2023-08-17 Award

Yixin Guo (iTHEMS JRA/Univ. Tokyo) received two awards for his presentation on Aug. 10 at the A3F Summer School 2023.

  1. Outstanding presentation award at Young Scientists Session at the A3F Summer School 2023, with the title "Cooper quartet correlations in infinite symmetric nuclear matter".
  2. Asian Nuclear Physics Association & AAPPS-DNP Award for Young Scientist (1st place) for his outstanding presentation "Cooper quartet correlations in infinite symmetric nuclear matter".

Congratulations, Yixin!


  1. Yixin Guo, Hiroyuki Tajima, Haozhao Liang, Cooper quartet correlations in infinite symmetric nuclear matter, Phys. Rev. C 105, 024317 (2022), doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.105.024317 

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