In this 2-day lecture, Dr. Endo reviewed quantum error mitigation, which offers a practical approach to reducing errors in noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices without requiring the encoding of qubits. The first day started by discussing the fundamentals of noise modeling in quantum systems, and then we overviewed concrete examples of QEM techniques, including extrapolation, probabilistic error cancellation (PEC), virtual distillation, quantum subspace expansion, and Clifford data regression. After that, the lecturer presented advanced QEM methods, such as the stochastic PEC approach, which mitigates the effects of Lindblad terms in Lindblad master equations and the generalized quantum subspace expansion, which is a unified framework of QEM. In the second day, the lecturer introduced recent research topics including information-theoretic analysis of QEM, connections to non-Markovian dynamics, combination of QEM with quantum error correction toward the early fault-tolerant quantum computing era. The lecture attracted attendees with wide research backgrounds ranging from quantum information to condensed matter, nuclear, and particle physics.

Reported by Yuta Sekino
