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2024-10-03 Paper of the Week

Title: The density of states method for symplectic gauge theories at finite temperature
Author: Ed Bennett, Biagio Lucini, David Mason, Maurizio Piai, Enrico Rinaldi, Davide Vadacchino
arXiv: 2409.19426 

Title: Floquet evolution of the q-deformed \texorpdfstring{SU(3)1}{SU(3)1} Yang-Mills theory on a two-leg ladder
Author: Tomoya Hayata, Yoshimasa Hidaka
arXiv: 2409.20263 

Title: Preponderant Orbital Polarization in Relativistic Magnetovortical Matter
Author: Kenji Fukushima, Koichi Hattori, Kazuya Mameda
arXiv: 2409.18652 

Title: Femtoscopic study of the Ωα interaction in heavy-ion collisions
Author: Faisal Etminan
arXiv: 2409.19705