Our colleague Eiji Inoue will move on to a new career as an assistant professor at Kyoto University as of Oct. 1, 2024. We all will miss him and wish him the best of luck in his latest endeavor.
Here is a message from Eiji Inoue:

I spent three and a half years in iTHEMS as an SPDR on math. I would like to thank the program director and assistants for their mindful support over these three and a half years. I also wish to thank iTHEMS members for discussion on many occasions.
These years I spent in iTHEMS were invaluable for me. Among all, the best experience for me was that I could gradually get a feeling on "physics in the real world" not only mathematical structure of physics, from the choice of words physicists use in daily discussion. In these casual discussions, I could also try if my understanding of physics are correct.
I also enjoyed playing quantum computers. I think it was impossible to experience without this tolerant environment of iTHEMS; indeed, it just started from a casual conversation with the director. It was the first time I experienced quantum phenomena, especially quantum entanglement, in the real world where I exist. This may sound a little strange, but I feel like I haven't had that feeling of interest in how the real world works in a long time.
While I was going through these experiences like a newborn child, as a mathematician, I could finally achieve my original project on Perelman entropy in the last half year during my visits to Cambridge, Montreal and Aarhus. There are still many thigs to do, but this is certainly the foundation of this new theory. One regret is that I could not finish writing a paper on this result while enrolled at iTHEMS.
I'll be an assistant professor at Kyoto University (Department of Math) from October. I welcome people from iTHEMS to come to Kyoto and discuss. I will also ask iTHEMS for help.
See you again!