Volume 2

iTHEMS Weekly News Letter

Upcoming Events


Maskawa Building for Education and Research venue photo


Including an ocean mixing model in atmospheric data assimilation: a case of Typhoon Soudelor 2015

April 17 (Tue) at 15:00 - 15:30, 2018

Kohei Takatama (Postdoctoral Researcher, Data Assimilation Research Team, RIKEN Center for Computational Science (R-CCS))

Venue: Maskawa Hall, 1F, Maskawa Building for Education and Research, North Campus, Kyoto University

Event Official Language: English


Maskawa Building for Education and Research venue photo


Numerical analysis of point vortex dynamics by the method of fundamental solutions

April 17 (Tue) at 16:00 - 17:30, 2018

Koya Sakakibara (Program-Specific Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University)

iTHEMS / KUAMS Joint Seminar

Venue: Maskawa Hall, 1F, Maskawa Building for Education and Research, North Campus, Kyoto University

Event Official Language: Japanese


iTHEMS Colloquium

The Description of Biological Phenomena as Open System / Every Biological Variable has a Different Dynamic Range

April 23 (Mon) at 15:00 - 16:30, 2018

Kazuhiro Sakurada (Deputy Program Director, Medical Sciences Innovation Hub Program, RIKEN Cluster for Science, Technology and Innovation Hub (RCSTI))
Jun Seita (Unit Leader, AI based Healthcare and Medical Data Analysis Standardization Unit, RIKEN Cluster for Science, Technology and Innovation Hub (RCSTI))

The Description of Biological Phenomena as Open System / Dr. Sakurada
Every Biological Variable has a Different Dynamic Range / Dr. Seita

Venue: Okochi Hall, 1F Laser Science Laboratory, RIKEN

Broadcast: 6F auditorium, Computational Science Research Building, R-CCS, Kobe Campus, RIKEN / SUURI-COOL (Kyoto), #204-205, 2F Maskawa Building for Education and Research, North Campus, Kyoto University / SUURI-COOL (Sendai), #303, 3F AIMR Main Building, Advanced Institute for Materials Research (AIMR), Tohoku University

Event Official Language: English

Math Lecture

Eren Mehmet Kıral thumbnail

Introduction to Public-Key Cryptography

Introduction to Public-Key Cryptography (1st)

April 26 (Thu) at 10:00 - 11:30, 2018

Eren Mehmet Kıral (Visiting Researcher, RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (AIP))

A new series of lectures "Introduction to Public-Key Cryptography" (lecturer: Dr. Eren Mehmet Kıral) will be started on April as one of math lecture series.
It will be held twice a month (every other Thursday, about 15 times in total).

Venue: Seminar Room #160, 1F Main Research Building, RIKEN

Event Official Language: English


The 4th MACS Colloquium thumbnail

MACS ColloquiumSupported by iTHEMSSUURI-COOL (Kyoto)

The 4th MACS Colloquium

April 27 (Fri) at 15:00 - 16:45, 2018

Yuji Tachikawa (Professor, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU), The University of Tokyo)

15:00- Teatime
15:15- Talk by Prof. Yuji Tachikawa
16:45- MACS Student Conference FY2018

The 4th MACS colloquium supported by iTHEMS. It will be broadcasted to Wako by Skype, but if you can join the colloquium physically in Kyoto, that would be better. iTHEMS provides good cakes/cookies at Kyoto!

Venue: Lecture room #401, Graduate School of Science Building No 6, Kyoto University

Broadcast: #433, Main Research Building, RIKEN

Event Official Language: Japanese

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