2024-07-26 Hot Topic

The SLMath Summer Graduate School "h-principle" Sendai 2024 was held from July 1 to July 12, 2024 at TOKYO ELECTRON House of Creativity (Chi no Yakata) in Katahira Campus of Tohoku University. This two weeks lomg summer graduate school was organized by Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (SLMath) and RIKEN iTHEMS, and coorganized by Mathematical Science Center for Co-creative Society (MathCCS) and Tohoku Forum for Creativity (TFC) of Tohoku University. There were 18 graduate students from the supporting institutions of SLMath and 12 graduate students from Japanese universities. There were four courses consisting of five 90 mintes lectures given by Emmy Murphy (Toront University), Dominik Inauen (Leipzig University) and Takashi Tsuboi (RIKEN iTHEMS / Tohoku University). The titles of lectures were "h-principles in smooth topology" by Emmy Murphy and "Riemannian geometry and applications to fluid dynamics" by Dominik Inauen in the first week, and "Contact and symplectic flexibility" by Emmy Murphy and "Foliation theory and diffeomorphism groups" by Takashi Tsuboi in the second week. We took video of the lectures and it can be seen later from the website of SLMath. There were 4 teaching assistants, Toru Yoshiyasu (Kyoto University of Education), Noboru Ogawa (Tokai University), Masato Ogawa (Tohoku University) and Sonia Mahmoudi (SUURI-COOL Sendai, Tohoku University) who took care of the 30 graduate students. Some details can be seen at SLMath website. The staffs of RIKEN iTHEMS, SUURI-COOL Sendai and MathCCS supported this summer graduate school for all the time, and all the participants are realy grateful for their help. TOKYO ELECTRON House of Creativity is really a nice place for the discussions in front of blackboards, and the house was filled with the discussions among the participants for 9:00 - 17:30 and some of the discussions continued in the meeting room in the hotel. The welcome party and the farewell party of Summer Graduate School were held jointy with the participants of G-RIPS Sendai 2024 which went on at MathCCS and which iTHEMS is cohosting.

Reported by Takashi Tsuboi

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