The in-house gathering entitled iTHEMS NOW and NEXT was held on February 26th. This is the occasion we share current status and future perspectives on our research and organization. In the morning, keynote overview talks were given by Kubota, Fawcett, Kurosawa, Yokokura and Taki. Despite her busy schedule, one of our science advisors, Prof. Kotani managed to attend some talks. Another science advisor Prof. Mori also took time to connect through Skype from Kyoto and gave us some important advice. The afternoon session started with the panel discussion facilitated by Warren, and paneled by Chacha, Fawcett, Furusawa, Miyazaki and Y. Inoue. Both at the morning talks and the afternoon discussion, candid opinions were enthusiastically exchanged. After the panel discussion, three presentations on inter-organizational cooperation by Hatsuda, Nagataki, and Prof. Uchiyama from Rikkyo University.
Everybody in attendance seemed happy to have the opportunity to express her/his opinion on iTHEMS organization. If you could not attend, you can still click the link shown below for your input.