Week 1, December 2021
Title: Flavor number dependence of QCD at finite density by the complex Langevin method
Author: Yusuke Namekawa, Yuhma Asano, Yuta Ito, Takashi Kaneko, Hideo Matsufuru, Jun Nishimura, Asato Tsuchiya, Shoichiro Tsutsui, Takeru Yokota
arXiv: 2112.00150
Title: Emergence of the rho resonance from the HAL QCD potential
Author: Yutaro Akahoshi, Sinya Aoki, Takumi Doi
arXiv: 2111.15138
Title: Color superconductivity in a small box: a complex Langevin study
Author: Shoichiro Tsutsui, Yuhma Asano, Yuta Ito, Hideo Matsufuru, Yusuke Namekawa, Jun Nishimura, Asato Tsuchiya, Takeru Yokota
arXiv: 2111.15095
Title: Perturbative predictions for color superconductivity on the lattice
Author: Takeru Yokota, Yuhma Asano, Yuta Ito, Hideo Matsufuru, Yusuke Namekawa, Jun Nishimura, Asato Tsuchiya, Shoichiro Tsutsui
arXiv: 2111.14578
Title: QHC21 equation of state of neutron star matter -- in light of 2021 NICER data
Author: Toru Kojo, Gordon Baym, Tetsuo Hatsuda
arXiv: 2111.11919
Title: Flux tube profiles in two-color QCD at low temperature and high density
Author: Katsuya Ishiguro, Kei Iida, Etsuko Itou
arXiv: 2111.13067