Volume 261

iTHEMS Weekly News Letter

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José Said Gutiérrez-Ortega thumbnail

The Discovery Evening was held on June 22 at Wako Campus


The second on-site Discovery Evening since the COVID-19 pandemic was held on June 22 at Wako Campus. 35 people attended the event, which was organized by the Research Personnel Affairs Section, RIKEN.

José Said Gutiérrez-Ortega (Special Postdoctoral Researcher, iTHEMS) was one of the two speakers in the event. He gave a presentation titled "Natural history of cycads: Deciphering the Rosetta Stone of plant evolution." He explained that cycads existed from the time of the dinosaurs, but they were able to live on despite the dinosaurs going extinct.

For more details, please visit the RIKENETIC website through the related link below. To access RIKENETIC, you will need to use the intranet.

Seminar Report

Quantum Matter Seminar by Xinloong Han on July 24, 2023


On July 24th, 2023, quantum matter SG hosted a seminar entitled "Electronic instabilities emerging from higher-order van Hove singularities", and the guest speaker was Xinloong Han, a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.

Xinloong Han started by introducing van Hove singularity (VHS). Building on the conventional understanding of VHS points, Han introduced the concept of higher-order VHSs, which have recently been explored in ABC-stacked trilayer graphene and twisted bilayer graphene. He elucidated the differences between conventional VHSs and higher-order VHSs, paving the way for a discussion on the enhanced nematicity driven by large flavor number with higher-order VHSs on the square and Kagome lattices.

Towards the conclusion of his talk, Han shed light on the possibility of robust topological superconductivity emerging on the square lattice due to the interplay of spin-orbital coupling and higher-order VHSs. This revelation presented a captivating insight into the advancements in the study of topological superconductors.

Reported by Ching-Kai Chiu

Upcoming Events


Higher Algebra in Geometry

July 31 (Mon) - August 10 (Thu), 2023

Hiro Lee Tanaka (Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Texas State University, USA)

In these lectures, we will shed light on modern tools of higher algebra, where the traditional structures of algebra yield themselves only after controlled deformations. We will introduce infinity-categories, spectra, operads, and other standard tools of the last decade. The main applications will be to encode various higher-algebraic structures that inevitably arise in, and shed light on, geometry and topology. If time permits, we will illustrate how spectra naturally arise in geometric invariants.

The audience is imagined to consist of mathematicians interested in applications of infinity-categorical tools -- so a broad range of geometers (including topologists) and algebraists. From Lecture Two onward, I will assume basic knowledge of algebraic topology (e.g., the material of Hatcher) and homological algebra.

These lectures will be held between July 31 and August 10, each from 10:30 to 12:00, for a total of 8 lectures.

1st Week: Jul 31(mon), Aug 1(tue) - 3(thu)
- Introduction to ideas of higher algebra in geometry, for a general audience.
- Introduction to infinity-categories and to spectra.

2nd Week: Aug 7(mon) - 10(thu)
- Examples in geometry and topology, including invariants of Legendrian links and generating functions.
- Future Directions.

Hiro Lee Tanaka is an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics. After receiving his Ph.D. from Northwestern University and completing postdoctoral work at Harvard University, he conducted research at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, California, and at the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge, England. His research aims to fuse the higher structures in modern algebra with geometries emerging from both classical mechanics and supersymmetric field theories. Beyond research, Tanaka engages in efforts to create more equitable and supportive environments throughout the mathematics community.


  1. Jacob Lurie, Higher Topos Theory (PDF 4.8MB), doi: 10.1515/9781400830558
  2. Jacob Lurie, Higher Algebra (PDF 6.9MB)
  3. Kerodon - an online resource for homotopy-coherent mathematics
  4. Jacob Lurie, Hiro Lee Tanaka, Associative algebras and broken lines, arXiv: 1805.09587
  5. Jacob Lurie, On the Classification of Topological Field Theories, arXiv: 0905.0465
  6. Oleg Lazarev, Zachary Sylvan, Hiro Lee Tanaka, The infinity-category of stabilized Liouville sectors, arXiv: 2110.11754
  7. Araminta Amabel, Artem Kalmykov, Lukas Müller, Hiro Lee Tanaka, Lectures on Factorization Homology, Infinity-Categories, and Topological Field Theories, arXiv: 1907.00066
  8. David Ayala, John Francis, Hiro Lee Tanaka, Factorization homology of stratified spaces, arXiv: 1409.0848
  9. David Nadler, Hiro Lee Tanaka, A stable infinity-category of Lagrangian cobordisms, arXiv: 1109.4835
  10. David Gepner, An Introduction to Higher Categorical Algebra, arXiv: 1907.02904

Venue: #435-437, Main Research Building, RIKEN / via Zoom

Event Official Language: English


Clifford Group and Unitary Designs under Symmetry

July 31 (Mon) at 14:00 - 15:30, 2023

Yosuke Mitsuhashi (Ph.D. Student, Department of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo)

We have generalized the well-known statement that the Clifford group is a unitary 3-design into symmetric cases by extending the notion of unitary design. Concretely, we have proven that a symmetric Clifford group is a symmetric unitary 3-design if and only if the symmetry constraint is described by some Pauli subgroup. We have also found a complete and unique construction method of symmetric Clifford groups with simple quantum gates for Pauli symmetries. For the overall understanding, we have also considered physically relevant U(1) and SU(2) symmetry constraints, which cannot be described by a Pauli subgroup, and have proven that the symmetric Clifford group is a symmetric unitary 1-design but not a 2-design under those symmetries. Our findings are numerically verified by computing the frame potentials, which measure the difference in randomness between the uniform ensemble on the symmetric group of interest and the symmetric unitary group. This work will open a new perspective into quantum information processing such as randomized benchmarking, and give a deep understanding to many-body systems such as monitored random circuits.

Venue: #345-347, Main Research Building, RIKEN Wako Campus / via Zoom

Event Official Language: English


ABBL-iTHEMS Joint Astro Seminar

Evidence against a strong first-order phase transition in neutron star cores: impact of new data

August 1 (Tue) at 13:30 - 15:00, 2023

Len Brandes (Ph.D. Student, Technical University of Munich, Germany)

Information on the phase structure of strongly interacting matter at high baryon densities can be gained from observations of neutron stars and their detailed analysis. Bayesian inference methods are used to set constraints on the speed of sound in the interior of neutron stars, based on recent multimessenger data in combination with low-density constraints based on chiral effective field theory and perturbative QCD constraints at asymptotically high densities.
A detailed re-analysis is performed in order to clarify the influence of the latter constraints on the inference procedure. The impact of the recent new heavy (2.35 M_sol) black widow pulsar PSR J0952-0607 and of the unusually light supernova remnant HESS J1731-347 is inspected. One of the consequences of including PSR J0952-0607 in the database is a further stiffening of the equation-of-state, resulting in a 2.1 solar-mass neutron star in a reduced central density of less than five times the equilibrium density of normal nuclear matter.
A systematic Bayes factor assessment quantifies the evidence (or non-evidence) for small sound speeds, necessary for a strong first-order phase transition, within the range of densities realized in the core of neutron stars. Given the presently existing database, it can be concluded that the occurrence of a strong first-order phase transition in the core of even a 2.1 solar-mass neutron star is unlikely, while a continuous crossover cannot be ruled out.


  1. Len Brandes, Wolfram Weise, Norbert Kaiser, Evidence against a first-order phase transition in neutron star cores: impact of new data, (2023), arXiv: 2306.06218

Venue: via Zoom / Seminar Room #132, 1F Main Research Building, RIKEN

Event Official Language: English


Quantum Gravity Gatherings

Quasi-local holography in 3d quantum gravity

August 4 (Fri) at 14:00 - 15:30, 2023

Etera Livine (Research Director CNRS, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France)

Since the idea appeared in black hole physics, the concept of holography has become a guiding principle for quantum gravity. It is the notion that the dynamics of the geometry of a region of space-time can be entirely encoded in a theory living on its boundary. Although such holographic dualities have been well-developed in an asymptotical context, it remains a challenge to realize it exactly at finite distances. I will draw a possible route in 3d quantum gravity, by showing a duality between the Ponzano-Regge path integral for 3d quantum gravity as a topological field theory and the 2d (inhomogeneous) Ising model. This leads to an intriguing geometrical interpretation of the Ising critical couplings and opens the door to a possibly rich interplay between 3d quantum gravity and 2d condensed matter built out of holographic dualities.

Venue: Seminar Room #359, 3F Main Research Building, RIKEN / via Zoom

Event Official Language: English


iTHEMS Theoretical Physics Seminar

Dark matter heating vs vortex creep heating in old neutron stars

August 7 (Mon) at 13:30 - 15:00, 2023

Motoko Fujiwara (Postdoctoral Researcher, Theoretical Particle Physics Group, Technical University of Munich, Germany)

Old isolated neutron stars have been gathering attention as targets to probe Dark Matter (DM) through temperature observations. DM will anomalously heat neutron stars through its gravitational capture and annihilation process, which predicts surface temperature as T_s ~ (1 − 3) × 10^3 K for t > 10^6 years. We may put constraints on DM-nucleon scattering cross section by finding even colder neutron stars.
This story, however, assumed that there is no relevant heating source for old neutron stars. In this talk, we discuss the creep motion of vortex lines in the neutron superfluid of the inner crust as the heating mechanism. This creep mechanism is inherent in the structure of neutron stars. The heating luminosity is proportional to the time derivative of the angular velocity of the pulsar rotation, and the proportional constant J has an approximately universal value for each neutron star. If this vortex creep heating is quantitatively relevant against DM heating, this mechanism may cause a serious background to probe DM.
The J parameter can be determined from the temperature observation of old neutron stars because the heating luminosity is balanced with the photon emission in the late time. We study the latest data of neutron star temperature observation and find that these data indeed give similar values of J, in favor of the assumption that these neutron stars are heated by the frictional motion of vortex lines. Besides, these values turn out to be consistent with the theoretical calculations of the vortex-nuclear interaction. Integarting all the results, we evaluate the vortex creep heating and conclude its significance against DM heating.

Venue: Seminar Room #359, 3F Main Research Building, RIKEN / via Zoom

Event Official Language: English


iTHEMS Seminar

MNISQ: A Large-Scale Quantum Circuit Dataset for Machine Learning on/for Quantum Computers in the NISQ era

August 29 (Tue) at 14:00 - 15:30, 2023

Leonardo Placidi (Ph.D. Student, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University)

We introduce the first large-scale dataset, MNISQ, for both the Quantum and the Classical Machine Learning community during the Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum era. MNISQ consists of 4,950,000 data points organized in 9 subdatasets. Building our dataset from the quantum encoding of classical information (e.g., MNIST dataset), we deliver a dataset in a dual form: in quantum form, as circuits, and in classical form, as quantum circuit descriptions (quantum programming language, QASM). In fact, also Machine Learning research related to quantum computers undertakes a dual challenge: enhancing machine learning by exploiting the power of quantum computers, while also leveraging state-of-the-art classical machine learning methodologies to help the advancement of quantum computing. Therefore, we perform circuit classification on our dataset, tackling the task with both quantum and classical models. In the quantum endeavor, we test our circuit dataset with Quantum Kernel methods, and we show excellent results with up to 97% accuracy. In the classical world, the underlying quantum mechanical structures within the quantum circuit data are not trivial. Nevertheless, we test our dataset on three classical models: Structured State Space sequence model (S4), Transformer, and LSTM. In particular, the S4 model applied on the tokenized QASM sequences reaches an impressive 77% accuracy. These findings illustrate that quantum circuit-related datasets are likely to be quantum advantageous, but also that state-of-the-art machine learning methodologies can competently classify and recognize quantum circuits. We finally entrust the quantum and classical machine learning community.


  1. Leonardo Placidi, Ryuichiro Hataya, Toshio Mori, Koki Aoyama, Hayata Morisaki, Kosuke Mitarai, Keisuke Fujii, MNISQ: A Large-Scale Quantum Circuit Dataset for Machine Learning on/for Quantum Computers in the NISQ era, (2023), arXiv: 2306.16627

Venue: #345, 3F, Main Research Building, RIKEN Wako Campus / via Zoom

Event Official Language: English



ABBL-iTHEMS Joint Astro Seminar

Early Formation of Dark Matter Halos

November 24 (Fri) at 14:00 - 15:15, 2023

Derek Beattie Inman (Research Scientist, iTHEMS)

Cosmological observations have led to an extremely precise understanding of the large-scale structure of the Universe. A common assumption is to extrapolate large-scale properties to smaller scales; however, whether this is correct or not is unknown and many well-motivated early Universe scenarios predict substantially different structure formation histories. In this seminar I will discuss two scenarios where nonlinear structures form much earlier than is typically assumed. In the first case, the initial fluctuations are enhanced on small scales leading to either primordial black holes clusters or WIMP minihalos right after matter-radiation equality. In the second, I will show that an additional attractive dark force leads to structure formation even in the radiation dominated Universe. I will furthermore discuss possible observations of such early structure formation including changes to the cosmic microwave background, dark matter annihilation, and when the first galaxies form.

Venue: Seminar Room #359, 3F Main Research Building, RIKEN / via Zoom

Event Official Language: English

Upcoming Visitor

August 3 (Thu) - 11 (Fri), 2023

Motoko Fujiwara

Postdoctoral Researcher, Theoretical Particle Physics Group, Technical University of Munich, Germany

Visiting Place: RIKEN Wako Campus

Paper of the Week

Week 5, July 2023


Title: Universal properties of repulsive self-propelled particles and attractive driven particles
Author: Hiroyoshi Nakano, Kyosuke Adachi
arXiv: http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.17517v1

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