Senior Research Scientist, RIKEN Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program (iTHEMS) Past
Jeffrey Fawcett
- Research Fields
- Genome Evolution
- Term and History
- 2018/03/01 - 2025/02/28 Senior Research Scientist
- Related Website
My name is Jeffrey Fawcett and I've been working at iTHEMS since March 2018. My main interest is Genome Evolution, and I work on or have worked on a broad range of topics related to genomics, evolution, genetics, bioinformatics, and systems biology.
I am a Biologist and have always been working in an environment surrounded by Biologists. So joining iTHEMS and being surrounded by so many physicists, mathematicians, formulas, blackboards, and blackholes is quite a transition for me. Yet, it is very stimulating and challenging, and I am so far enjoying this unique opportunity where I get to work alongside people with totally different backgrounds and hear about so many different topics that I would never have the chance to in a normal research environment.
Related Events

Application of genetics and genomics to breeding
February 13 (Thu) at 16:00 - 17:30, 2025 Seminar iTHEMS Biology Seminar
Crop domestication
November 25 (Mon) at 15:00 - 17:00, 2024 Seminar iTHEMS Seminar

Heterostyly and the evolution of mating system in plants
October 31 (Thu) at 16:00 - 17:00, 2024 Seminar iTHEMS Biology Seminar

Evolution by gene and genome duplications
November 28 (Tue) at 16:00 - 17:00, 2023 Seminar iTHEMS Biology Seminar

Mating system of buckwheat
August 17 (Thu) at 16:00 - 17:00, 2023 Seminar iTHEMS Biology Seminar

Introduction to Genomics
April 27 (Thu) at 16:00 - 17:00, 2023 Seminar iTHEMS Biology Seminar

How to infer evolutionary history
December 22 (Thu) at 16:00 - 17:00, 2022 Seminar iTHEMS Biology Seminar

The origin and dispersal of buckwheat
June 10 (Thu) at 10:00 - 11:00, 2021 Seminar iTHEMS Biology Seminar

iTHEMS x academist online open to the public "World of Mathematical Sciences 2021"
April 18 (Sun) at 10:00 - 16:30, 2021 Special Lecture

What are genes and how can we find them?
January 14 (Thu) at 10:00 - 11:00, 2021 Seminar iTHEMS Biology Seminar

Basics of population genomic data analysis
October 29 (Thu) at 10:00 - 11:00, 2020 Seminar iTHEMS Biology Seminar

SOKENDAI-iTHEMS Joint Workshop "Genetics meets Mathematics"
July 7 (Sun) - 8 (Mon), 2019 Workshop
Biology Seminar
December 13 (Thu) at 14:00 - 16:00, 2018 Seminar
Related News
Farewell message from Jeffrey Fawcett
2025-02-25 Hot Topic
Deciphering the Buckwheat Genome - High-Precision Genome Sequence Illuminates the Past and Future of Buckwheat -
2023-08-23 Press Release
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2022-04-06 Research News
RIKEN NEWS: Uncovering the laws of evolution hidden in genomic information
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Increased number of drought-responsive genes in a tropical rainforest tree, Shorea leprosula (Dipterocarpaceae)
2021-10-20 Press Release
iTHEMS research activities and researchers were featured in "RIKEN 2021"
2021-07-27 Research News
Is the World written in the Language of Mathematics? - Exploring the Mysteries of the Universe, Life, and Information
2021-05-19 Book
Dr. Jeffery Fawcett received 12th annual RIKEN Research Incentive Award (Ohbu Award)
2021-03-16 Award
RIKEN NEWS: To produce the best racehorse
2020-09-07 Research News
Using genomic information to understand the evolution of species - Jeffrey Fawcett
2020-02-12 Researches & Researchers
Genomic analysis of 370 Japanese Thoroughbred horses: the genetic background of why Thoroughbreds can run fast
2019-09-04 Press Release
SOKENDAI-iTHEMS Joint Workshop was held from July 7 to July 8
2019-07-10 Hot Topic
Self-introduction: Jeffrey Fawcett
2018-07-30 Person of the Week
Jeffrey Fawcett (Senior Research Scientist, iTHEMS) was mentioned in an article on theoretical genetics of racehorses by Prof. Hideki Innan (Graduate University for Advanced Studies)
2018-05-11 Announcement