Loop structure via one sided loop extrusion with twist deformation
- Date
- September 1 (Thu) at 16:00 - 17:00, 2022 (JST)
- Speaker
- Hiroshi Yokota (Postdoctoral Researcher, iTHEMS)
- Venue
- via Zoom
- Language
- English
- Host
- Hiroshi Yokota
During cell division, a chromatin fiber condenses into the rod-like shape which is so called chromosome. The chromosome is composed of consecutive loop structures. Many researchers have been interested in the loop formation mechanism. The loop extrusion is the one of the promising hypotheses. However, the only loop extrusion does not completely explain the chromosome condensation dynamics. In order to tackle this problem, we constructed a mechanical model of the loop formation dynamics by focusing on the twist and writhe structures in DNA or chromatin. In this talk, I would like to explain the loop extrusion mechanism and our model.
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