January 18 (Thu) at 13:30 - 14:15, 2024 (JST)
  • Youka Kaku (Ph.D. Student, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University)
Ryo Namba

In 2017, Bose et al. proposed a tabletop experiment to observe the gravitational effect induced by a spatially superposed mass source, particularly gravity-induced entanglement. This experiment is expected to be the first step in exploring the quantum nature of gravity. Also, there are ongoing efforts to extend their proposal to the relativistic region to observe the unique quantum nature of gravity.
In this talk, I will investigate gravitational lensing in a weak gravitational field induced by a spatially superposed mass source. I will show the Einstein ring image of a quantum scalar field propagated on a superposed curved spacetime and compare it with the image of the semi-classical gravity case.
This work is currently in progress and is a collaboration with Yasusada Nambu.

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