We are holding regular seminars and other activities on topics related to biology. Our aim is to lower the boundaries between biology and mathematics/physics, to identify common grounds between biology and mathematics/physics, and to develop ideas for new research topics at the intersection of biology and mathematics or physics.


Many biologists think of mathematics and physics as something very difficult and distant from their field of research, and vice-versa. Yet, the synergy between biology and mathematics/physics has proven successful in a number of occasions, such as between genetics and statistics, or systems biology and network science. We believe that there is a lot more common ground between biology and mathematics/physics than what most people think, and a lot more potential for fruitful interactions. Through our activities, we aim to lower the boundaries between biology and mathematics/physics, to identify common grounds between biology and mathematics/physics, and to develop ideas for new research topics at the intersection of biology and mathematics or physics.

Our main activity is to hold weekly seminars (currently via zoom). Each iTHEMS biology member takes turn to host the seminar each week where he/she may give a talk him/her-self or invite someone from outside. The host is responsible for deciding the content and format of the seminar according to his/her interest. Possible examples are as follows;

  • Introduce basic concepts in certain fields of biology to non-experts
  • Introduce some examples of mathematics or physics applied to biology
  • Present areas in biology where additional expertise from mathematics or physics are desired
  • Present an interesting paper (journal club-style)
  • Introduce topics in mathematics or physics that may be relevant to biology
  • Ask a question or ask for help about a research problem he/she is facing
  • Practice a talk for an upcoming conference and ask for feedback

In addition, we invite prominent researchers to give lectures or presentations, and hold interdisciplinary workshops on topics related to biology on an irregular basis (e.g. once or twice a year).

If you would like to ask some questions, give a talk at our seminar, talk to us etc, please contact one of our facilitators.

Jeffrey Fawcett (RIKEN iTHEMS) *Contact at jeffrey.fawcett@riken.jp
Catherine Beauchemin (RIKEN iTHEMS)
Ryosuke Iritani (RIKEN iTHEMS)
Gen Kurosawa (RIKEN iTHEMS)
