July 29 (Mon) at 13:30 - August 1 (Thu) at 15:00, 2024 (JST)
  • Yasunori Nomura (Director, Berkeley Center for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Berkeley, USA)
Yuki Yokokura

The information problem of black holes has evolved modern physics and led to the holographic principle, considered the fundamental principle of quantum gravity. Through a series of four lectures (blackboard style), including naive questions from the audience and lively discussions, I will introduce these fundamental ideas as well as the current state of the art and problems in cutting-edge research.

Lecture 1: July 29 (Mon) 13:30~15:00
(Lecture 2: July 30 (Tue) 13:30~15:00 was canceled)
Lecture 3: July 31 (Wed) 13:30~15:00
Lecture 4: Aug 1 (Thu) 13:30~15:00 (+ A possible lecture )

This is a closed event for scientists. Non-scientists are not allowed to attend. If you are not a member or related person and would like to attend, please contact us using the inquiry form. Please note that the event organizer or speaker must authorize your request to attend.

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