In iTHEMS Biology Seminar on December 10th, Dr. Euki Yazaki (iTHEMS) talked about recent techniques and problems in obtaining the large-scale sequence data of eukaryotes. He first mentioned the importance of identifying and comparing the genome sequence in biology. Then, he illustrated the two representative sequencing methods, Sanger sequencing and next-generation sequencing (NGS). He clearly explained the features of these methods, highlighting the advantages of NGS in exploring large-scale or novel sequences. In the latter part, he introduced a method using the graph theory to reconstruct the large-scale genome data from the fragments of a sequence obtained by NGS. He lastly pointed out some problems in the current reconstruction method, and we discussed possible ideas to mitigate them after the talk. We are grateful to Euki for the stimulating talk!

Kyosuke Adachi (BDR/iTHEMS)
