iTHEMS-MACS Education Program
The "Mathematics-based Creation of Science Program" (MACS Education Program) is an educational program at Kyoto University's Graduate School of Science. This program aims to foster the spontaneous creation of new interdisciplinary fields by utilizing mathematics as a foundation and promoting research that transcends different disciplines. Specifically, it involves the formation of study groups comprising faculty members and students from various specialties within the Graduate School of Science to facilitate interdisciplinary education and research.
iTHEMS is actively involved in supporting the MACS Education Program, aiming to foster scientific talent with a broad and flexible perspective to address diverse challenges such as the advancement of fundamental science, promotion of integrated research, and creation of new fields in the natural sciences.
In September 2022, students and faculty members of the MACS program visited the RIKEN Wako Campus and organized a tour to visit multiple research laboratories. For more details, please refer to the RIKEN Visit (in Japanese) , as well as MACS-iTHEMS Study Group Members visited Wako on September 20-21, 2022.