Feynman’s proof of integrability of Calogero system from a modern point of view
- Date
- March 10 (Fri) at 10:00 - 11:30, 2023 (JST)
- Speaker
- Yehao Zhou (Project Researcher, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU), The University of Tokyo)
- Venue
- Common Room #246-248
- via Zoom
- Language
- English
- Host
- Yalong Cao
In his last year of life Feynman was interested in integrable system, and in his study of Calogero models he came up with his own proof of the commutativity of integrals of motions of these models, which remains unpublished until it was transcribed by Polychronakos in 2018. His idea is to organize integrals of motions of a Calogero model into a generating function of differential operators which look like a correlation function in a certain free theory, then he showed that the generating function of differential operators commute for all spectral values, which leads to a proof of commutativity of integrals of motions. He commented on his proof “I learn nothing, no real clue as to why all this works, and what it means”. Recently in a joint work with Davide Gaiotto and Miroslav Rapcek we identify Feynman’s generating function as the correlation function of Miura operators in a W-algebra of type A, and in the rational and trigonometric cases we show that they equal to certain elements in the Dunkl representation of corresponding spherical Cherednik algebras in type A, which make the commutativity self-evident. This progress is a byproduct of a project in the study of M2-M5 brane junction in the M-theory.
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