April 4 (Thu) at 16:00 - 17:00, 2024 (JST)
  • Haruka Kitayama (Ph.D. Student, Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University)
  • via Zoom
Daiki Kumakura

While many animal groups consist of a single species, some species have been observed forming mixed-species groups (MSGs). It is thought that by forming groups with different species, animals may reduce predation risk, improve foraging efficiency, and even gain social and reproductive benefits. Red-tailed monkeys and blue monkeys, African forest guenons (Tribe Cercopithecini), are known to form MSGs in several regions in Africa, despite the large niche overlap. The underlying mechanisms driving the formation of MSGs in red-tailed monkeys and blue monkeys are still unclear. One reason is that previous studies have been limited to behavioral ecological approaches. By combining field observations with genomic analyses in the laboratory, we seek to shed light on the role of genetic factors in mediating interspecies interactions within MSGs. In this talk, I will introduce our studies on genomic introgression and gut microbiome sharing within the mixed-species population of red-tailed monkeys and blue monkeys in the Kalinzu Forest Reserve, Uganda.

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