2018/01/15 - 2019/01/14 客員研究員 (本務: FSMP post doctral position, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche (IMJ-PRG), France)
2019/01/15 - 2020/09/30 基礎科学特別研究員
2020/10/01 - 2022/02/28 上級研究員
2022/03/01 - 客員研究員 (本務: 日本電信電話株式会社 NTTコミュニケーション科学基礎研究所 研究主任)
宮﨑 弘安の個人ウェブサイト


Hello, everyone! My name is Hiroyasu Miyazaki. I am a mathematician. I mainly study algebraic varieties, which are geometric objects formed by the solutions of algebraic equations. To capture some essential information on algebraic varieties, it is useful to consider their group-theoretic incarnations, called (co)homology groups. Among the many versions of cohomologies, there is a universal one: the motive theory. It has been used to study common properties of cohomologies and their relationship. However, it has been observed that the motive theory loses some important arithmetic information of algebraic varieties. I am trying to overcome this problem by generalizing the motive theory.
I was a member of iTHES in 2017. After that, I stayed at IMJ-PRG in Paris for one year, and came back to iTHEMS. I am really glad to join you again, and looking forward to many exciting discussions!


A study of biological systems from topological point of view

2022年1月20日(木) 10:00 - 11:00 セミナー iTHEMS生物学セミナー

iTHEMS × academist オンライン一般公開「数理で読み解く科学の世界」

2020年4月18日(土) 10:00 - 17:00 特別講演会

Introduction to Galois Theory and Class Field Theory

2019年4月18日(木) 16:00 - 18:00 セミナー iTHEMS数学セミナー


2017年7月10日(月) 13:30 - 14:30 セミナー
