理化学研究所 数理創造プログラム (iTHEMS) 研修生 過去
本務: 東京大学 大学院理学系研究科 博士課程
ジン・リュウ Xun Liu

- 研究分野
- 理論高エネルギー物理学、超弦理論
- 着任履歴
- 2022/04/01 - 2024/03/31 研修生 (本務: 東京大学 大学院理学系研究科 博士課程)
My name is Xun Liu, and I joined iTHEMS in April 2022 as a student trainee. I am now involved in a PhD program at the University of Tokyo. My current research project and interest mainly lies in the field of two-dimensional conformal field theory, string theory, and string field theory. I am also interested in the relationship of these fields with formal mathematical topics, including group and representation theory, and analytical geometry. I am looking forward to interacting with mathematicians to form a more mathematical well-developed language in describing CFT and string theory.