with an overview of how quantum computing is revolutionizing the approach to non-perturbative problems in high-energy physics. Unlike traditional Monte Carlo simulations, which are hindered by the sign problem, quantum computing presents a viable solution for exploring dynamical and finite density problems without this limitation. Tianyin further provided an in-depth analysis of the quantum simulation of the hadronic scattering process. This included a discussion on the initial state parton distribution functions, the computation of intermediate state partonic scattering amplitudes, and the mechanisms of final state hadronization. This segment illustrated the potential of QC to offer new perspectives and methodologies in understanding the complexities of hadronic interactions. The final part was dedicated to the innovative approach of qubit encoding within the Hamiltonian formalism of lattice gauge field theory, particularly in the Coulomb gauge. The focus was primarily on a practical attempt to encode the (3+1)-dimensional Coulomb gauge QED into qubits. iTHEMS and RIKEN Quantum members proposed many questions and comments on this topic, which stimulated very fruitful discussions. In summary, this seminar underscored the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration between the fields of quantum computing and high-energy physics, promising exciting developments in the years to come. Reported by Lingxiao Wang
セミナーレポートiTHEMS Biology Seminar by Haruna Fujioka on March 26, 2024
On March 26, 2024, Dr. Haruna Fujioka from Okayama University gave a remarkable talk on behavioral ecology, sociobiology, and chronobiology using her own data of ants. In the 24-hour fluctuating environment on Earth, many organisms have evolved to have a daily rhythm. In humans, it is known that mothers can lose their daily rhythms when they are caring for their babies. Recently, Dr Fujioka developed a special experimental system for ants to discover when daily rhythms are lost. In the talk, she discussed when, how, and why ants lose their daily rhythms. During and after her talk, there was a lively discussion between the speaker and the audience. The talk was concise and easily understood by the 33+ Zoom attendees with various backgrounds. We enjoyed her talk very much. Thanks, Fujioka-san!!! Reported by Gen Kurosawa
今週の論文Week 1, April 2024
Title: Universal Bound on Effective Central Charge and Its Saturation Author: Andreas Karch, Yuya Kusuki, Hirosi Ooguri, Hao-Yu Sun, Mianqi Wang arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2404.01515v1 Title: Accurate and precise quantum computation of valence two-neutron systems Author: Sota Yoshida, Takeshi Sato, Takumi Ogata, Tomoya Naito, Masaaki Kimura arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2404.01694v1 Title: Order of the SU(N_f) x SU(N_f) chiral transition via the functional renormalization group Author: G. Fejos, T. Hatsuda arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2404.00554v1 Title: ALMA Confirmation of Millimeter Time Variability in the Gamma-Ray Detected Seyfert Galaxy GRS 1734-292 Author: Tomonari Michiyama, Yoshiyuki Inoue, Akihiro Doi, Tomoya Yamada, Yasushi Fukazawa, Hidetoshi Kubo, Samuel Barnie arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2404.00647v1 Title: Decision Mamba: Reinforcement Learning via Sequence Modeling with Selective State Spaces Author: Toshihiro Ota arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2403.19925v1 Title: Stochastic failure of cell infection post viral entry: Implications for infection outcomes and antiviral therapy Author: Christian Quirouette, Daniel Cresta, Jizhou Li, Kathleen P. Wilkie, Haozhao Liang, Catherine A. A. Beauchemin Journal Reference: Sci. Rep. 13, 17243 (2023) doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-44180-w arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2208.00637v1
135件のニュース / 2024年