QCD(量子色力学)は長い歴史を持ちながら、今も尽きせぬ理論的興味を喚起しており、常に新しい試みやアイデアが提唱されています。さらに周辺分野の物理の進展も積極的に取り入れて、日々、進化を続けています。このようにダイナミックに変容するQCD物理の最新の動静について学ぶことを目的として、QCD勉強会を開催することにしました。 普通のセミナーよりも時間を長めにとって(〜2時間+議論)、参加者が気軽に質問できる自由な雰囲気を大切にしています。ほぼ1ヶ月に1回のペースで、理化学研究所、東京大学本郷キャンパスあるいは慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパスで開催しています。
Scientific visualization is a key tool in natural sciences, for observation and simulation data alike. Manipulating 3D data in a meaningful way is a non-trivial task, that requires a knowledge of both the physics at play, and the visualization techniques involved. The main purpose of this study group is to establish how immersive visualization can enable scientific discovery, using virtual realty (VR) systems. Recent developments on both the hardware side and the software side have dramatically lowered the cost to entry to VR. We think the technology is poised to play a key role in the future of education and public outreach. So we have embarked on this project, to develop adequate tools and the relevant expertise, to be able to harness VR for our research.
Our goal is to provide a clearer overview of wider theoretical disciplines on the basis of information theory, by making close connections across fields: physics, mathematics, engineering, biology, chemistry, and whatever areas that have to do with mathematics.
The aim of this study group is to introduce researchers in iTHEMS to various recent research topics in mathematical sciences and the variety of mathematical research areas. Another important aim is to enhance the mathematical interaction between researchers from various fields.
Quantum Matter Study Group
In science, significant breakthroughs often stem from the connection between two distinct disciplines. Induced superconductivity can be observed in DNA via the proximity effect. A non-zero Chern number reveals that ocean and atmospheric waves exhibit similar underline features of topological insulators. The goal of this study group is twofold: 1. Build multiple bridges from quantum matter to other fields, and 2. explore the fundamentals of quantum matter. The study group aims to initiate a connection between iTHEMS and the Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS) through talks and lectures, stimulate international collaborations by inviting speakers worldwide.