2021-10-21 Paper of the Week

Title: Quiescent luminosities of transiently accreting neutron stars with neutrino heating due to charged pion decay
Author: He-Lei Liu, Zi-Gao Dai, Guo-Liang Lv, Akira Dohi, Gao-Chan Yong, Masa-aki Hashimoto
arXiv: 2110.09729 

Title: Prospects of fast flavor neutrino conversion in rotating core-collapse supernovae
Author: Akira Harada, Hiroki Nagakura
arXiv: 2110.08291 

Title: Involutions, knots, and Floer K-theory
Author: Hokuto Konno, Jin Miyazawa, Masaki Taniguchi
arXiv: 2110.09258