The goal of this study group is to learn and discuss quantum computation and its related fields from various perspectives, facilitated by fostering interactions among diverse researchers in iTHEMS and RIKEN.


The last decades have seen significant progress in simulation and experimental control techniques of quantum systems. As a result, the Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Computer (NISQ) is coming to the forefront and beginning to be used in actual research. With RIKEN considering the installation of quantum computers, there is a rapidly growing need to explore potential applications in fields such as physics and chemistry. Furthermore, research on quantum computation also provides important insights into simulation techniques and physics itself, which promises synergistic effects. For instance, a recent study on the dynamics of quantum systems using NISQ has led to many proposals for efficient classical simulation algorithms. Another important example is the quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories, which often suffer from the sign problem in classical simulations. Against this background, the goal of this study group is to learn and discuss quantum computation and its related fields from various perspectives, facilitated by fostering interactions among diverse researchers in iTHEMS and RIKEN.

Seishiro Ono (RIKEN iTHEMS) *Contact at
Tetsuo Hatsuda (RIKEN iTHEMS)
Masazumi Honda (RIKEN iTHEMS)
Shunji Matsuura (1QBit/RIKEN iTHEMS)
Enrico Rinaldi (Quantinuum/RIKEN iTHEMS)
Ermal Rrapaj (LBNL/RIKEN iTHEMS)