Visiting Scientist, RIKEN Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program (iTHEMS)
Main: Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Information Science, University of Hyogo
Keita Mikami
Ph.D. in Mathematical Science
- Research Fields
- Mathematics, Analysis, Partial Differential Equations
- Term and History
- 2019/05/01 - 2024/09/30 Research Scientist
- 2024/10/16 - Visiting Scientist (Main: Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Information Science, University of Hyogo)
- Related Website
- Keita Mikami's personal website
I am Keita Mikami, a research scientist at iTHEMS. My research field is partial differential equations and I work on linear Schrödinger equation. Main subject in the research of linear Schrödinger equation is its spectrum.
I have studied localization in direction phenomena of Schrödinger operators with homogeneous potentials of order zero. Roughly speaking, this is a phenomena such that a solution to Schrödinger equation with this class of potentials localizes in direction as time goes to infinity. I have used spectral theory and semiclassical(microlocal) analysis to understand this phenomena and its application.
Though my interest comes from mathematics, I want to understand physical aspects of Schrödinger equations and find some application of my results in physics since Schrödinger equation is the governing equation in quantum mechanics.
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