2018-05-15 お知らせ

iTHEMS Researchers started to give a series of lectures "Frontiers in Physics Science: Universe, Matter, Life and Information" to the undergraduate students in Univ. of Tokyo on every Wed. (16:50-18:35) from this semester.

April 11, 18, 25: Y. Inoue, "Blackholes and the history of our universe"
May 2, 9: Y. Yokokura, "What is spacetime? - exploring from blackhole and information -"
May 16, 23: M. Tachikawa, "Cell Biology from mathematical point of view"
June 6, 13: J Fawcett, "Genome informatics"
June 20, 27: T. Doi, "Looking into supercomputer and looking out from supercomputer"
July 4, 11: M. Taki, "How deep leaning becomes smart."

Contact: Takashi Tsuboi (iTHEMS Deputy Director)
