135 news in 2024
Research NewsRIKEN Research: How the genetic battle of the sexes plays out in species that can switch sex
A model developed by RIKEN researchers incorporates species that change sex during their life cycles for the first time1, promising new insights into genes affecting the reproductive success of males and females differently. Some genes that boost the reproductive success of females can be detrimental to that of males, and vice versa—a phenomenon dubbed ‘sexual antagonism’. Sometimes such genes can be silenced in individuals of the sex they are detrimental to. However, it may take a long time for these sexually antagonistic genes to be turned off, and so they may remain active in both sexes for generations. “Researchers have long been interested in how sexual antagonism may maintain genetic variation in populations, and whether variants favoring one sex are systematically preferred,” says Thomas Hitchcock of the RIKEN Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences. To read more, please visit the related link.
Paper of the WeekWeek 5, March 2024
Title: Exact block encoding of imaginary time evolution with universal quantum neural networks Author: Ermal Rrapaj, Evan Rule arXiv: Title: A neural network approach for two-body systems with spin and isospin degrees of freedom Author: Chuanxin Wang, Tomoya Naito, Jian Li, Haozhao Liang arXiv: Title: Greybody Factors Imprinted on Black Hole Ringdowns. II. Merging Binary Black Holes Author: Kazumasa Okabayashi, Naritaka Oshita arXiv: Title: Local operator quench induced by two-dimensional inhomogeneous and homogeneous CFT Hamiltonians Author: Weibo Mao, Masahiro Nozaki, Kotaro Tamaoka, Mao Tian Tan arXiv: Title: Unveiling clean two-dimensional discrete time quasicrystals on a digital quantum computer Author: Kazuya Shinjo, Kazuhiro Seki, Tomonori Shirakawa, Rong-Yang Sun, Seiji Yunoki arXiv: Title: Monopoles and transverse knots Author: Nobuo Iida, Masaki Taniguchi arXiv: Title: The Flavor Composition of Supernova Neutrinos Author: Antonio Capanema, Yago Porto, Maria Manuela Saez arXiv: Title: Probing Goldstino excitation through the tunneling transport in a Bose-Fermi mixture with explicitly broken supersymmetry Author: Tingyu Zhang, Yixin Guo, Hiroyuki Tajima, Haozhao Liang arXiv:
AwardiTHEMS received the "RIKEN Diversity Innitiative Award 2023"
On 8 March 2024, iTHEMS received the "RIKEN Diversity Promotion Award 2023". The award recognised our joint activities (lectures and visiting program) with Nara Women's University from 2020 as a progressive initiative to promote the active participation of women in the scientific field. Thanks to all those who made this activity exciting and entertaining!
Hot TopicFarewell message from Mizuki Oikawa
Our colleague Mizuki Oikawa will move on to a new carrier (JSPS Research fellow (PD)) at University of Tokyo as of April 1st. We all will miss him and wish him the best of luck in his latest endeavor. Here is a message from Mizuki Oikawa: I spent three years at iTHEMS as a Junior Research Associate (JRA) for the first two years and a student trainee for the whole three years. It was a great experience that I could communicate with researchers with various backgrounds. Moreover, it was wonderful that iTHEMS gave me chances not only to talk about my research but also host some seminars. I am fortunately going to be a visiting researcher and looking forward to seeing you again soon.
AwardDr. Naritaka Oshita received The 15th RIKEN Research Incentive Award (Ohbu Award)
Naritaka Ohshita (former SPDR in iTHEMS; currently HAKUBI fellow in Kyoto Univ.) received "The 15th RIKEN Research Incentive Award (Ohbu Award)" on March 12, 2024 for his outstanding achievement in the "Study of Quasi-normal Modes of Rotating Black Holes". The picture wαs taken in front of the statue of Hideki Yukawa at the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University. Congratulations, Naritaka!
Seminar ReportRIKEN Quantum Lecture by Takafumi Tomita on December 26, 2023
In this lecture, the recent rapid progress of cold-atom quantum computers was reviewed. In a cold-atom quantum computer, a laser-cooled atomic gas in a vacuum chamber is captured with a two-dimensional trap array called an optical tweezers array, which is an array of tightly focused laser beams. An array of cold single atoms thus created is initialized, gate operated, and readout with other laser beams. Because of its controllability and scalability, the cold-atom quantum computer has been attracting much attention, as one of the most promising candidates in the race to develop quantum-computer hardware. The lecturer described the characteristics and development trends of the cold-atom hardware, as well as the development of a cold-atom quantum computer at Institute for Molecular Science including the realization of an ultrafast quantum gate using ultrashort laser pulses. Reported by Yuta Sekino
Hot TopicFarewell message from Akira Harada
Our colleague Akira Harada will move to National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Ibaraki College as an Assistant Professor, starting from April 1, 2024. We all will miss him and wish him success in his new affiliation! Here is a message from Akira Harada: For these three years, I have had a very happy time as an SPDR in iTHEMS. It was an invaluable experience to talk with various people and diverse fields and topics. Events like public outreach and Super Smash Problem have been my good memories, and I feel they have provided me a good nourishment. Thanks to such opportunities and the environment for unrestricted research, I feel I have taken a step forward as a researcher. iTHEMS is very comfortable and hard to leave, but I will take further steps in my new workplace. I express my gratitude to the program coordinators, colleagues, and assistants who have engaged in various discussions and provided support. I would be grateful to keep in touch with iTHEMS members in the future.
Paper of the WeekWeek 4, March 2024
Title: Slowly decaying ringdown of a rapidly spinning black hole II: Inferring the masses and spins of supermassive black holes with LISA Author: Daiki Watarai, Naritaka Oshita, Daichi Tsuna arXiv: Title: Understanding Diffusion Models by Feynman's Path Integral Author: Yuji Hirono, Akinori Tanaka, Kenji Fukushima arXiv: Title: Exploring associations between viral titer measurements and disease outcomes in ferrets inoculated with 125 contemporary influenza A viruses Author: Troy J. Kieran, Xiangjie Sun, Taronna R. Maines, Catherine A. A. Beauchemin, Jessica A. Belser doi: Title: Imaging a semi-classical horizonless compact object with strong redshift Author: Che-Yu Chen, Yuki Yokokura arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 3, March 2024
Title: Absence of ground states for anions Author: Yukimi Goto arXiv: Title: Firewalls at exponentially late times Author: Andreas Blommaert, Chang-Han Chen, Yasunori Nomura arXiv:
Seminar ReportDMWG Seminar by Thanaporn Sichanugrist on January 22, 2024
In these years, the study of quantum techniques has been growing so rapidly. New ideas for quantum calculations are being developed, and even the quantum computer will be available in the near future. New quantum tools can be the key to access the physics we have not ever seen. One example is the application of the two-level qubit to searches of dark matter (DM) of dark photons. When a dark photon enters the qubit system, it behaves as an effective electric field and then excites the qubit. Direct measurements of the excitation of a qubit are already achieved. However, in order to claim the significance, we have to achieve a high signal-to-noise ratio which is, in the simplest setup, proportional to the number of the excited qubits. The gain can be improved by introducing another quantum nature to such an experiment. By constructing the quantum circuit combining single systems, the signal-to-noise ratio proportional to the square of the number of the excited qubits is obtained. Behind this magic, coherent accumulations of the phase are achieved due to the entanglement effect. Thanks to this enhancement, the sensitivity to dark photon DM can be improved by about two orders of magnitude compared to the case without a circuit. Further exciting news we have is that such equipment is coming to the real world. Superconducting qubit is realized as an ultra-cold non-linear LC circuit, the readout system is developed using a cavity. The coherence time is important for achieving good readout and it is now rapidly improving. All the system has already been assembled at the University of Tokyo, meaning that it is ready to operate. The characterization of the system is now ongoing and discussion of further improvements and enhancement starts. We should see fantastic results in the near future! Reported by Nagisa Hiroshima
Hot TopicFarewell message from Hidetoshi Taya
Our colleague Hidetoshi Taya will move to Department of Physics, Hiyoshi Campus, Keio University as an Assistant Professor, starting from April 1, 2024. We all will miss him and wish him success in his new affiliation! Here is a message from Hidetoshi Taya: It was truly one of the greatest experiences in my whole life to be able to enjoy science at iTHEMS for four years (including the one year in 2017 as a JSPS posdoc, before joining as an SPDR from 2021). All iTHEMS researchers are so talented and have a broad interest in science, covering almost all topics of science, not only physics, but also mathematics, biology, computational science, etc. The scientific discussions in iTHEMS, therefore, have always been extremely interesting and useful. iTHEMS also gave me a unique opportunity to enhance collaborations through the Working/Study Group program, which I used with NEW (Non-Equilibrium Working Group) and the Theoretical Physics Study Group, and I have learned and enjoyed a lot through their activities. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to the director, Hatsuda-san, the deputy directors, and the assistants, who did/do/are making enormous efforts to achieve the great environment of iTHEMS. Finally, I sincerely hope that iTHEMS will continue to develop and expand its presence, and I look forward to continuing to collaborate and enjoy science with iTHEMS researchers. Thanks for the great four years!
Person of the WeekSelf-introduction: Lingxiao Wang
Hello everyone! My name is Lingxiao Wang (王 凌霄). My research ambitiously bridges the fields of machine learning and physics, with a particular focus on using deep learning techniques, such as deep neural networks (DNNs) and generative AI, to explore QCD matter with physics models and lattice calculations. Beyond traditional boundaries, my work extends to pioneering applications of AI for Science, such as the automating scientific discovery, medical AI, and the analysis of collective behavior. My academic journey in physics commenced with a Ph.D. at Tsinghua University, China(2015-2020), where I investigated quark matter under extreme conditions. Concurrently, I was a visiting Ph.D. student at the University of Tokyo, Japan(2018-2019), focusing on chiral matter. During my postdoctoral position at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies(FIAS), Germany (2020-2023), I honed my expertise in applying machine learning to physical sciences, and simultaneously held a joint position as a Research Assistant at Insitute of Physics in Goethe University, where I applied machine learning to THz physics. Currently, I am also a Visiting Scholar at the Institute of Modern Physics, Fudan University, China, working on machine learning applications in particle and nuclear physics. For many years, I have organized a series of "Machine Learning Physics" seminars and learning clubs, providing an inclusive space for scientists interested in AI. I am especially enthusiastic about knowledge sharing and discussions that pave the way for interdisciplinary topics. My door (Main Building 249) is always open for anyone who wants to drink a cup of coffee/tea with me!
Hot TopicRIKEN-Nara Women's University Joint Diversity Promotion Workshop 2024 was held
On February 29th and March 1st, a total of 23 students from various courses including mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and environmental science at Nara Women's University (2nd to 4th year undergraduates, 1st and 2nd year master's students) visited different laboratories at RIKEN: the Azuma Laboratory (CPR), the Takeishi Laboratory (CBS), iTHEMS, the RIBF facility, and the Sako Laboratory (CPR). At each laboratory, they had the opportunity to glimpse cutting-edge research, and during the evening exchange sessions with RIKEN researchers, they were able to ask deeper questions about the research topics and learn about the researchers' daily lives. This diversity promotion activity is part of a joint initiative between the Faculty of Science at Nara Women's University and RIKEN iTHEMS, conducted in conjunction with a series of lectures at Nara Women's University, and is planned to continue in the coming years.
Paper of the WeekWeek 5, February 2024
Title: Estimation of the electromagnetic field in intermediate-energy heavy-ion collisions Author: Hidetoshi Taya, Toru Nishimura, Akira Ohnishi arXiv: Title: A degeneration formula of Donaldson-Thomas theory on Calabi-Yau 4-folds Author: Yalong Cao, Gufang Zhao, Zijun Zhou arXiv:
Seminar ReportMath-Phys Seminar by Christy Koji Kelly on February 26, 2024
Christy gave an introductory talk on distribution and AQFT. Reported by Yuto Moriwaki
Paper of the WeekWeek 4, February 2024
Title: Lattice QCD and Baryon-Baryon Interactions Author: Sinya Aoki, Takumi Doi Journal Reference: "Handbook of Nuclear Physics" (Springer, 2023), edited by I. Tanihata, H. Toki and T. Kajino, ISBN 978-9811963445 doi: arXiv: Title: Charge-density wave transition in magnetic topological semimetal EuAl$_4$ Author: R. Yang, C. C. Le, P. Zhu, Z. W. Wang, T. Shang, Y. M. Dai, J. P. Hu, M. Dressel doi: arXiv: Title: Resurgence in Lorentzian quantum cosmology: no-boundary saddles and resummation of quantum gravity corrections around tunneling saddles Author: Masazumi Honda, Hiroki Matsui, Kazumasa Okabayashi, Takahiro Terada arXiv:
AwardYuji Sugita and RIKEN SUURI Corporation received the 6th Japan Open Innovation Prize
Yuji Sugita (Chief Scientist, Theoretical Molecular Science Laboratory/Senior Research Scientist, iTHEMS) and RIKEN SUURI Corporation, received the 6th Japan Open Innovation Prize, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award, together with the National Institute of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition, JSOL Corporation, and Quantum Simulation Technologies, Inc. The award ceremony was held on February 14 at the Cabinet Office Central Government Building. Congratulations! RIKEN SUURI was established at the initiative of iTHEMS and JSOL Corporation, with the aim of becoming "a company that makes the best use of mathematical science to solve fundamental problems in society".
Seminar ReportABBL-iTHEMS Joint Astro Seminar by Yosuke Mizuno on February 8, 2024
On February 8th, Prof. Yosuke Mizuno (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) gave a talk about the numerical simulations of the jet launching process at the vicinity of black holes. Supermassive black holes hosted in active galaxies are known to launch relativistic jets and emit electromagnetic signals across a wide range of energy bands. A notable example is the nearby supermassive black hole hosted in the M87 galaxy. Recent results from the Event Horizon Telescope, which has provided a radio image of the vicinity of the black hole, have revealed a signature of curved space-time. In the talk, after giving a broad overview of this topic, he described the current understanding of the physics at the horizon scale of black holes based on his numerical simulations. He carried out 3D general relativistic magneto-hydrodynamical simulations and general relativistic radiative transfer calculations to investigate the jet launching process and the radiative signature at the horizon scale. He has shown that his calculations can successfully reproduce the results of the Event Horizon Telescope. At the same time, while it is robust that the curved space-time signature is present in the observation, uncertainty remains in the physical properties such as the spin of black hole and the degree of magnetization of the accretion flow. To further pin down these properties, higher quality observational data are required. Reported by Hirotaka Ito
Paper of the WeekWeek 3, February 2024
Title: The $ \textrm{\ensuremathφ-NN} $ Bound-State Problem by First Lattice QCD $ \textrm{N-\ensuremathφ} $ Potentials Author: Faisal Etminan, Amanullah Aalimi arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 2, February 2024
Title: Non-relativistic trace anomaly and equation of state in dense fermionic matter Author: Hiroyuki Tajima, Kei Iida, Haozhao Liang arXiv: Title: Evolutionary and ecological trends in the Neotropical cycad genus Dioon (Zamiaceae): An example of success of evolutionary stasis Author: José Said Gutiérrez-Ortega, Miguel Angel Pérez-Farrera, Mitsuhiko P. Sato, Ayumi Matsuo, Yoshihisa Suyama, Andrew P. Vovides, Francisco Molina-Freaner, Tadashi Kajita, Yasuyuki Watano Journal Reference: Ecological Research doi:
AwardTomoki Ozawa was awarded the 6th Teruo Hiruma Photon Science Award
Tomoki Ozawa (Visiting Sciencetist, iTHEMS) was awarded the 6th Teruo Hiruma Photon Science Award for his research on "Theoretical Proposal and Demonstration of Artificial Dimensions in Topological Photonics." The award ceremony will be held on March 4, 2024. Congratulations!
AwardAkinori Tanaka received the 29th Outstanding Paper Award
Akinori Tanaka (Senior Research Scientist, iTHEMS (concurrent)) received the 29th Outstanding Paper Award of the Physical Society of Japan for his "Detection of Phase Transition via Convolutional Neural Networks”. Congratulations!
AnnouncementTakemasa Miyoshi will give a talk at the RIKEN Science Lecture
A scientific lecture introducing RIKEN's research activities will be held on February 23 (Fri., national holiday) at the Miraikan Hall of the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation. Takemasa Miyoshi (Deputy Program Director, iTHEMS) is one of the speakers and will give a talk titled "Creating Guerrilla Rainstorms Inside Computers." For more information, please see the related links.
Paper of the WeekWeek 1, February 2024
Title: Search for heavy dark matter from dwarf spheroidal galaxies: leveraging cascades and subhalo models Author: Deheng Song, Nagisa Hiroshima, Kohta Murase arXiv: Title: Acceleration and transport of relativistic electrons in the jets of the microquasar SS 433 Author: H.E.S.S. Collaboration (Naomi Tsuji) Journal Reference: Science383,402-406(2024) doi: arXiv: Title: Interparticle normal force in highly porous granular matter during compression Author: Sota Arakawa, Misako Tatsuuma, Hidekazu Tanaka, Mikito Furuichi, Daisuke Nishiura arXiv: Title: The metamorphosis of the Type Ib SN 2019yvr: late-time interaction Author: Lucía Ferrari, Gastón Folatelli, Hanindyo Kuncarayakti, Maximilian Stritzinger, Keiichi Maeda, Melina Bersten, Lili M. Román Aguilar, M. Manuela Sáez, Luc Dessart, Peter Lundqvist, Paolo Mazzali, Takashi Nagao, Chris Ashall, Subhash Bose, Seán J. Brennan, Yongzhi Cai, Rasmus Handberg, Simon Holmbo, Emir Karamehmetoglu, Andrea Pastorello, Andrea Reguitti, Joseph Anderson, Ting-Wan Chen, Lluís Galbany, Mariusz Gromadzki, Claudia P. Gutiérrez, Cosimo Inserra, Erkki Kankare, Tomás E. Müller Bravo, Seppo Mattila, Matt Nicholl, Giuliano Pignata, Jesper Sollerman, Shubham Srivastav, David R. Young Journal Reference: MNRAS Letters, 529, L33 (2024) doi: arXiv: Title: Diagrammatic representations of 3-periodic entanglements Author: Toky Andriamanalina, Myfanwy E. Evans, Sonia Mahmoudi arXiv: Title: Doubly charmed tetraquark $T_{cc}^+$ in (2+1)-flavor QCD near physical point Author: Yan Lyu, Sinya Aoki, Takumi Doi, Tetsuo Hatsuda, Yoichi Ikeda, Jie Meng arXiv:
Seminar ReportQuantum Computation SG Seminar by Emanuele Mendicelli on December 18, 2023
Dr. Emanuele Mendicelli presented his work on the study a SU(2) pure gauge lattice theory on a quantum annealer by D-Wave. Reported by Enrico Rinaldi
Hot TopiciTHEMS held exchange event with members of the Masason Foundation
RIKEN Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program (iTHEMS) held its first exchange event with members of the Masason Foundation on Thursday, December 7th, 2023, as part of its efforts to nurture young talent for the future. Thirteen Foundation members, ranging in age from 9 to 26 years old, with interests in mathematics, physics, biology, AI, etc., and ten iTHEMS researchers participated in the event, engaging in high-level discussions and stimulating exchanges. For more details, please see the main text below.
Hot Topic“Quantum-like Modeling” in Biology, Cognitive & Social Sciences on January 26, 2024
A workshop titled "Quantum-like modeling in biology, cognitive & social sciences", jointly organized by iTHEMS, RIKEN Quantum, and JST-CREST "Multi-sensing" area, was held on Jan. 26 (Fri), 2024 from 9:30 to 17:00 in Okochi Memorial Hall and Zoom. At the beginning of the workshop, Atsushi Iriki (RIKEN), research supervisor of JST-CREST "Multi-sensing" area, explained the purpose of the workshop, followed by Tetsuo Hatsuda (RIKEN) introducing the several quantum computers available in RIKEN Quantum. After that, Hayato Saigo (Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology) gave a talk on "Overview of open quantum systems focusing on JST-CREST projects", and there was a discussion on the possibilities and expectations for modeling and interpretation of general phenomena using quantum theoretical mathematics. Then, Masanao Ozawa (Chubu Univ.) gave a talk on "Theory of non-commutative ordering effects and new mathematical theory in breakthroughs", and there was a discussion on the design of complementary collaboration between experimentalists and mathematicians, and the creation of "new mathematics”. After a lunch break, Takuya Isomura (RIKEN) gave a talk on "Path integral methods in Bayesian inference variational free energy principle", and there was a discussion on the quantum interpretation in biochemistry, neuroscience, cognitive science, and psychiatry. Following this, Shogo Tanaka (Tokai Univ.) gave a talk on "From an atomistic view of humanity to understanding human beings and society through quantum metaphors", and there was a discussion on the possibilities of social implementation of quantum phenomena and quantum computations in the humanities and social sciences. Finally, there was a general discussion on “quantum-like modeling” and the path integral/quantum interpretation of the evolution/history of "human phenomena". About 70 participants, both onsite and online, had an enthusiastic discussion on the quantum interpretation of various phenomena in the humanities and social sciences, and on the possibilities of quantum computation.
Hot TopicSeoul National University student group visited iTHEMS on January 10, 2024
On Wednesday, January 10, a group of 22 undergraduate students part of a student group called GLEAP from Seoul National University (SNU) came to visit iTHEMS, accompanied by Professor Ji-Young Lee, Associate Dean of the College of Natural Sciences in the School of Biological Sciences at SNU. The students were from various years (2nd to 4th year undergraduates) and a wide range of scientific fields, including mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics, and statistics. Their visit to iTHEMS was part of a several days' tour of various Japanese universities and research institutes, to consider their future career opportunities and research directions. Upon arriving at RIKEN, the group was greeted by iTHEMS members Dongwook Ghim and Catherine Beauchemin, and were first taken on a tour of the Nishina Center ion beam accelerators. They then enjoyed very brief, casual conversation in the iTHEMS common rooms with some snacks. Catherine Beauchemin gave a 5-min introduction of the various opportunities for SNU students to become iTHEMS members in the future (e.g., JRA, IPA, SPDR, RS/SRS). Then 6 different iTHEMS researchers (Dongwook Ghim, Misako Tatsuuma, Akinori Tanaka, Catherine Beauchemin, Steffen Backes, Ryo Namba) gave great 12 min talks about their research, and some additional iTHEMS members also joined. After that, several additional iTHEMS members joined and each of the students and iTHEMS members briefly introduced themselves and their research interests. This was followed by interesting, casual discussions between iTHEMS members and the SNU students over light food. The students told me they thoroughly enjoyed their visit to iTHEMS and learning about the wide range of research our members conduct. Overall, this provided a great opportunity to showcase iTHEMS members' research to young researchers considering their future academic career. Many thanks for the amazing support provided by all the iTHEMS assistants without whom this event would not have been possible, to the iTHEMS researchers who took their time to take part in this event and make it so interesting for the students, and with special thanks to Dongwook Ghim, himself is a graduate of SNU, for all his help and for being such an inspiring role model for these students of his alma mater. Reported by Catherine Beauchemin
Paper of the WeekWeek 4, January 2024
Title: Toward QCD on Quantum Computer: Orbifold Lattice Approach Author: Georg Bergner, Masanori Hanada, Enrico Rinaldi, Andreas Schafer arXiv: Title: Multipole and fracton topological order via gauging foliated SPT phases Author: Hiromi Ebisu, Masazumi Honda, Taiichi Nakanishi arXiv: Title: Computations of HOMFLY homology Author: Keita Nakagane, Taketo Sano arXiv:
Hot TopicBlack Hole Recorder was exhibited at the art event DIG SHIBUYA from January 12th to 14th, 2024
iTHEMS exhibited "Black Hole Recorder”, a science art work based on quantum black hole theory created in 2021 with outside creators, as a program within the art event "DIG SHIBUYA” at the Shibuya Workers’ Welfare Hall for three days from January 12 (Fri.) to 14 (Sun.). The entire event was organized by the SHIBUYA CREATIVE TECH Executive Committee in cooperation with the Shibuya City, and "Black Hole Recorder” was selected as a collaborative project through an open call for proposals. The exhibition was held in a dark room with the "Black Hole Recorder” set up in the middle of the room, and visitors were invited to enter with a flashlight to illuminate their feet and view the works with explanations. The entire venue was an experimental space, and the "Black Hole Recorder” constantly recorded all the sounds in the venue. For the first time, a booth was set up to allow visitors to listen to environmental sound data recorded from the very experimental space where the "Black Hole Recorder” was exhibited in the past, allowing them to enjoy the experience of listening to the past. The exhibition was held at a facility located in the city of Shibuya, where many people (close to 300 in total) gather, and many visitors were able to view and experience the exhibition on a holiday day. Depending on the time of day, the venue was sometimes quite crowded. Through the artworks, many visitors became interested in black holes and their theories, and I believe that many of them left with an image of a black hole. Detailed explanations of the theory using a blackboard by researcher Yuki Yokokura and program director Tetsuo Hatsuda were also well received. The response was also positive due to the sense of time and scale regarding the plan to send recorded sounds to a black hole via radio waves in the future in order to deliver the sounds of humanity far into the future. Exhibiting at an art event in the city provided an opportunity to bring the results of our research to people who are not usually interested in science, and we felt that this was a good opportunity to make progress in the future.
Paper of the WeekWeek 3, January 2024
Title: Double-graviton production from Standard Model plasma Author: J. Ghiglieri, M. Laine, J. Schütte-Engel, E. Speranza arXiv: Title: General corner charge formulas in various tetrahedral and cubic space groups Author: Hidetoshi Wada, Katsuaki Naito, Seishiro Ono, Ken Shiozaki, Shuichi Murakami arXiv: Title: Three ways of calculating mass spectra for the 2-flavor Schwinger model in the Hamiltonian formalism Author: Akira Matsumoto, Etsuko Itou, Yuya Tanizaki arXiv: Title: Predicting heteropolymer interactions: demixing and hypermixing of disordered protein sequences Author: Kyosuke Adachi, Kyogo Kawaguchi arXiv: Title: Shear oscillations in neutron stars and the nuclear symmetry energy Author: Hajime Sotani arXiv: Title: Upper Limit on the Coronal Cosmic Ray Energy Budget in Seyfert Galaxies Author: Yoshiyuki Inoue, Shinsuke Takasao, Dmitry Khangulyan arXiv: Title: Determination of the CP restoration temperature at $θ=π$ in 4D SU(2) Yang-Mills theory through simulations at imaginary $θ$ Author: Mitsuaki Hirasawa, Kohta Hatakeyama, Masazumi Honda, Akira Matsumoto, Jun Nishimura, Atis Yosprakob arXiv:
Person of the WeekSelf-introduction: Camilia Demidem
My field of research is high-energy astrophysics. The fundamental open questions that motivate my work are that of the origins of high-energy cosmic rays and the nature of the physical processes dissipating energy in extreme astrophysical environments such as active galactic nuclei, gamma ray bursts or pulsar wind nebulae. More specifically, I investigate the multi-scale physics of shocks, turbulence and particle acceleration possibly at play in these environments using theoretical modelling and different numerical frameworks, including particle-in-cell and magnetohydrodynamic simulations. I am excited to join a group of scientists from such diverse backgrounds and I am particularly looking forward to working alongside researchers in the fields of health and biology for the first time! I am also eager to improve my Japanese, よかったら、日本語で声を掛けてください!
Paper of the WeekWeek 2, January 2024
Title: Correlations and Distinguishability Challenges in Supernova Models: Insights from Future Neutrino Detectors Author: Maria Manuela Saez, Ermal Rrapaj, Akira Harada, Shigehiro Nagataki, Yong-Zhong Qian arXiv:
Seminar ReportiTHEMS Math Seminar by Yuto Yamamoto on December 13, 2023
There was a math seminar by Yuto Yamamoto. He explained what is a tropical geometry first. He then explained the periodic integral and his recent results. Reported by Keita Mikami
Paper of the WeekWeek 1, January 2024
Title: Expansion of a digraph with a doubly bidirectionally connected pair is not cactus Author: Hiroki Kodama arXiv: Title: Mass spectrum of spin-one hadrons in dense two-color QCD: Novel predictions by extended linear sigma model Author: Daiki Suenaga, Kotaro Murakami, Etsuko Itou, Kei Iida arXiv:
135 news in 2024