Paper of the Week
208 news
Paper of the WeekWeek 2, December 2023
Title: Improved real-space parallelizable matrix-product state compression and its application to unitary quantum dynamics simulation Author: Rong-Yang Sun, Tomonori Shirakawa, Seiji Yunoki arXiv: Title: Oliver Curvature Bounds for the Brownian Continuum Random Tree Author: Christy Kelly arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 5, November 2023
Title: Study on Lambda(1405) in the flavor SU(3) limit in the HAL QCD method Author: Kotaro Murakami, Sinya Aoki arXiv: Title: Searching for High Frequency Gravitational Waves with Phonons Author: Yonatan Kahn, Jan Schütte-Engel, Tanner Trickle arXiv: Title: End-to-end complexity for simulating the Schwinger model on quantum computers Author: Kazuki Sakamoto, Hayata Morisaki, Junichi Haruna, Etsuko Itou, Keisuke Fujii, Kosuke Mitarai arXiv: Title: Towards complete characterization of topological insulators and superconductors: A systematic construction of topological invariants based on Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence Author: Seishiro Ono, Ken Shiozaki arXiv: Title: Speed of sound exceeding the conformal bound in dense 2-color QCD Author: Etsuko Itou, Kei Iida arXiv: Title: New configuration set of HAL QCD collaboration Author: Etsuko Itou for HAL QCD collaboration arXiv: Title: Supernovae Ia and Gamma-Ray Bursts together shed new lights on the Hubble constant tension and cosmology Author: M. G. Dainotti, B. De Simone, G. Montani, E. Rinaldi, M. Bogdan, K. M. Islam, A. Gangopadhyay Journal Reference: PoS(ICRC2023)1367 arXiv: Title: Parameter estimation by learning quantum correlations in continuous photon-counting data using neural networks Author: Enrico Rinaldi, Manuel González Lastre, Sergio García Herreros, Shahnawaz Ahmed, Maryam Khanahmadi, Franco Nori, Carlos Sánchez Muñoz arXiv: Title: GRB Optical and X-ray Plateau Properties Classifier Using Unsupervised Machine Learning Author: Shubham Bhardwaj, Maria G. Dainotti, Sachin Venkatesh, Aditya Narendra, Anish Kalsi, Enrico Rinaldi, Agnieszka Pollo Journal Reference: MNRAS, Volume 525, Issue 4, pp.5204-5223, November 2023 doi: arXiv: Title: Estimating truncation effects of quantum bosonic systems using sampling algorithms Author: Masanori Hanada, Junyu Liu, Enrico Rinaldi, Masaki Tezuka Journal Reference: Mach. Learn.: Sci. Technol. 4 045021, 2023 doi: arXiv: Title: Approximate Autonomous Quantum Error Correction with Reinforcement Learning Author: Yexiong Zeng, Zheng-Yang Zhou, Enrico Rinaldi, Clemens Gneiting, Franco Nori Journal Reference: Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 050601 (2023) doi: arXiv: Title: MEET: A Monte Carlo Exploration-Exploitation Trade-off for Buffer Sampling Author: Julius Ott, Lorenzo Servadei, Jose Arjona-Medina, Enrico Rinaldi, Gianfranco Mauro, Daniela Sánchez Lopera, Michael Stephan, Thomas Stadelmayer, Avik Santra, Robert Wille arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 4, November 2023
Title: A Kohn-Sham Scheme Based Neural Network for Nuclear Systems Author: Zu-Xing Yang, Xiao-Hua Fan, Zhi-Pan Li, Haozhao Liang Journal Reference: Phys. Lett. B 840, 137870 (2023) doi: arXiv: Title: A threshold-type algorithm to the gradient flow of the Canham-Helfrich functional Author: Katsuyuki Ishi, Yoshihito Kohsaka, Nobuhito Miyake, Koya Sakakibara arXiv: Title: Magnonic spin current shot noise in an itinerant Fermi gas Author: Tingyu Zhang, Hiroyuki Tajima, Haozhao Liang arXiv: Title: Quantum Simulation of Finite Temperature Schwinger Model via Quantum Imaginary Time Evolution Author: Juan W. Pedersen, Etsuko Itou, Rong-Yang Sun, Seiji Yunoki arXiv: Title: First-order bulk transitions in large-$N$ lattice Yang--Mills theories using the density of states Author: Felix Springer, David Schaich, Enrico Rinaldi arXiv: Title: Sexual antagonism in sequential hermaphrodites Author: Thomas Hitchcock, Andy Gardner Journal Reference: Proc. R. Soc. B 290: 20232222 doi:
Paper of the WeekWeek 3, November 2023
Title: Magnetic-coupled electronic landscape in bilayer-distorted titanium-based kagome metals Author: Yong Hu, Congcong Le, Long Chen, Hanbin Deng, Ying Zhou, Nicholas C. Plumb, Milan Radovic, Ronny Thomale, Andreas P. Schnyder, Jia-Xin Yin, Gang Wang, Xianxin Wu, Ming Shi arXiv: Title: The phylogenetic reconstruction of the Neotropical cycad genus Ceratozamia (Zamiaceae) reveals disparate patterns of niche evolution Author: José Said Gutiérrez-Ortega, Miguel Angel Pérez-Farrera, Ayumi Matsuo, Mitsuhiko P. Sato, Yoshihisa Suyama, Michael Calonje, Andrew P. Vovides, Tadashi Kajita, Yasuyuki Watano Journal Reference: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution doi:
Paper of the WeekWeek 2, November 2023
Title: Constraints on the Neutron-Star Structure from the Clocked X-Ray Burster 1RXS J180408.9$-$342058 Author: Akira Dohi, Wataru Iwakiri, Nobuya Nishimura, Tsuneo Noda, Shigehiro Nagataki, Masa-aki Hashimoto arXiv: Title: Thermal behavior of effective U_A(1) anomaly couplings in reflection of higher topological sectors Author: G. Fejos, A. Patkos arXiv: Title: Coupled-channel $Λ_{c}K^{+}-pD_{s}$ Interaction in Flavor $ \textrm{SU}\left(3\right) $ Limit of Lattice QCD Author: Faisal Etminan, Kenji Sasaki, Takashi Inoue arXiv: Title: Operator dynamics in Lindbladian SYK: a Krylov complexity perspective Author: Budhaditya Bhattacharjee, Pratik Nandy, Tanay Pathak arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 1, November 2023
Title: Exploring Neutrino Mass Orderings through Supernova Neutrino Detection Author: Maria Manuela Saez Journal Reference: Universe 2023, 9, 464 doi: arXiv: Title: Inhomogeneous quenches as state preparation in two-dimensional conformal field theories Author: Masahiro Nozaki, Kotaro Tamaoka, Mao Tian Tan arXiv: Title: The homology of moduli spaces of 4-manifolds may be infinitely generated Author: Hokuto Konno arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 5, October 2023
Title: Nambu-Goldstone modes in a lattice Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with multi flavor symmetries Author: Yukimi Goto, Tohru Koma arXiv: Title: The extraction of higher-order radial moments of nuclear charge density from muonic atom spectroscopy Author: Hui Hui Xie, Jian Li, Haozhao Liang arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 4, October 2023
Title: Can we explain cosmic birefringence without a new light field beyond Standard Model? Author: Yuichiro Nakai, Ryo Namba, Ippei Obata, Yu-Cheng Qiu, Ryo Saito arXiv: Title: The statistics and sensitivity of axion wind detection with the homogeneous precession domain of superfluid helium-3 Author: Joshua W. Foster, Christina Gao, William Halperin, Yonatan Kahn, Aarav Mande, Man Nguyen, Jan Schütte-Engel, John William Scott arXiv: Title: Effective Brane Field Theory with Higher-form Symmetry Author: Yoshimasa Hidaka, Kiyoharu Kawana arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 3, October 2023
Title: Foliated BF theories and Multipole symmetries Author: Hiromi Ebisu, Masazumi Honda, Taiichi Nakanishi arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 2, October 2023
Title: The deconfinement phase transition in $Sp(2N)$ gauge theories and the density of states method Author: David Mason, Biagio Lucini, Maurizio Piai, Enrico Rinaldi, Davide Vadacchino arXiv: Title: Classification of High-Ordered Topological Nodes Towards MFBs in Twisted Bilayers Author: Fan Cui, Congcong Le, Qiang Zhang, Xianxin Wu, Jiangping Hu, Ching-Kai Chiu arXiv: Title: Berry's phase and quantum mechanical formulation of anomalous Hall effect Author: Kazuo Fujikawa, Koichiro Umetsu arXiv: Title: Possible inconsistency between phenomenological and theoretical determinations of charge symmetry breaking in nuclear energy density functionals Author: Tomoya Naito, Gianluca Colò, Tetsuo Hatsuda, Haozhao Liang, Xavier Roca-Maza, Hiroyuki Sagawa arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 5, September 2023
Title: A model of randomly-coupled Pauli spins Author: Masanori Hanada, Antal Jevicki, Xianlong Liu, Enrico Rinaldi, Masaki Tezuka arXiv: Title: A closer look at parameter identifiability, model selection and handling of censored data with Bayesian Inference in mathematical models of tumour growth Author: Jamie Porthiyas, Daniel Nussey, Catherine A. A. Beauchemin, Donald C. Warren, Christian Quirouette, Kathleen P. Wilkie arXiv: Title: Error estimate for regularized optimal transport problems via Bregman divergence Author: Keiichi Morikuni, Koya Sakakibara, Asuka Takatsu arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 4, September 2023
Title: Dynamical chirality production in one dimension Author: Tomoya Hayata, Katsumasa Nakayama, Arata Yamamoto arXiv: Title: Chemical potential (in)dependence of hadron scatterings in the hadronic phase of QCD-like theories and its applications Author: Kotaro Murakami, Etsuko Itou, Kei Iida arXiv: Title: Zariski dense discontinuous surface groups for reductive symmetric spaces Author: Kazuki Kannaka, Takayuki Okuda, Koichi Tojo arXiv: Title: Limits to Fluctuation Dynamics Author: Ryusuke Hamazaki arXiv: Title: Genus-$g$, $n$-point, $b$-boundary, $c$-crosscap correlation functions of two-dimensional conformal field theory: Definition and general properties Author: Xun Liu arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 3, September 2023
Title: Dynamic relationship between XRP price and correlation tensor spectra of the transaction network Author: Abhijit Chakraborty, Tetsuo Hatsuda, Yuichi Ikeda arXiv: Title: Greybody Factors Imprinted on Black Hole Ringdowns: an alternative to superposed quasi-normal modes Author: Naritaka Oshita arXiv: Title: Symmetry-resolved Entanglement Entropy, Spectra & Boundary Conformal Field Theory Author: Yuya Kusuki, Sara Murciano, Hirosi Ooguri, Sridip Pal arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 2, September 2023
Title: Efficient Simulation of Low Temperature Physics in One-Dimensional Gapless Systems Author: Yuya Kusuki, Kotaro Tamaoka, Zixia Wei, Yasushi Yoneta arXiv: Title: Involutions and the Chern-Simons filtration in instanton Floer homology Author: Antonio Alfieri, Irving Dai, Abhishek Mallick, Masaki Taniguchi arXiv: Title: A Semi-classical Spacetime Region with Maximum Entropy Author: Yuki Yokokura arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 4, August 2023
Title: Universality in quasinormal modes of neutron stars with quark-hadron crossover Author: Hajime Sotani, Toru Kojo arXiv: Title: Kramers-Krönig approach to the electric permittivity of the vacuum in a strong constant electric field Author: Hidetoshi Taya, Charlie Ironside arXiv: Title: de Sitter space is sometimes not empty Author: Vijay Balasubramanian, Yasunori Nomura, Tomonori Ugajin arXiv: Title: Plant GARDEN: a portal website for cross-searching between different types of genomic and genetic resources in a wide variety of plant species Author: Hisako Ichihara, Manabu Yamada, Mitsuyo Kohara, Hideki Hirakawa, Andrea Ghelfi, Takuro Tamura, Akihiro Nakaya, Yasukazu Nakamura, Sachiko Shirasawa, Samatchaya Yamashita, Yosuke Toda, Daijiro Harada, Tsunakazu Fujishiro, Akiko Komaki, Jeffrey A. Fawcett, Eiji Sugihara, Satoshi Tabata, Sachiko N. Isobe Journal Reference: BMC Plant Biology 23, 391 (2023) doi: Title: Genome sequencing reveals the genetic architecture of heterostyly and domestication history of common buckwheat Author: Jeffrey A. Fawcett, Ryoma Takeshima, Shinji Kikuchi, Euki Yazaki, Tomoyuki Katsube-Tanaka, Yumei Dong, Meifang Li, Harriet V. Hunt, Martin K. Jones, Diane L. Lister, Takanori Ohsako, Eri Ogiso-Tanaka, Kenichiro Fujii, Takashi Hara, Katsuhiro Matsui, Nobuyuki Mizuno, Kazusa Nishimura, Tetsuya Nakazaki, Hiroki Saito, Naoko Takeuchi, Mariko Ueno, Daiki Matsumoto, Miyu Norizuki, Kenta Shirasawa, Chengyun Li, Hideki Hirakawa, Tatsuya Ota, Yasuo Yasui Journal Reference: Nature Plants volume 9, pages 1236–1251 (2023) doi:
Paper of the WeekWeek 3, August 2023
Title: Deconfinement transition in the revolving bag model Author: Kazuya Mameda, Keiya Takizawa arXiv: Title: Universality of Effective Central Charge in Interface CFTs Author: Andreas Karch, Yuya Kusuki, Hirosi Ooguri, Hao-Yu Sun, Mianqi Wang arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 2, August 2023
Title: Medium-induced bosonic clusters in a Bose-Fermi mixture: Towards simulating cluster formations in neutron-rich matter Author: Yixin Guo, Hiroyuki Tajima arXiv: Title: One-dimensional spinless fermions with attractive two- and three-body forces Author: Yixin Guo, Hiroyuki Tajima arXiv: Title: Activity-induced ferromagnetism in one-dimensional quantum many-body systems Author: Kazuaki Takasan, Kyosuke Adachi, Kyogo Kawaguchi arXiv: Title: Universal entanglement signatures of interface conformal field theories Author: Qicheng Tang, Zixia Wei, Yin Tang, Xueda Wen, W. Zhu arXiv: Title: On the Scottish Book Problem 155 by Mazur and Sternbach Author: Michiya Mori arXiv: Title: On the shape of correlation matrices for projections and unitaries Author: Michiya Mori arXiv: Title: Is the Coleman de Luccia action minimum?: AdS/CFT approach Author: Naritaka Oshita, Yutaro Shoji, Masahide Yamaguchi arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 1, August 2023
Title: Calculating composite-particle spectra in Hamiltonian formalism and demonstration in 2-flavor QED$_{1+1\text{d}}$ Author: Etsuko Itou, Akira Matsumoto, Yuya Tanizaki arXiv: Title: Two dimensional lattice with an imaginary magnetic field Author: Tomoki Ozawa, Tomoya Hayata arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 5, July 2023
Title: Universal properties of repulsive self-propelled particles and attractive driven particles Author: Hiroyoshi Nakano, Kyosuke Adachi arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 4, July 2023
Title: Numerical simulation of photospheric emission in long gamma-ray bursts: prompt correlations, spectral shapes, and polarizations Author: Hirotaka Ito, Jin Matsumoto, Shigehiro Nagataki, Donald C. Warren, Maxim V. Barkov, Daisuke Yonetoku arXiv: Title: Continuum limit for Laplace and Elliptic operators on lattices Author: Keita Mikami, Shu Nakamura, Yukihide Tadano arXiv: Title: 4D Weyl Anomaly and Diversity of the Interior Structure of Quantum Black Hole Author: Pei-Ming Ho, Hikaru Kawai, Henry Liao, Yuki Yokokura arXiv: Title: Quasinormal modes of black holes encircled by a gravitating thin disk Author: Che-Yu Chen, Petr Kotlařík arXiv: Title: Complete characterization of robust perfect adaptation in biochemical reaction networks Author: Yuji Hirono, Ankit Gupta, Mustafa Khammash arXiv: Title: Cosmic ray processes in galactic ecosystems Author: Ellis R. Owen, Kinwah Wu, Yoshiyuki Inoue, H. -Y. Karen Yang, Alison M. W. Mitchell arXiv: Title: SVD Entanglement Entropy Author: Arthur J. Parzygnat, Tadashi Takayanagi, Yusuke Taki, Zixia Wei arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 3, July 2023
Title: On the distance from a matrix to nilpotents Author: Michiya Mori arXiv: Title: Neural Polytopes Author: Koji Hashimoto, Tomoya Naito, Hisashi Naito arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 2, July 2023
Title: String-net formulation of Hamiltonian lattice Yang-Mills theories and quantum many-body scars in a nonabelian gauge theory Author: Tomoya Hayata, Yoshimasa Hidaka arXiv: Title: HBT signature for clustered substructures probing primordial inhomogeneity in hot and dense QCD matter Author: Kenji Fukushima, Yoshimasa Hidaka, Katsuya Inoue, Kenta Shigaki, Yorito Yamaguchi arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 5, June 2023
Title: The Centimeter to Submillimeter Broad Band Radio Spectrum of the Central Compact Component in A Nearby Type-II Seyfert Galaxy NGC 1068 Author: Tomonari Michiyama, Yoshiyuki Inoue, Akihiro Doi arXiv: Title: Fractional time differential equations as a singular limit of the Kobayashi-Warren-Carter system Author: Yoshikazu Giga, Ayato Kubo, Hirotoshi Kuroda, Jun Okamoto, Koya Sakakibara, Masaaki Uesaka arXiv: Title: Spin transport between polarized Fermi gases near the ferromagnetic phase transition Author: Tingyu Zhang, Daigo Oue, Hiroyuki Tajima, Mamoru Matsuo, Haozhao Liang arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 4, June 2023
Title: Breaking new ground for quantum and classical simulations of $\mathrm{SU(3)}$ Yang-Mills theory Author: Tomoya Hayata, Yoshimasa Hidaka arXiv: Title: Revisiting the extraction of charge radii of $^{40}$Ca and $^{208}$Pb with muonic atom spectroscopy Author: Hui Hui Xie, Tomoya Naito, Jian Li, Haozhao Liang arXiv: Title: The Average Number of Goldbach Representations and Zero-Free Regions of the Riemann Zeta-Function Author: Keith Billington, Maddie Cheng, Jordan Schettler, Ade Irma Suriajaya arXiv: Title: Resonant orbits of rotating black holes beyond circularity: discontinuity along parameter shift Author: Che-Yu Chen, Hsu-Wen Chiang, Avani Patel arXiv: Title: Exotic Dehn twists on 4-manifolds Author: Hokuto Konno, Abhishek Mallick, Masaki Taniguchi arXiv: Title: Evidence for the utility of quantum computing before fault tolerance Author: Youngseok Kim, Andrew Eddins, Sajant Anand, Ken Xuan Wei, Ewout van den Berg, Sami Rosenblatt, Hasan Nayfeh, Yantao Wu, Michael Zaletel, Kristan Temme, Abhinav Kandala Journal Reference: Nature 618, 500–505 (2023) doi:
Paper of the WeekWeek 3, June 2023
Title: Shear and interface modes in neutron stars with pasta structures Author: Hajime Sotani arXiv: Title: Light Scalar Meson and Decay Constant in SU(3) Gauge Theory with Eight Dynamical Flavors Author: Lattice Strong Dynamics Collaboration, R. C. Brower, E. Owen, C. Rebbi, C. Culver, D. Schaich, K. K. Cushman, G. T. Fleming, A. Gasbarro, A. Hasenfratz, E. T. Neil, J. Ingoldby, X. Y. Jin, J. C. Osborn, E. Rinaldi, P. Vranas, E. Weinberg, O. Witzel arXiv: Title: Effective model and pairing tendency in bilayer Ni-based superconductor La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ Author: Yuhao Gu, Congcong Le, Zhesen Yang, Xianxin Wu, Jiangping Hu arXiv: Title: An unconditional Montgomery Theorem for Pair Correlation of Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function Author: Siegfred Alan C. Baluyot, Daniel Alan Goldston, Ade Irma Suriajaya, Caroline L. Turnage-Butterbaugh arXiv: Title: On a smoothed average of the number of Goldbach representations Author: Daniel A. Goldston, Ade Irma Suriajaya arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 2, June 2023
Title: Nuclear mass predictions based on deep neural network and finite-range droplet model (2012) Author: To Chung Yiu, Haozhao Liang, Jenny Lee arXiv: Title: Finite-range effect in the two-dimensional density-induced BCS-BEC crossover Author: Hikaru Sakakibara, Hiroyuki Tajima, Haozhao Liang arXiv: Title: Quasimaps to quivers with potentials Author: Yalong Cao, Gufang Zhao arXiv: Title: Topological quadratic-node semimetal in a photonic microring lattice Author: Zihe Gao, Haoqi Zhao, Tianwei Wu, Xilin Feng, Zhifeng Zhang, Xingdu Qiao, Ching-Kai Chiu, Liang Feng Journal Reference: Nature Communications 14, 3206 (2023) doi: Title: The origin of MeV gamma-ray diffuse emission from the inner Galactic region Author: Naomi Tsuji, Yoshiyuki Inoue, Hiroki Yoneda, Reshmi Mukherjee, Hirokazu Odaka doi: arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 1, June 2023
Title: Survival Probability of Unstable States in Coupled-Channels -- nonexponential decay of "threshold-cusp" Author: Wren A. Yamada, Osamu Morimatsu, Toru Sato, Koichi Yazaki arXiv: Title: Chiral fermion in the Hamiltonian lattice gauge theory Author: Tomoya Hayata, Katsumasa Nakayama, Arata Yamamoto arXiv: Title: QCD-Based Charge Symmetry Breaking Interaction and Okamoto-Nolen-Schiffer Anomaly Author: Hiroyuki Sagawa, Tomoya Naito, Xavier Roca-Maza, Tetsuo Hatsuda arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 4, May 2023
Title: A Stochastic Approach To Reconstruct Gamma Ray Burst Lightcurves Author: Maria G. Dainotti, Ritwik Sharma, Aditya Narendra, Delina Levine, Enrico Rinaldi, Agnieszka Pollo, Gopal Bhatta arXiv: Title: Chiral anomaly in a (1+1)-dimensional Floquet system under high-frequency electric fields Author: Kenji Fukushima, Yoshimasa Hidaka, Takuya Shimazaki, Hidetoshi Taya arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 3, May 2023
Title: Embedding and correlation tensor for XRP transaction networks Author: Abhijit Chakraborty, Tetsuo Hatsuda, Yuichi Ikeda arXiv: Title: Exploring $^3P_0$ Superfluid in Dilute Spin-Polarized Neutron Matter Author: Hiroyuki Tajima, Hiroshi Funaki, Yuta Sekino, Nobutoshi Yasutake, Mamoru Matsuo arXiv: Title: Tensor category equivariant KK-theory Author: Yuki Arano, Kan Kitamura, Yosuke Kubota arXiv: Title: First-order phase transitions in Yang-Mills theories and the density of state method Author: Biagio Lucini, David Mason, Maurizio Piai, Enrico Rinaldi, Davide Vadacchino arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 2, May 2023
Title: Ceratozamia rosea (Zamiaceae): A new species from the Northern Mountains of Chiapas, Mexico Author: José García-González, Miguel Angel Pérez-Farrera, José Said Gutiérrez-Ortega, Andrew P. Vovides, Pedro Díaz-Jiménez Journal Reference: Phytotaxa 595(1): 73-88 (2023) doi: Title: Zamia magnifica (Zamiaceae, Cycadales): A New Rupicolous Cycad Species from Sierra Norte, Oaxaca, Mexico Author: Miguel Angel Pérez-Farrera, José Said Gutiérrez-Ortega, Mauricio Gerónimo Martínez-Martínez, Michael Calonje Journal Reference: Taxonomy 3(2): 232-249 (2023) doi: Title: Nonexpansive and noncontractive mappings on the set of quantum pure states Author: Michiya Mori, Peter Šemrl arXiv: Title: Higher-Form Symmetry and Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis Author: Osamu Fukushima, Ryusuke Hamazaki arXiv: Title: Quantum Velocity Limits for Multiple Observables: Conservation Laws, Correlations, and Macroscopic Systems Author: Ryusuke Hamazaki arXiv: Title: Hidden Conformal Symmetry from the Lattice Author: LSD Collaboration, T. Appelquist, R. C. Brower, K. K. Cushman, G. T. Fleming, A. Gasbarro, A. Hasenfratz, J. Ingoldby, X. Y. Jin, E. T. Neil, J. C. Osborn, C. Rebbi, E. Rinaldi, D. Schaich, P. Vranas, E. Weinberg, O. Witzel arXiv: Title: The impact of effective matter mixing based on three-dimensional hydrodynamical models on the molecule formation in the ejecta of SN 1987A Author: Masaomi Ono, Takaya Nozawa, Shigehiro Nagataki, Alexandra Kozyreva, Salvatore Orlando, Marco Miceli, Ke-Jung Chen arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 1, May 2023
Title: Nonlinear chiral kinetic theory Author: Kazuya Mameda arXiv: Title: Spatial deformation of many-body quantum chaotic systems and quantum information scrambling Author: Kanato Goto, Taozhi Guo, Tomoki Nosaka, Masahiro Nozaki, Shinsei Ryu, Kotaro Tamaoka arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 4, April 2023
Title: Investigating Time Evolution of Thermal Emission from the Putative Neutron Star in SN 1987A for 50+ Years Author: Akira Dohi, Emanuele Greco, Shigehiro Nagataki, Masaomi Ono, Marco Miceli, Salvatore Orlando, Barbara Olmi arXiv: Title: The Impacts of Neutron-Star Structure and Base Heating on Type I X-Ray Bursts and Code Comparison Author: Guoqing Zhen, Guoliang Lv, Helei Liu, Akira Dohi, Bobuya Nishimura, Chunhua Zhu, Liyu Song, Weiyang Wang, Renxin Xu arXiv: Title: Plausible presence of new state in neutron stars with masses above $0.98M_{\rm TOV}$ Author: Ming-Zhe Han, Yong-Jia Huang, Shao-Peng Tang, Yi-Zhong Fan doi: arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 3, April 2023
Title: Observing Supernova Neutrino Light Curves with Super-Kamiokande. IV. Development of SPECIAL BLEND: a New Public Analysis Code for Supernova Neutrinos Author: Akira Harada, Yudai Suwa, Masayuki Harada, Yusuke Koshio, Masamitsu Mori, Fumi Nakanishi, Ken'ichiro Nakazato, Kohsuke Sumiyoshi, Roger A. Wendell arXiv: Title: From diffeomorphisms to exotic phenomena in small 4-manifolds Author: Hokuto Konno, Abhishek Mallick, Masaki Taniguchi arXiv: Title: Gamma-Ray Emission in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4151: Investigating the Role of Jet and Coronal Activities Author: Yoshiyuki Inoue, Dmitry Khangulyan arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 2, April 2023
Title: Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence for topological insulators and superconductors: $E_2$ pages for 1651 magnetic space groups Author: Ken Shiozaki, Seishiro Ono arXiv: Title: Frobenius algebras associated with the $α$-induction for equivariantly braided tensor categories Author: Mizuki Oikawa arXiv: Title: Involutions, links, and Floer cohomologies Author: Hokuto Konno, Jin Miyazawa, Masaki Taniguchi arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 4, March 2023
Title: Gradient-flowed order parameter for spontaneous gauge symmetry breaking Author: Kengo Kikuchi, Kenji Nishiwaki, Kin-ya Oda arXiv: Title: Toric non-archimedean $μ$-entropy and thermodynamical structure Author: Eiji Inoue arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 3, March 2023
Title: Coupled Hénon Map, Part II: Doubly and Singly Folded Horseshoes in Four Dimensions Author: Jizhou Li, Keisuke Fujioka, Akira Shudo arXiv: Title: Coupled Hénon Map, Part I: Topological Horseshoes and Uniform Hyperbolicity Author: Keisuke Fujioka, Ryota Kogawa, Jizhou Li, Akira Shudo arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 2, March 2023
Title: Empirical neutron star mass formula based on experimental observables Author: Hajime Sotani, Tomoya Naito arXiv: Title: On the regularity conditions for holographic nonlinear responses: electric conductivity and friction coefficient Author: Shuta Ishigaki, Shin Nakamura, Kazuaki Takasan arXiv: Title: Neutron star mass-radius constraints using the high-frequency QPOs of GRB 200415A Author: H. Sotani, K. D. Kokkotas, N. Stergioulas arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 1, March 2023
Title: On the Zeeman Effect in Magnetically-Arrested Disks Author: Yoshiyuki Inoue arXiv: Title: Electric-field driven nonequilibrium phase transitions in AdS/CFT Author: Daisuke Endo, Yuichi Fukazawa, Masataka Matsumoto, Shin Nakamura arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 4, February 2023
Title: Color superconductivity on the lattice -- analytic predictions from QCD in a small box Author: Takeru Yokota, Yuta Ito, Hideo Matsufuru, Yusuke Namekawa, Jun Nishimura, Asato Tsuchiya, Shoichiro Tsutsui arXiv: Title: From Entropy to Echoes: Counting the quasi-normal modes and the quantum limit of silence Author: Naritaka Oshita, Niayesh Afshordi arXiv: Title: A simple method for multi-body wave function of ground and low-lying excited states using deep neural network Author: Tomoya Naito, Hisashi Naito, Koji Hashimoto arXiv: Title: Scrambling and Recovery of Quantum Information in Inhomogeneous Quenches in Two-dimensional Conformal Field Theories Author: Kanato Goto, Masahiro Nozaki, Shinsei Ryu, Kotaro Tamaoka, Mao Tian Tan arXiv: Title: Effects of Coulomb and isospin symmetry breaking interactions on neutron-skin thickness Author: Tomoya Naito, Gianluca Colò, Haozhao Liang, Xavier Roca-Maza, Hiroyuki Sagawa arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 3, February 2023
Title: Demographic history and species delimitation of three Zamia species (Zamiaceae) in south-eastern Mexico: Z. katzeriana is not a product of hybridization Author: José Said Gutiérrez-Ortega, Miguel Angel Pérez-Farrera, Sergio Lopez, Andrew P. Vovides Journal Reference: Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, boac062 (2023) doi: Title: Perturbative analysis of the Wess-Zumino flow Author: Daisuke Kadoh, Kengo Kikuchi, Naoya Ukita arXiv: Title: BCS-BCS crossover between atomic and molecular superfluids in a Bose-Fermi mixture Author: Yixin Guo, Hiroyuki Tajima, Tetsuo Hatsuda, Haozhao Liang arXiv: Title: Doubly charmed tetraquark $T^+_{cc}$ from Lattice QCD near Physical Point Author: Yan Lyu, Sinya Aoki, Takumi Doi, Tetsuo Hatsuda, Yoichi Ikeda, Jie Meng arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 2, February 2023
Title: Brueckner $G$-matrix approach to two-dimensional Fermi gases with the finite-range attractive interaction Author: Hikaru Sakakibara, Hiroyuki Tajima, Haozhao Liang arXiv: Title: Nuclear response to dark matter signals in Ge and Xe odd-mass targets Author: M. M. Saez, O. Civitarese, T. Tarutina, K. Fushimi arXiv: Title: Robust Perfect Adaptation of Reaction Fluxes Ensured by Network Topology Author: Yuji Hirono, Hyukpyo Hong, Jae Kyoung Kim arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 1, February 2023
Title: A Donaldson-Thomas crepant resolution conjecture on Calabi-Yau 4-folds Author: Yalong Cao, Martijn Kool, Sergej Monavari arXiv:
Paper of the WeekWeek 3, January 2023
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Title: The density of state method for first-order phase transitions in Yang-Mills theories Author: David Mason, Biagio Lucini, Maurizio Piai, Enrico Rinaldi, Davide Vadacchino arXiv:
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Title: A bias-free cosmological analysis with quasars alleviating $H_0$ tension Author: Aleksander Łukasz Lenart, Giada Bargiacchi, Maria Giovanna Dainotti, Shigehiro Nagataki, Salvatore Capozziello arXiv: Title: Toward nuclear physics from lattice QCD on quantum computers Author: Arata Yamamoto, Takumi Doi arXiv: Title: Quasiparticles of Decoherence Processes in Open Quantum Many-Body Systems: Incoherentons Author: Taiki Haga, Masaya Nakagawa, Ryusuke Hamazaki, Masahito Ueda arXiv: Title: Two Dimensional Isometric Tensor Networks on an Infinite Strip Author: Yantao Wu, Sajant Anand, Sheng-Hsuan Lin, Frank Pollmann, Michael P. Zaletel arXiv: Title: Density-Induced Hadron-Quark Crossover via the Formation of Cooper Triples Author: Hiroyuki Tajima, Shoichiro Tsutsui, Takahiro M. Doi, Kei Iida arXiv: Title: Measurement of hadron masses in 2-color finite density QCD Author: Kotaro Murakami, Daiki Suenaga, Kei Iida, Etsuko Itou arXiv:
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