155 ニュース
ホットトピックCoffee Meeting with zoom streaming on March 27, 2020
On March 27 (the last Friday in FY2019), the first zoom coffee meeting in iTHEMS was held. Many iTHEMS colleagues have connected virtually to the iTHEMS common room. Takemasa Miyoshi gave a 15 min. talk on SIR model of epidemics followed by 1 min. farewell speeches by the people who graduated iTHEMS and/or QHP lab. at the end of FY2019. From FY2020, all the iTHEMS coffee meetings and colloquiums will be held only through zoom for a while to suppress the physical interactions among researchers and at the same time to increase their virtual interactions.
ホットトピックFarewell messages to the colleagues leaving iTHEMS from Tetsuo Hatsuda
I would like to congratulate iTHEMS colleagues who are moving to other places from April 1, 2020. Masato Taki (-> Rikkyo Univ.) Yosuke Kubota (-> Shinshu Univ.) Susumu Inoue (-> RIKEN ABBL) Hokuto Konno (-> Univ. Tokyo) Yoshimasa Hidaka (-> KEK) Koya Sakakibara (-> Okayama U. of Science) Shinya Gongyo (-> DENSO IT Lab.). Also I would like to thank Atsushi Mochizuki (Kyoto Univ.), who is one of the founding members of iTHEMS, for his long standing contributions. He will step down as an iTHEMS Deputy Director and will serve for iTHEMS Senior Research Scientist from FY2020. Last but not the least, I would like to thank Motoko Kotani (RIKEN Executive Director) who has served for iTHEMS Scientific Advisor and will move to Tohoku Univ. from April 1, 2020. I wish you all have great success in new places! with best regards, Tetsuo
ホットトピックWorkshop on Communication for Interdisciplinary Collaboration
On January 28th, iTHEMS member Don Warren co-hosted a workshop on Communication for Interdisciplinary Collaboration. The goals of this workshop were (1) to learn how to communicate with people who do not study the same topic you do, and (2) to practice explaining your work so that a non-expert can decide if they want to join your project. The workshop was open to all RIKEN staff in all fields and positions, and turnout was very good: scientists from multiple centers attended, as did several non-research staff. Everyone who attended learned two key points to make cross-discipline communication easier and more productive. First, listen actively when someone is talking about their work to you; don’t fixate on the first interesting thing and stop listening to the rest of their explanation. Second, K.I.S.S.—keep it short and simple! (It is easy to talk about what to do, but it was much harder to practice it during the workshop.) The workshop facilitator was Christiane Brew, a performer and trainer who uses techniques from improvisation to encourage open discussion, deep listening, and clear “pitching”. This was the second of two workshops organized in FY2019 by Don and Amanda Alvarez of CBS. Support for the workshop came from the RIKEN Collaboration Seed fund. If this workshop is repeated next year, please consider joining and practicing your communication skills so you will be ready to start on your next interdisciplinary collaboration.
ホットトピックSummary of interdisciplinary workshop "Present and Future of the Quantum Computing (QC)"
Interdisciplinary workshop "Present and Future of the Quantum Computing (QC)" hosted by MEXT and sponsored by iTHEMS and CEMS was held on Jan.29, 2020 at RIKEN Suzuki Umetaro Hall. There were more than 170 people got together from academia, industries and publishers. For the people who could not enter the hall, the talks were also broadcasted to the iTHEMS room 160. The scientific session was started with a review talk on the history of quantum-bit researches by Yasunobu Nakamura (CEMS). It was then followed by 11 talks which covered wide topics ranging from the QC architecture development to QC algorithms. The very last talk was given by our iTHEMS colleague, Jason Chang (iTHEMS/UCB), who discussed the adiabatic quantum computing and possible near-term engineering applications on the basis of his recent QC works. A poster session with about 30 posters from many different areas of science was also held with very lively discussions, especially among young researchers. Since the meeting was so successful to provide a platform for the researchers interested in this growing field of QC, we will definitely have the 2nd meeting in the near future.
ホットトピックFarewell note from Dr. Tomoki Ozawa
Hello. My name is Tomoki Ozawa. I am a senior research scientist at RIKEN iTHEMS. As of February, I am leaving iTHEMS and moving to Advanced Institute for Materials Science (AIMR) in Tohoku University, Sendai, to start my own group as an associate professor. I joined iTHEMS on April 2018; I cannot believe that it has already been almost two years. Time really flies like an arrow. Before joining iTHEMS, my research career has been developed abroad (US, Italy, Belgium), and although I am a native of Japan, iTHEMS is the first Japanese affiliation I obtained as a researcher. Before coming back to Japan, I had always been worried if I could be accepted to the Japanese academic community. After joining iTHEMS, I learned that my worries were needless. I was surprised by the welcoming atmosphere of iTHEMS, and even though I was the only condensed matter physicist in iTHEMS, I could easily find somebody to discuss in the iTHEMS coffee room. What helped me even more to place myself in Japan were the various satellite offices of iTHEMS in (and also outside) Japan. These satellite offices made it easy for me to visit and know what is going on in various other places in Japan. After spending almost two years in iTHEMS, although I am still constantly surprised by cultural differences between Japan and other places I have been, I feel that I have comfortably become a part of the academic community in Japan. In terms of research, what was great being in iTHEMS was that I could do whatever research I wanted to do, without any pressure on the selection of topic or to report what I am doing to my boss. I really appreciated the academic freedom here. I am also starting to build collaborations in Japan. The new collaborations I am building are quite interdisciplinary (including atomic physics, photonics, and even biophysics), thanks to the wide scope of interests of people in iTHEMS. It has been a real pleasure to spend time in the beginning period of iTHEMS, and I am sure that iTHEMS will flourish even more in the coming years. AIMR has a satellite office of iTHEMS, and I expect to maintain active interactions with iTHEMS after I move to AIMR. I will also most likely come to iTHEMS offices (perhaps the coffee room in Wako) from time to time, and I am looking forward to seeing the successful development of iTHEMS in the future.
ホットトピックSearch for gamma-ray signals from dark matter annihilations in extended dwarf spheroidal galaxies, article on the Astronomical Herald
The importance of the dark matter density distribution in target galaxies is discussed under realistic settings of the future gamma-ray experiment.
ホットトピックiTHEMS end-of-the-year party, farewell party, and birthday party !
iTHEMS end-of-the-year party + farewell party for Nagisa Hiroshima + birthday party for members who was born in December was held from 15:30- on Dec.13, 2019. Before the start of the party, Nagisa who is leaving iTHEMS to become an assistant prof. at Toyama Univ. gave a 15 min. talk on the current status of Dark Matter (DM) Search and also on the activities of the iTHEMS DM Working Group. Her final conclusion was that DM would be a key scientific problem related to all iTHEMS Research Cells, i.e. Extreme Universe, Life & Evolution, Future Geometry, and Mathematics & AI. The room was full of researchers who are interested not only in dark matter but also in beautiful cakes, fruits, foods and in interesting conversations. Many thanks for iTHEMS secretaries who prepared for the wonderful party and thanks also to the people who brought sweets from all over the world!
ホットトピックReport of Young Researcher Association for Biological Rhythms 2019
Young Researcher Association for Biological Rhythms 2019, supported by RIKEN iTHEMS, was held at Kyushu University on December 7-8. In biology, there are many rhythmic phenomena, such as, circadian clocks, cell cycles, metabolic oscillations and so on. This research workshop has been a good opportunity for young researchers to get together and discuss wide field of biological rhythms. There were 6 invited lectures. The invited lectures contained various topics on biological rhythms: insulin oscillations, circadian clocks of insects, chronopharmacology, methylation cycles, mathematical biology, and cyanobacterial circadian clocks. Because these research topics attracted many participants, we enjoyed active discussions until late at night.
ホットトピックAll-RIKEN Workshop on Virtual Reality holds second session
The first All-RIKEN Workshop on Virtual Reality held an introductory session in October. Many visitors came to try out VR and assess whether they could use it for their own research. On Tuesday, November 26, the second session of the workshop took place. iTHEMS members Don Warren and Gilles Ferrand hosted the all-day, hands-on event. The two primary goals were (1) to teach attendees how to use Unity, the engine Gilles and Don use for their own VR demo, and (2) to let them get their own data into a 3-D visualization. In the first part of the day, participants created their own computer game, entirely from scratch. (If you know someone who attended, ask to play their game!) This introduction to game design showed people how Unity works, and prepared everyone for the second half of the schedule. In the second half, they learned about what kinds of data can be visualized in 3-D and in VR. They also got to use a basic visualization kit (developed by Gilles) to explore their own data in 3-D. There was a lot of good discussion about how to present data in a way that works for 3-D and VR -- some formats that work very well on paper do not translate well to 3-D space! By the end of the workshop, attendees had the tools needed to start exploring their own data. Gilles and Don hope that they will continue to think about this, to develop their skills in Unity, and to form a 3-D and VR visualization community at RIKEN.
ホットトピックIntroduction of Hallatschek group and daily activities: Berkeley Report from Dr. T. Okada
Hi, everyone! In this short article, I will write self-introductiton, also about the laboratory I am belonging to at UC Berkeley and also write my daily activities there. My research interest is theoretical biology, including biochemical reactions, biological networks, evolutionary dynamics etc. I am currently working at Hallatschek laboratory as a long-term visitor, and mainly researching on theoretical aspects of evolutionary dynamics there. As a theorist, one of ultimate goals is to predict outcomes of evolution. Since evolutionary processes are very complicated even under well-controlled conditions, this project is very difficult, but, at the same time, very attracting theoretically. Hallatschek lab studies evolutionary biology both experimentally and theoretically. There are approximately 10 members (students and postdocs) in total, and a half of us do evolutionary experiments using microorganisms, such as yeast and E. coli, and a half of us (including me) study theoretical stuff. For now, I have three meetings in the group every week. The attached photo is one of the weekly meeting which I am doing with Jonas (postdoc, left) and Stephan (graduate student, right). I am very satisfied with the scientific atmosphere here, and I really appreciate the support by iTHEMS. Also, I think that in evolutionary biology, there are many topics that are interesting for many mathematicians and physicist, and I am looking forward to interacting iTHEMS members when I come back to Japan.
ホットトピックInternational WS "Collaborative Meeting on Supernova Remnants between Japan and USA" was held at RIKEN Wako campus and SUURI-COOL Kyoto
An international WS "Collaborative Meeting on Supernova Remnants between Japan and USA" was held at RIKEN Wako campus (Nov. 7-8, 2019) and SUURI-COOL Kyoto (Nov. 11-12, 2019) with Masaomi Ono (ABBL/iTHEMS), Shiu-Hang Lee (Kyoto Univ.) and Shigehiro Nagataki (ABBL/iTHEMS) as organizers. The aim of this workshop was to bring together experts including young researchers on supernova remnants and other related topics, such as supernovae, progenitor stars, and neutron stars, for active discussion and to initiate possible collaborations among the participants. In both 1st and 2nd weeks, there were about forty participants. Experts from USA mainly on supernova remnants gave excellent talks from both aspects of theories and observations. Not only supernova remnants but also many other related topics were presented by participants from Japan and Taiwan including students. During the workshop, many possible future collaborations were intensively discussed.
ホットトピックiTHEMS Coffee Meeting continues
Every Friday, we have iTHEMS coffee meeting from 12:30, where somebody is asked to give a 15 min. lecture on a specific topic for non-experts by using our jumbo blackboard. On Oct.25, 2019, Ivan Kostov (CEA-Saclay) gave a 15 min. lecture on integrability in quantum field theory by drawing s multi-particle scattering diagram for elementary particles living in 2 space-time dimensions. On Nov.1, 2019, Pascal Naidon (RIKEN Nishina Center) gave a 15 min. lecture on the quantum physics of Efimov effect by using his handmade Borromean rings (three entangled ribbons which is a classical analogue of the Efimov effect).
ホットトピックKUIAS-Heidelberg-iTHEMS joint WS was held at SUURI-COOL Kyoto
KUIAS-Heidelberg-iTHEMS joint WS "Mathematical Sciences and Medicine" was held at SUURI-COOL Kyoto on Oct. 10, 2019 with Motomu Tanaka (Heidelberg/KUIAS) and Tetsuo Hatsuda (iTHEMS) as organizers. The main aim of this workshop was to exchange ideas to create new paradigm in clinical medicine with the help of physicists, mathematicians and biologists. After the welcome address by Shigefumi Mori (Director General of KUIAS, Kyoto Univ. and Science Advisor of iTHEMS), there were 10 talks by the physicists, mathematicians and biologists from Heidelberg Univ., Kyoto Univ., Doshisha Univ. and RIKEN. Each talk was very stimulating and created lively discussions under relaxed atmosphere of SUURI-COOL Kyoto Office. To continue the discussions, we decided to have another meeting in the near future with active participation of medical doctors in Kyoto and Heidelberg.
ホットトピックTwo conferences at Berkeley - Berkeley Report from Dr. K.Mikami
MSRI holds a semester program “Microlocal Analysis” in fall 2019. I fortunately attend this program while my stay at University California Berkeley (UCB) via iTHEMS-UCB math young visiting scholar program. There were two conferences on microlocal analysis in the third week of October. From October 14 to 18, there was a conference entitled “Recent Development in Microlocal Analysis”. It consists of 18 talks on various kinds of topics on microlocal analysis by specialists from all over the world. They contain some topics which is very closely related to my research works, such as observability and semiclassical measure. In October 19 and 20, there was a conference entitled “Microlocal Analysis and Spectral Theory: A Conference in Honor of Richard Melrose”. Richard Burt Melrose is an Australian mathematician who is famous for his broad research on microlocal analysis and geometry. The speakers include two fields medalists, Terence Tao and Akshay Venkatesh. Over all, there were around 30 talks(!) in a single week. Though it was a bit tight schedule, all talks were really nice and inspiring. Lastly, it was my great honor to attend these great conferences.
ホットトピックiTHEMS researchers host All-RIKEN VR Workshop
Virtual reality is a useful tool for exploring and presenting 3-D data because your brain is naturally tuned for interpreting the 3-D world. Experiencing the data in 3-D rather than on a 2-D screen takes advantage of these tunings. And, of course, it makes for a very memorable presentation of data, both to scientists and to the public. iTHEMS researchers Gilles Ferrand and Don Warren hosted an all-RIKEN workshop on virtual reality on October 7. This workshop drew nearly 30 people from RIKEN and beyond. Almost everybody studied something other than astrophysics. Most people were not iTHEMS members. Several were not researchers! Attendees learned about the VR project that Gilles and Don have worked on for two years, and got to explore data using VR headsets. The goal of the workshop was to build a community of researchers with a shared interest in VR. And, as Nathan Shammah demonstrated, any time you put scientists in a room together you can get discussion about their work. We hope that continued discussion of VR leads to more discussion of personal research, and maybe even new interdisciplinary projects! If you missed the first workshop, but would like to join Gilles and Don for the second workshop (a day-long, hands-on experience to learn about the VR demo and teach you how to develop software for VR), send Gilles or Don an email.
ホットトピックEnrico Rinaldi interviewed by RIKEN Research
RIKEN Research covers an interview with Dr. Enrico Rinaldi. See the article in the Fall issue (page 4 from the following link).
ホットトピックiTHEMS members are focused on KAGAKUDO 100 BOOKS 2019
iTHEMS members are focused on KAGAKUDO 100 BOOKS 2019. Please see the following link.
ホットトピックShort Report of Robotics Workshop held at IIAS in Kyoto
Robotics Workshop organized by RIKEN was held on Sep. 12-13 at a beautiful campus of the International Institute for Advanced Studies (IIAS) in Kyoto. Gilles Ferrand (ABBL/iTHEMS) and Tetsuo Hatsuda (iTHEMS) attended the workshop: Gilles gave a talk on "Virtual Reality and Robotics" and also conducted VR demo during the coffee breaks with Tetsuo as his assistant. All the 35 talks during the two days were "graphically recorded" in real time as the one attached for the Gilles case. (Some illustration company in Kyoto came to do this.) Although each coffee break was short (5-10 min), altogether six people could enjoy the VR of the supernova remnant. It was an interesting experience for us to interact with robotics engineers who have rather different way of thinking from the researchers in basic sciences.
ホットトピックMath-Life Workshop was held at Hokkaido University
Math-Life Workshop, organized by iTHEMS (RIKEN), SACRA (Kyoto U.), AIMR(Tohoku U.) and MSC (Hokkaido U.), was held at Hokkado Univ. on Aug.19-20 with 66 participants. Dr. Ryosuke Iritani and Dr. Shingo Gibo from iTHEMS gave 1-hour invited lectures on mathematical ecology and chronobiology, respectively. Both lectures contain very nice introduction to these subjects followed by their own recent research topics. There were also 6 other lectures by the speakers from Hokkaido Univ., Kyoto Univ., Hiroshima City Univ. and Tohoku Univ. The workshop was very successful with full of stimulating discussions among mathematicians, physicists, biologists and life scientists.
ホットトピックJapan-Israel Workshop on HEA with Roger Blandford
During 18-23 July, a workshop to bring together experts on High Energy Astrophysics from Japan and Israel was held. The first part (18-19 July) was held in RIKEN Wako, while the second part (22-23 July) was held in RIKEN Kobe IIB. The workshop was supported by iTHEMS. This workshop was motivated by 3 things. One was Roger Blandford, a reviewer of iTHEMS AC, was planning to visit RIKEN Wako during 24-26 for the review. Second was Noemie Globus, who is a visitor of Astrophysical Big Bang Lab. (ABBL), was interested in organizing a meeting between Japan & Israel. She worked well as a Co-Chair of the meeting. Third was Hirotaka Ito (Chair, ABBL) has some collaborators in Israel, including Amir Levinson & Asaf Pe'er. We enjoyed lots of excellent talks both from Japan & Israel. Roger Blandford gave a talk on his interpretation of the black hole shadow image by the even horizon telescope (EHT). We had lots of discussions with Israel people, and we agreed to proceed our collaborations on long/short gamma-ray bursts. We received many emails from Israel people that they enjoyed the workshop and their stay in Japan very much, and some of them proposed to have a second meeting in Israel. Hirotaka Ito & Noemie Glogus worked very well as chairs of organizers. Thanks to them & iTHEMS, the meeting was very successful.
ホットトピックReport of the workshop on "Math of Jets"
A workshop on "Math of Jets" co-sponsered by RIMS (Kyoto University) and iTHEMS was held from July 29 to 31 at Kyoto University. Researchers from wide scientific fields, such as, planetary atmosphere, astrophysics, quark-gluon plasmas, and so on gave talks. The common keyword for participants are 'jet' and/or 'hydrodynamics'. Since most of participants use numerical hydordynamic or magnetohydordynamic simulations as a tool for their study, some part of discussions are devoted to introduce numerical technique, numerical difficulties and unresolved problems. We enjoyed getting to know research topics and problems in other research fields. At the workshop banquet, one of participants said as a speech "Recently the borders between countries have not been so high but the borders between scientific field have been getting higher and higher, event if they have common language, for example, 'hydrodynamics' like us. We should continue this kind of workshop. Otherwise, we can not understand each other in near future." The workshop was good opportunity to interact with other fields and we hope we will have next meeting in near future.
ホットトピックiTHEMS Advisory Council (AC) is being held from July 24 (Wed.) through 26 (Fri.)
iTHEMS Advisory Council (AC) is being held from July 24 (Wed.) through 26 (Fri.). On July 25 (Thursday), short talks and poster presentations by iTHEMS researchers have been given, followed by stimulating discussions with the AC members in various different fields (mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology and engineering). Lively discussion continued during the breaks and poster sessions, with beautiful sweets and coffee/tea prepared by iTHEMS assistants. We are very grateful to the AC members who kindly came over to RIKEN Wako Campus to make precious suggestions about science activities and the management of iTHEMS.
ホットトピックSummary of the 1-day Workshop on Quantum Gravity
What is spacetime? In order to discuss this fundamental question, we held "1-day Workshop on Quantum Gravity" on July 4, 2019. The talk was very varied. First, Yokokura introduced a formulation of black holes as a configuration of quantum fields. Next, Prof. Izumi discussed the relation of S-matrix unitarity and renormalizability in higher-derivative theories. After lunch, Prof. Ho developed a general discussion of the relationship between dynamical horizon and negative energy. Prof. Yoneya began with the origin of Nambu dynamics and introduced an attempt to quantize it with a Hamilton-Jacobi method. Prof. Matsuo discussed M-theory and a mathematical structure behind it. Finally, Prof. Kawai developed a simple model of how the weak scale comes out of the Planck scale. In addition, there was more applications than expected, and the room was a little small. However, the discussion in the physically dense venue was very active as if a concert in a small venue had a stronger feeling of live, and it was a wonderful conference where the enthusiasm of the speakers could be felt directly. And the participants were in a wide range of fields such as elementary particles, relativity and mathematical physics, and over a very wide range of generations, including master's first grader and retired professor. In this way, it was also very meaningful that active discussions were conducted across fields and generations. Now is the time to study quantum gravity with free ideas.
ホットトピックWorkshop on Sine-square deformation and related topics 2019
On July 11th, the workshop entitled "Sine-Square Deformation and related topics 2019," was held at RIKEN Wako Campus. Sine-square deformation (SSD) is a new type of boundary condition at which the coupling constant of the system is spatially modulated. Since its inception, SSD has been studied in various contexts including string theory, condensed matter physics, and quantum field theory. This workshop is the sequel to the workshop previously held at RIKEN two years ago. This time, virtually all the researchers who are actively contributing to the subject attended the workshop.
ホットトピックRIKEN-OIST mini Workshop 2019 "Mathematical Condensed Matter Physics" was held on July 5-6, 2019
From July 5 to July 6, RIKEN-OIST mini Workshop 2019, Mathematical Condensed Matter Physics, was held at OIST. We had three excellent lectures and three interesting talks. Prof. Shinobu Hikami gave a lecture about applications of random unitary theory to physics, Dr. Yuta Sekino explained the applications of operator product expansions to non-relativistic theories and Mr. Takuya Furusawa reviewed about dualities in three dimensions. In three talks, Dr. Hidehiko Shimada explained his recent progresses about the four point function in a non-relativistic theory, Dr. Wenliang Li explained recent progresses of conformal blocks, and Mr. Arkaprava Mukherjee reviewed his current achievement. The participants are grateful to the staff of OIST as well as to the iTHEMS assistants for the great help to organize the workshop.
ホットトピックSOKENDAI-iTHEMS Joint Workshop was held from July 7 to July 8
SOKENDAI-iTHEMS Joint Workshop "Genetics meets Mathematics" was held at Hayama, Kanagawa (close to SOKENDAI Hayama campus) from July 7 to July 8. This workshop brought together 36 participants, including 10 from RIKEN and 7 from SOKENDAI, of a wide variety of scientific background such as pure mathematicians, physicists, and biologists. There were lectures and talks on topics related to genetics and evolution given by biologists aimed at mathematicians and physicists without any background in biology, and those by mathematicians and physicists tackling biological problems. It was a very successful "interdisciplinary" event that provided many young mathematicians and physicists a unique opportunity to interact with biologists and vice-versa.
ホットトピックThe Journalist in Residence Workshop 2019 was held from May 31 to June 3
From May 31 to June 3, Journalist in Residence Workshop 2019 was held at Tambara Institute of Mathematical Sciences of the University of Tokyo. As for the "Journalist in Residence (JIR)" program in Mathematics and the Journalist in Residence Workshop please look at iTHEMS Newsletter vol 10. This year, there were 11 journalists and 10 participants from RIKEN, 3 from universities and 6 from others. 8 iTHEMS members mainly explained their working field and recent important achievements to the nonspecialists. There were 25 talks in a variety of fields. They were very interesting but the schedule was a little tight. The discussion among the participants continued with joy until very late in the evening as usual. The participants are grateful to the staff of Tambara Institute as well as to the iTHEMS assistants for the great help to organize the workshop.
ホットトピックIntroduction to Black Hole Shadow of M87 by Dr. Yosuke Mizuno
On 24 May (Fri.), Dr. Yosuke Mizuno (Frankfurt U.) visited iTHEMS and gave a 15min talk at iTHEMS coffee meeting. Dr. Yosuke Mizuno is a core member of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) project to observe “Black Hole Shadow”. He is a core author of the paper V (theory part) of the first detection of the black hole shadow of M87, which was press-released in the world on 10 April, 2019. In the 15 min talk, Dr. Yosuke Mizuno explained why the black hole shadow is expected from Einstein’s Theory for General Relativity. He also introduced the angular resolution of EHT, which was expected to be smaller than angular size of the black hole shadow of M87. After great efforts of the EHT collaboration, finally the EHT collaboration succeeded to take images of the black hole shadow of M87. This was a big discovery, which confirmed the existence of a Black Hole (independently from gravitational waves), mass of the black hole of M87 (about 6 billion solar mass), and the theory of general relativity. For future works, he introduced some unsolved problems such as confirmation of rotation of the black hole of M87, mechanism of jet formation of M87, and possible correction of Einstein’s theory of general relativity. After the talk, “endless” Q&A was followed between Dr. Yosuke Mizuno many iTHEMS members.
ホットトピックThe First Coffee Meeting Talk in Reiwa Era (Dr.Nagisa Hiroshima)
The first 15 min. coffee meeting talk in Reiwa era was given by Nagisa Hiroshima on May 10. She explained how to extract the density distribution of dark matter from observation.
ホットトピックVisiting Berkeley
Tsukasa Tada, the coordinator of iTHEMS, has visited SUURI-COOL Berkeley, last week. During his stay, Tada gave a seminar at the Berkeley Center for Theoretical Physics, which is one of the best group dedicated to particle physics and string theory. He also enjoyed the reunion with three iTHEMS members stationed at Berkeley, Takashi Okada, Jason Chang, and Masahiro Nozaki. All of them were having a great time at Berkeley. We strongly encourage iTHEMS members to visit SUURI-COOL Berkeley and take advantage of the prestigious environment of the University of California, Berkeley, and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
ホットトピックVirtual reality a huge success at RIKEN Open Day
At RIKEN’s Open Day, ABBL and iTHEMS members joined together to let residents of Wako (and beyond) explore astrophysics data using virtual reality. The demo, developed by Gilles Ferrand, had two major components. In one, visitors could watch as a supernova remnant expanded, compressing 500 years of evolution to just 10 seconds (and sweeping up the visitors if they were standing in the right spot!). In the second, guests could explore the chemical composition resulting from a thermonuclear explosion (a.k.a. Type Ia supernova), looking at how elements from carbon to iron formed complex structures; identifying similar structures in supernova remnants (hundreds or thousands of years later) may offer clues to how the supernovae occurred. Importantly, the demo was not just pretty pictures for the public to look at (though it certainly was pretty). The guests got to enjoy actual scientific data, which was published in real academic journals. And there was a lot of interest in the demo: about 160 people tried out the demo on two headsets. Many more tried to get tickets for a VR experience (Gilles’ conservative estimate is that 400-500 people visited the demo room; Don Warren’s more optimistic guess is more than 600). There is clearly an appetite for exciting visualizations of scientific data. If you want to explore the demo yourself, send Gilles or Don an email. Many people in ABBL and iTHEMS contributed to make the VR booth a success. If you want to join us and help make next year’s event even better, we welcome the support!
ホットトピックiTHEMS Starter Meeting for FY 2019 on April 12, 2019
In Japan, April is the time for a fresh start blessed by cherry blossoms. On April 12th, we held the annual iTHEMS Starter Meeting. It was an occasion for us to welcome new members. At the meeting, Program Director Hatsuda’s greeting was followed by one minutes self-introduction by the members present. We hope we have another fruitful fiscal year ahead. The slides used at the meeting including the self-introduction is available at the link shown below.
ホットトピックFruitful Exchange Across the Disciplines: iTHEMS-AIMR Joint Workshop "Medicine meets Mathematics"
A truly interdisciplinary workshop was held at Tohoku University, as a joint workshop of iTHEMS and AIMR, Tohoku Univ. on March 29th. The workshop was veritably entitled “Medicine Meets Mathematics,” where about half the speakers were Medical doctors and the rest was mathematicians and theoretical physicists. At the workshop, lively discussions were taken place and a lot of fruitful exchange across the disciplines were made. The workshop was so successful that we are planning the next workshop in a larger scale.
ホットトピックRIKEN's community newsletter features Dr. Jason Chang at SUURI-COOL (Berkeley)
Jason Chang (iTHEMS Research Scientist in LBNL) was featured in the RIKEN's community newsletter, RIKENETIC. He talks about exciting challenges and opportunities in San Francisco Bay Area. Worth reading!
ホットトピックCongratulations on new positions, farewell message from Program Director of iTHEMS
This is the last volume of iTHEMS NewsLetter in FY2018. It is our great pleasure that iTHEMS has been so active during this fiscal year. Some of the members will leave iTHEMS. Keisuke Fujii (JSPS Research fellow (DC2)). Shun Furusawa (specially appointed assistant prof., Tokyo Univ. of Science) Masaru Hongo (specially appointed assistant prof., Keio Univ.) Motoko Kato (specially appointed assistant prof., Ehime Univ.) Masashi Tachikawa (associate prof., Kyoto Univ.), Ade Irma Suriajaya (specially appointed assistant prof., Kyushu Univ.). We congratulate them for new positions and look forward to their further success !
ホットトピックArticle of Dr. Ade Irma Suriajaya on RIKEN Research “Making the most of zeros”
Article of Dr. Ade Irma Suriajaya has been posted on RIKEN Research. Please check out the interview on her research life !
ホットトピックThe 2nd International Workshop in Vietnam ended successfully
"The 2nd International Workshop on Quantum Many-Body Problems in Particle, Nuclear, and Atomic Physics" was held on March 7-11, 2019 at University of Khanh Hoa (UKH), Nha Trang city, Vietnam. We had 25 talks during the workshop on various topics ranging from quarks, hadrons, nuclei and atoms to neutron stars. Also, public talks by Prof. Akito Arima (former president of RIKEN) on education and science management and by Dr. Nguyen Dinh Dang (RIKEN Nishina Center) on multilayer painting. There were lively discussions among the participants from Japan, Vietnam, India, China and USA. Because of the success of this 2nd meeting, the 3rd workshop in Vietnam is planned on 2021.
ホットトピックSummary of nuclear astrophysics workshop at Hokkaido University
Nuclear astrophysics workshop was held at Hokkaido University from 6th to 8th of March, 2019, under the support of iTHEMS as well as other institutions and centers. Major issues of this meeting are nuclear data and heavy-element synthesis. The meeting was very successful with around 60 researchers coming from various fields such as nuclear physics, particle physics, astronomy, astrophysics, astrochemistry, earth and planetary physics. Details of this workshop can be found at their offical web site.
The second in the series of the RIBF “Hodan-kai” meeting by the young researchers was held at Kobe campus of RIKEN, Integrated Innovation Building, from Feb.18 to 20, 2019. This meeting is aimed at an intensive discussion based on a pure curiosity such as what is interesting and what we want to do in the future in a frank and low-pressure atmosphere. In this meeting, there were 42 participants. We had stimulating talks (14 for invited and 11 for contributed) and discussions not only on the future of nuclear physics with RIBF but also on its related fields: Deep learning, Quantum computing, Computational physics, Weak measurement, Super-heavy elements, Hadron physics, and Laser physics. Following the success of this time, we are planning to hold the next meeting in February 2020, and welcome many young researchers to join.
The in-house gathering entitled iTHEMS NOW and NEXT was held on February 26th. This is the occasion we share current status and future perspectives on our research and organization. In the morning, keynote overview talks were given by Kubota, Fawcett, Kurosawa, Yokokura and Taki. Despite her busy schedule, one of our science advisors, Prof. Kotani managed to attend some talks. Another science advisor Prof. Mori also took time to connect through Skype from Kyoto and gave us some important advice. The afternoon session started with the panel discussion facilitated by Warren, and paneled by Chacha, Fawcett, Furusawa, Miyazaki and Y. Inoue. Both at the morning talks and the afternoon discussion, candid opinions were enthusiastically exchanged. After the panel discussion, three presentations on inter-organizational cooperation by Hatsuda, Nagataki, and Prof. Uchiyama from Rikkyo University. Everybody in attendance seemed happy to have the opportunity to express her/his opinion on iTHEMS organization. If you could not attend, you can still click the link shown below for your input.
ホットトピックSummary of RIKEN-Berkeley workshop on Quantum Information Science (RB19)
RIKEN-Berkeley workshop on Quantum Information Science was held at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (building 66) from Jan.26 through 29, 2019. The workshop was started with general introductions to LBNL, RIKEN, iTHEMS and Berkeley Quantum by Horst Simon, Motoko Kotani, Tetsuo Hatsuda and Jonathan Carter, respectively. Then we had stimulating talks and discussions on quantum computing, quantum materials and quantum sensing during the scientific sessions, followed by a panel discussion on the future collaborations between RIKEN and UCB/LBNL. We are going to explore further collaborations on the basis of the discussions of the workshop. The program and the presentation slides can be seen from the related links below. It should be remarked here that Jason Chang (iTHEMS Research Scientist) played essential roles to plan and organize the workshop, which is very much appreciated. Photos: Horst Simon (LBNL) Motoko Kotani (RIKEN) Tetsuo Hatsuda (iTHEMS) Jason Chang (iTHEMS/LBNL) Seigo Tarucha (Tokyo/RIKEN) Hidetoshi Nishimori (TIT)
ホットトピックNew Year's Greetings from Program Director of iTHEMS
Happy New Year! It has passed more than 2 years since iTHEMS was started on Nov.1, 2016. Now, iTHEMS has almost 60 core members and 4 satellite offices in Kobe, Kyoto, Sendai and Berkeley as well as the main office in Wako. In the last few years, there is a growing interests in mathematical sciences in academia, industry and society. This is encouraging for us to explore further interdisciplinary interactions in science. I hope iTHEMS can continue to provide you with a good research environment, while you continue to provide iTHEMS with a good atmosphere.
ホットトピックSnapshot of a Discussion
iTHEMS members have discussions not only on natural science and mathematical science but also on social science and history. Here is a snapshot of a discussion on ancient history of China by Yongjia Huang and Hiro Nagataki at our common room 246-248 on Nov.30, 2018.
ホットトピックThe RIKEN-NTU Workshop on Recent Developments of Chiral Matter and Topology
The RIKEN-NTU Workshop on Recent Developments of Chiral Matter and Topology was held at Centre for Theoretical Physics in National Taiwan Univ. (NTU). on Dec.6-9, 2018. There were about 80 participants both from particle/nuclear physics and condensed matter physics from Japan, Taiwan, China, and US. There were about 30 scientific talks with very stimulating discussions on chirality and topology from low-energies to high-energies. From RIKEN, A. Furusaki (CPR/CEMS), Y. Hidaka (RNC/iTHEMS), M. Hongo (iTHEMS), N. Nagaosa (CEMS), T. Ozawa (iTHEMS) and T. Hatsuda (iTHEMS) gave talks. The workshop was held in the new building "NTU Cosmology Hall" which was just completed at the north end of the NTU campus in Taipei.
ホットトピックiTHEMS-Kyushu WS - from particles and nuclei to cosmos -
On Nov.21-22, 2018, iTHEMS-Kyushu WS - from particles and nuclei to cosmos - was held at iTHEMS Kobe office (SUURI-COOL Kobe). About 20 researchers got together from iTHEMS and Kyushu Univ. to discuss various aspects of quantum many-body theory, quantum field theory and explosive astrophysical phenomena in a very relaxed atmosphere. We will continue to organize such intensive workshop between iTHEMS and Kyushu Univ. in various fields of mathematical sciences in the future.
ホットトピックThe Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2018
This year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Frances H Arnold for “the directed evolution of enzymes”, and jointly to George P Smith and Gregory P Winter for “the phage display of peptides and antibodies”. A major goal in chemistry is to develop new proteins, such as enzymes or antibodies. A protein is typically a string of hundreds or thousands of amino acids linked together that fold up in three-dimensional structures. Because there are 20 kinds of amino acids, the possible number of proteins (i.e. combination of amino acids) one can design is astronomical, and most of them don’t work. Both studies succeeded in developing a method to develop proteins based on a similar principle. Instead of trying to logically design a particular protein based on existing knowledge, they adopted the principle of evolution. Basically, first, they create several new proteins by introducing random mutations to existing proteins. Next, they select the best performing proteins and then introduce a new round of random mutations to create several new proteins. After a few cycles, a new protein that is much more effective than the original one can be obtained. This principle is the same as in the evolutionary or genetic algorithms used in machine learning. Who knows, maybe there are other problems the principle of evolution can be applied to!?!?
ホットトピックCoffee Meeting on Oct.19
At the weekly coffee meeting on Oct.19(Fri.), Hiroki Kodama (AIMR/iTHEMS) gave a nice explanation on the properties of "flat functions" which often appear in mathematics and physics. He also told us an interesting story about the reference in the arXiv paper below.
ホットトピックCoffee Meeting on Oct. 5
At the weekly coffee meeting on Oct.5 (Fri.), we enjoyed lots of good sweets from all over the world after a nice 15 min. talk by Chacha san (iTHEMS) on "A unique pair of triangles".
ホットトピックThe Black Coffee and Dr. Hawking
A short essay "Black coffee and Dr. Hawking" (in Japanese) by Yuki Yokokura (iTHEMS) was published in RIKEN News (vol.446, 2018). Similarity and difference between the black coffee and the black hole is explained in plain terms. Please enjoy!
ホットトピックiTHEMS Coffee Meeting is held on every Friday
iTHEMS Coffee Meeting is held on every Friday from 12:30- at our common room. From this fiscal year, we have changed the style of the short talk at the coffee meeting. The speaker will give a 15 min. talk only using blackboard without taking questions. The talk could be a scientific problem that the speaker is facing and wants to ask advise, an interdisciplinary scientific proposal that the speaker wants to form a collaboration, an elementary introduction to a particular topic or notion, etc. So far, this new attempt is working very well. For example, the speaker last week (Aug.24) was Gen Kurosawa who gave a talk “On the unsolved mystery of biological clock”. He posed unsolved questions on biological clock which induced lots of questions and discussions by the iTHEMS members after his talk. As usual, we have nice cookies and candies brought from all over the world by the iTHEMS members and coffee/tea/soft-drinks prepared by iTHEMS assistants. Thanks all for supporting the coffee meeting!
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