Behavioral Ecology of Plants: their sensory system, communication, memory, and response

Editor: The Society for the Study of Species Biology
Language: Japanese
Ryosuke Iritani (Research Scientist, iTHEMS) is among the authors.
How do plants perceive the world, and how do plants behave? This book is a compilation of the most recent plant environmental response research by up-and-coming scientists for beginners.
Once germinated, plants are sessile. We may think that they stay still and endure, but they adjust the timing of germination based on their surroundings, or they cooperate with surrounding plants by sharing information.
In recent years, research has unveiled various aspects of plants that have been unknown. How do plants perceive the world, and how do plants behave? This book is a compilation of the most recent plant environmental response research by up-and-coming scientists for beginners. The book also provides a glimpse into the research process, including the simple questions scientists have had about plants and the skillful experimental methods used to answer them.
This book is a must-have for students who are just starting their research, as well as for anyone interested in plants. It can be used for "exploration" assignments or as a hint for independent study.
- Whether to cooperate or compete with neighboring individuals: is the deciding factor the degree of kinship?
- Do vines choose who they wrap themselves around?
- Is smell the common language of plants?
- Where are the plant's “eyes” and “brain” located?
- How does information transfer work in plants?
- Are there things plants cannot forget?
This book will change the way you look at plants!