理化学研究所 数理創造プログラム (iTHEMS) 研究員 過去
張 家丞 Jason Chang チャン ジェイソン
- 研究分野
- 素粒子・原子核理論
- 着任履歴
- 2018/05/01 - 2021/11/14 研究員
- その他の所属
I am Jason Chang, a research scientist at iTHEMS. I received my bachelors and PhD in physics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. During my PhD, my focus was on calculating the hadronic contributions to flavor physics using lattice quantum chromodynamics (LQCD). Afterwards, I joined the LQCD group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) to understand the contributions of the strong interaction in nuclear matter. My interests have since then also extended to explore the possibility of applying quantum annealing to machine learning techniques, and as led to new collaborations with scientists from condensed matter and quantum information science. I am very happy to join iTHEMS, and as a member who is primarily located at LBNL, I look forward to hosting and working with anyone interested in visiting the Bay Area for both the collaboration opportunities with scientists here, as well as industry experts around this area.
Nucleon Structure from Quantum Chromodynamics
2020年1月30日(木) 11:00 - 12:00 セミナー
Farewell message from Dr. Jason Chang
2021-11-16 ホットトピック
Dr. Jason Chang was ranked in the list of the most downloaded physics papers published in Scientific Reports in 2019
2020-09-02 ホットトピック
Is your Supercomputer Stumped? There May Be a Quantum Solution
2019-08-02 プレスリリース
RIKEN's community newsletter features Dr. Jason Chang at SUURI-COOL (Berkeley)
2019-04-01 ホットトピック
Dr. Chang receives 10th annual RIKEN Research Incentive Award
2019-03-18 受賞情報
Quantum annealing for polynomial systems of equations
2019-02-07 今週の注目論文
Self-introduction: Jason Chang
2018-07-02 今週の注目人物
2018-06-05 プレスリリース