2022-08-18 Hot Topic

Dr. Masato Taki (iTHEMS Visiting Research Scientist/ Rikkyo University) wrote the book “An introduction to deep learning” while he was at iTHEMS. The book was recently featured in the column “La Toccata” by Dr. T. Otsuki (Sophia University) in the journal BUTSURI published by the Physical Society of Japan in Aug. 2022. The features of this textbook are: 1. it understands what readers with a physics background will find difficult; 2. the examples are neither too simple nor too obvious so that the reader feels he/she understands by reading the examples; 3. the volume is reasonable; 4. each section is divided into small sections so that it is suitable for the reading club, and 5. the appendices are also very informative. Recommended for those who want to learn deep learning from scratch and for those who want to organize a reading club.

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